Trump Corporation staff carrying weapons in self-defense from unhinged Leftists

Hang on...I thought you people wanted everyone armed to the teeth?
Now they're safe from the snowflakes and making the libs cry.
Buy more guns and ammo... It’s the best thing anyone can do for this country
Those snowflakes are so scary.
An armed nation is a polite nation...
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is....a good guy with a gun".

Your turn
Firearm ownership is the individuals business, no one else’s... And certainly none of the federal governments business.
"Thoughts and prayers"
Buy more guns and ammo... It’s the best thing anyone can do for this country
Those snowflakes are so scary.
An armed nation is a polite nation...
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is....a good guy with a gun".

Your turn
Firearm ownership is the individuals business, no one else’s... And certainly none of the federal governments business.
"Thoughts and prayers"
More frivolous gun control laws
Frightened snowflakes. I hope they keep their guns from their children. I hope they don't use them in anger against their spouses or others while driving. I hope they don't drop them and accidently shoot themselves.

Sounds like we need to reduce the threat to their lives. Then they wouldn't feel the need.
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?
Trump is all talk when it comes to violence.
He always expects other to do the bleeding.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
Trump inspires hatred.

Hate on the march: White nationalism in the Trump era


They don’t call it socialism for nothing… Hitler’s first love. Lol
They don’t call it socialism for nothing… Hitler’s first love. Lol
Trump's first love...

Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet and may have read it for inspiration'
Those snowflakes are so scary.
An armed nation is a polite nation...
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is....a good guy with a gun".

Your turn
Firearm ownership is the individuals business, no one else’s... And certainly none of the federal governments business.
"Thoughts and prayers"
More frivolous gun control laws
Who said that?
You're not very good at this.
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
Ok we have seen the violent action against people in public places spurred on by the likes of Bar boxer and others. These are radical Democrats and they are a danger to life and limb. So being armed is not out of the question. Not a big choice if you love your family.
An armed nation is a polite nation...
"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is....a good guy with a gun".

Your turn
Firearm ownership is the individuals business, no one else’s... And certainly none of the federal governments business.
"Thoughts and prayers"
More frivolous gun control laws
Who said that?
You're not very good at this.
"Guns don't kill people...people kill people"
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?
Trump is all talk when it comes to violence.
He always expects other to do the bleeding.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
Trump inspires hatred.

Hate on the march: White nationalism in the Trump era


They don’t call it socialism for nothing… Hitler’s first love. Lol
They don’t call it socialism for nothing… Hitler’s first love. Lol
Trump's first love...

Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet and may have read it for inspiration'
What a bunch of bull.
Frightened snowflakes. I hope they keep their guns from their children. I hope they don't use them in anger against their spouses or others while driving. I hope they don't drop them and accidently shoot themselves.
Never worry we know when and how to shoot and some other skills that can really hurt.
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left

A gun is more practical, but a framing hammer would be so much more satisfying.
The Democrats have declared war on other Americans. The more things change, the more things remain the same.
I carry a straight edge razor. It is quicker than a gun in self defense.

And more satisfying to I bet. When sharpening those do they get the stone or is it the strip all the way?

Honestly, I remember back to when I was a kid and the elders talked politics, it never got heated. Now, you walk down the street in a Trump hat and at a minimum you could catch a beating. Don’t know, but it’s a shame folks have to remember to pack the Glock when they go out to play.
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
They all has been carrying concealed weapons for long time. And that what is between Nancy Pelosi's legs isn't a used tampon that she has forgotten about it overtime.

A spokesman for Rep. Heath Shuler, D-N.C., said the congressman who challenged Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for her spot atop the House Democratic Caucus also has a conceal and carry permit and expects to carry a gun more often.

"You never think something like this will happen, but then it does," Shuler told The Politico newspaper. "After the elections, I let my guard down. Now I know I need to have (my gun) on me. We're going to need to do a much better job with security at these events."

