Trump corruption in real time

Any Republican who goes against Trump in this impeachment is too stupid to ever vote for. Democrats have a reason for being stupid. It comes natural to them.
The problem with all of this is the hit job on Biden.
Somebody released his video bragging about bribery.....this cock&bull story surfaces about why Trump wanted to wait till he talked to the Ukrainian president before releasing the aid. Democrats claim that it was all about Biden....which it wasn't. Trump had till Sept 30th to release the aid or veto it. The hold was only a few days....unit Trump could talk with the new president and get assurances he wasn't as corrupt as the previous president....who was dealing with the Obama Administration.

BTW, where is the law that a president cannot investigate wrongdoing by he political competition?
Can they just declare that they're running for president and be above the law forever??????
No they cannot.
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The longer Dems keep this anti American impeachment charade going, the less credibility and respect they have. Dems make bigger assholes out of themselves every day but they're too far out of touch with reality to realize it. They figure they'll keep living it their way as long as the idiots in the MSM keep saying they're right. .
Will this get you to the 51 Senators you need to remove Trump?:5_1_12024:

Nope..cause you need 67...and I'm assuming you knew that.
Of course they withheld the money...and they released the money cause they got caught. Whoops. :)
How could that be?
Sure......who caught them?
Democrat spies??????

BTW, what's the statute that covers withholding foreign aid?
Answer: There is no statute.

The claim isn't that Trump broke the law.....the claim is he withheld aid to find dirt on Biden.....who at the time was dropping so fast in the polls that he'll be lucky to get to Super Tuesday.

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  • re; ukraine money
:abgg2q.jpg: gotta love that

DEMOCRATS: Those caring souls. First, tireless warriors for the caring of the Kurds.

Now out to save the Ukrainians.

Before that, any dirty bum in bare feet who could trod up from Columbia and Nicaragua.

Endless love -- -- -- -- for anything but America and her people.
The problem with all of this is the hit job on Biden.
Somebody released his video bragging about bribery.....this cock&bull story surfaces about why Trump wanted to wait till he talked to the Ukrainian president before releasing the aid. Democrats claim that it was all about Biden....which it wasn't. Trump had till Sept 30th to release the aid or veto it. The hold was only a few days....unit Trump could talk with the new president and get assurances he wasn't as corrupt as the previous president....who was dealing with the Obama Administration.

BTW, where is the law that a president cannot investigate wrongdoing by he political competition?
Can they just declare that they're running for president and be above the law forever??????
No they cannot.
Lol, it was all about the hit job on Biden.

That video is out if context and meaningless.

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