Trump Controls the GOP and they must do Whatever he Wants

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Trump has complete control of the GOP and they must do what he wants, and they must not question all his serious crimes with overwhelming evidence of trump guilt.

Trump has obtained complete control and power over the Republican party by having 100% absolute control over all republican voters. These people will believe any lie Trump feeds them and they will do whatever Trump tells them to do.

If any Republican questions Trump or denounces Trump's numerous crimes or lies, they get "primaried" and lose their seat.
Republicans only care about their jobs and power, therefore they are too scared to ever question Trump. Republicans do not care about America at all, they only care about their party and their power so they will never risk losing their power and influence by questioning Trump.

Flip Floppers Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham tried to "jump ship" after the Jan 6th Trump Insurrection, but Graham was attacked in the airport and quickly came crawling back with his tail between his legs. Kissinger, Cheney and a few others actually had the Patriotism to be honest and truthful and they got "primaried" and lost.

If Trump loses in 2024, and Republicans lose more Congressional races that they should not be losing, like in 2022 midterms, the whole entire shit show will come crashing down. And the party will go down in flames badly fighting amongst themselves and imploding, with Trump to go to prison for all his crimes that he won't be pardoned from with Biden as President.
banker can you deal me in on the next monopoly game.....i want the car token....
Any of the republicans that did the right thing and held Trump accountable by voting to impeach Trump over the insurrection that he clearly incited with his lies was primaried and they are all not in the Senate and or House anymore (Except Romney).

Lindsey Graham was attacked in the airport after he called out Trump for inciting the Insurrection and quickly flip flopped back to loving Trump. Ted Cruz did the same.

I know you hate it when I expose your beloved GOP, I know you hate to hold your beloved GOP accountable for their crimes, corruption, and failure, and debt.
Any of the republicans that did the right thing and held Trump accountable by voting to impeach Trump over the insurrection that he clearly incited with his lies was primaried and they are all not in the Senate and or House anymore (Except Romney).

Lindsey Graham was attacked in the airport after he called out Trump for inciting the Insurrection and quickly flip flopped back to loving Trump. Ted Cruz did the same.

I know you hate it when I expose your beloved GOP, I know you hate to hold your beloved GOP accountable for their crimes, corruption, and failure, and debt.
.when ever i ask you a non political question you come back with trump or do realize you prove what i said about you having a one track mind and are nothing but a die hard do i get in on the next game or not?.....
bankers take Adderall?

Investment bankers work such long hours that many resort to chemical stimuli. There have been rumors of methamphetamine and cocaine use among investment bankers to burn the midnight oil. Other investment bankers take Ritalin or Adderall, which are given to children with ADHD but which are stimulants for you know why the banker is so hyper.....
.when ever i ask you a non political question you come back with trump or do realize you prove what i said about you having a one track mind and are nothing but a die hard do i get in on the next game or not?.....
hey retard this is a political forum, so if you don't like it, then take a hike.

I posted clear cut factual examples to support my OP, you don't like it because it makes your beloved GOP look bad.
You feel the need to defend your party some more because you don;t like how I have exposed you trash.
hey retard this is a political forum, so if you don't like it, then take a hike.

I posted clear cut factual examples to support my OP, you don't like it because it makes your beloved GOP look bad.
You feel the need to defend your party some more because you don;t like how I have exposed you trash.
so i take it you aint dealing me in?....
funny how you feel the need to keep on deflecting because there is nothing else you can do or say.
nothing i do or say makes you come up with something different than what you usually say....even here talking about monopoly....same old why even are the Sox doing?....
Trump has complete control of the GOP and they must do what he wants

I am sorry, but this comment is ignorant.

Trump has obtained complete control and power over the Republican party by having 100% absolute control over all republican voters.

And just how did he do that ?

I can guarantee you there are plenty of conservatives who do NOT support DJT.
Republicans only care about their jobs and power, therefore they are too scared to ever question Trump.

5th grader argument.

Republicans do not care about America at all,

3rd Grader argument.

If Trump loses in 2024, and Republicans lose more Congressional races that they should not be losing, like in 2022 midterms, the whole entire shit show will come crashing down.

Uh...the GOP took back the house in 2022. Sorry. I get the whole disappearing red wave thing, but that was influenced by several factors.

When Bush lost the senate and house, Chris Matthews claimed the GOP would not have a majority in the house again for at least 10 years.

But in 2010 (2 years following the Hardball Loudmouth's comments), the nation didn't just give back the house to the GOP, they shoveled it over to them.
nothing i do or say makes you come up with something different than what you usually say....even here talking about monopoly....same old why even are the Sox doing?....
more diverting
You started talking about monopoly because you can;t address the underlying issues of the threads

You are a little child, first you divert and start talking about monopoly, then you complain that we are talking about monopoly???
That's Dresden level stupid for ya.

Why are you even here if you can't debate the OP?? Then you cry about something that you started talking about??
Lol if that were the case they would have impeached ( Xiden) ( Mayorkas ) ( Garland) 3 months ago
Trump is pushing McCarthy to do just that
McCarthy will cave to Trump's demands, I'm sure this was already discussed and established before Trump backed McCarthy for Speaker.

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