Trump Continues To Baffle His Critics

Double down on being a stupid liar.
And mocking Diplomacy while doing so.

How Commie of you.


look, no matter how hard you try, I will never worship Trump the way you do.

He had a very nice photo-op...but that is all it was.

It was nothing more.
You sound like a retarded 12 year old.

Go tell your mommy you need to clean your room.
GG is too busy worshipping himself.

seems better than you being so busy worshiping Trump.
Copy/ mature...not!

yet you continue to do it.

look, no matter how hard you try, I will never worship Trump the way you do.

He had a very nice photo-op...but that is all it was.

It was nothing more.
You sound like a retarded 12 year old.

Go tell your mommy you need to clean your room.
GG is too busy worshipping himself.

seems better than you being so busy worshiping Trump.
Copy/ mature...not!

yet you continue to do it.
Elaborate one issue at a time...

And then tell us how many Libertarian paradises there are where you would be happy.
You sound like a retarded 12 year old.

Go tell your mommy you need to clean your room.
GG is too busy worshipping himself.

seems better than you being so busy worshiping Trump.
Copy/ mature...not!

yet you continue to do it.
Elaborate one issue at a time...

And then tell us how many Libertarian paradises there are where you would be happy.

There are zero Libertarian paradises. Seems there are far too many people like you that could not function without a strong central government holding your hand and telling you what to do.
GG is too busy worshipping himself.

seems better than you being so busy worshiping Trump.
Copy/ mature...not!

yet you continue to do it.
Elaborate one issue at a time...

And then tell us how many Libertarian paradises there are where you would be happy.

There are zero Libertarian paradises. Seems there are far too many people like you that could not function without a strong central government holding your hand and telling you what to do.
I’m not putting you on Ignore.
I’m going to sit back and watch as you display the fact that you never matured past 15.
seems better than you being so busy worshiping Trump.
Copy/ mature...not!

yet you continue to do it.
Elaborate one issue at a time...

And then tell us how many Libertarian paradises there are where you would be happy.

There are zero Libertarian paradises. Seems there are far too many people like you that could not function without a strong central government holding your hand and telling you what to do.
I’m not putting you on Ignore.
I’m going to sit back and watch as you display the fact that you never matured past 15.

wow. you make a comment that one would expect from a 15 year old girl and then talk about my maturity!

once again irony is lost on the ignorant.
While most of you were snoozing away, our President stepped into North Korea and brought Kim Jung Dung back across the DMZ with him. So what? Here's what....Kimchi is not going to give up his nukes. Trump knows that, I know that, you know that. What he can't do is threaten us with them or sell the technology to other slimeballs like we can live with him having his firecrackers and treating his people like slaves. China is never going to give up state sponsorship of their industries..that's apparent. They will also force American companies foolish enough to do business there to turn over their trade secrets. What they can't do is keep their markets closed to the US or computer hack our defense industries. Trump is reality-based. He will get every concession he possibly can from the orient without blowing them off the face of the earth. Yet the Rats' like Tim Ryan, more desperate than ever, are complaining that Trump APPEASED Kimchi and China before that at the G-20. These pitiful dirtbags are no longer hiding how little they care about America unless they're in charge.


Rep. Tim Ryan calls Trump’s historic visit to the DMZ an 'appeasement tour'

GG is too busy worshipping himself.

seems better than you being so busy worshiping Trump.
Copy/ mature...not!

yet you continue to do it.
Elaborate one issue at a time...

And then tell us how many Libertarian paradises there are where you would be happy.

There are zero Libertarian paradises. Seems there are far too many people like you that could not function without a strong central government holding your hand and telling you what to do.
/-----/"a strong central government holding your hand and telling you what to do."
An immigrant from the former USSR was taken to a US supermarket by her family member. At first, she didn't believe a store could be fully stocked unless it was a Government propaganda bit. The family member walked her down the cereal aisle with a few dozen brands to choose from. She asked, "Which cereal does the Government want me to buy?"

And that is Communism in a nut shell.

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