Other lawmakers are considering ways to increase security details at home, though several have acknowledged that costs for frequent protection can be prohibitive. However, Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr., D-Ill., announced Tuesday that he wants to restore the 5 percent in members' budgets that was cut by a House resolution last week as well as a 10 percent increase in member budgets for security measures.
While Some Lawmakers Talk Gun Control, Others Pack Heat


Political Elite with Concealed Carry Permits a Symptom of "Only Ones' NOT Support for Gun Rights

What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?
Trump is all talk when it comes to violence.
He always expects other to do the bleeding.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
Yep...socialism enables all those right wing domestic terrorists.
More from the tard's imagination. Terrorism and violence is owned by the left. Believing the SPLC nonsense may make you feel good but they are in business to sell a lie to the tard left.
Frightened snowflakes. I hope they keep their guns from their children. I hope they don't use them in anger against their spouses or others while driving. I hope they don't drop them and accidently shoot themselves.
That WOULD be a terrible way for Maxine Waters to go to heaven, now, wouldn't it.
Trump is all talk when it comes to violence.
He always expects other to do the bleeding.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
Trump inspires hatred.

Hate on the march: White nationalism in the Trump era


They don’t call it socialism for nothing… Hitler’s first love. Lol
They don’t call it socialism for nothing… Hitler’s first love. Lol
Trump's first love...

Donald Trump 'kept book of Adolf Hitler's speeches in his bedside cabinet and may have read it for inspiration'
What a bunch of bull.
What a bunch of bull.
What else would you expect when you elect a bull-sh*t POTUS?

White Supremacy Hurts White People
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?
Trump is all talk when it comes to violence.
He always expects other to do the bleeding.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
Yep...socialism enables all those right wing domestic terrorists.
More from the tard's imagination. Terrorism and violence is owned by the left. Believing the SPLC nonsense may make you feel good but they are in business to sell a lie to the tard left.
More from the tard's imagination. Terrorism and violence is owned by the left. Believing the SPLC nonsense may make you feel good but they are in business to sell a lie to the tard left.
Believing Trump makes you too stupid to exist.

Chart of the day: Right-wing violence soars during Trump presidency

"For the last few years, US terrorist incidents motivated by political ideology have remained fairly stable at about 20 per year.

"Then Donald Trump was inaugurated.

"This had no apparent effect on left-wing or Islamist attacks (the only other categories aside from right-wing), but it had a huge impact on right-wing violence:"
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?

Sorial said that 10-year-old son of one Trump Organization staffer came home to tell his parents he had been bullied because of their links to the President.

Another boy was abused online because his mother works for the Trump Organization.

Sorial calls the people making these comments ‘cowards’ and says that carrying a gun is the only way he feels safe.

He writes: ‘I will never leave home without my trusted Glock, and I’m not the only one who considers a firearm and absolute necessity. Thank God for the Second Amendment’.

In the book, Sorial paints a colorful portrait of Trump and says he loves hot dogs and eating meatloaf at his desk.

More of this disgusting piece @ TRUMP STAFF Carrying Guns To Work Out Of “Absolutely Necessity"…Afraid For Their Safety From Unhinged Left
What has this country come to that people have to strap on guns in order to commute safely to and from their place of work? And when they’re just out and around minding their own business?
Trump is all talk when it comes to violence.
He always expects other to do the bleeding.

FACT CHECK: Did Donald Trump Encourage Violence at His Rallies?
The vast majority of violence in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas with extremely strict gun control laws...

Socialism inspires violence
Yep...socialism enables all those right wing domestic terrorists.
More from the tard's imagination. Terrorism and violence is owned by the left. Believing the SPLC nonsense may make you feel good but they are in business to sell a lie to the tard left.
More from the tard's imagination. Terrorism and violence is owned by the left. Believing the SPLC nonsense may make you feel good but they are in business to sell a lie to the tard left.
Believing Trump makes you too stupid to exist.

Chart of the day: Right-wing violence soars during Trump presidency

"For the last few years, US terrorist incidents motivated by political ideology have remained fairly stable at about 20 per year.

"Then Donald Trump was inaugurated.

"This had no apparent effect on left-wing or Islamist attacks (the only other categories aside from right-wing), but it had a huge impact on right-wing violence:"
Mother JONES!!!

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