Trump, Covid and his rally in Michigan

The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

While people like you support the self avowed Marxist Socialist Commies named Antifa and BLM just as the rest of the racist PMS/DSA Democrats do, including their presumptive candidate for the presidency does....

Doc, you're becoming a joke, not even trying to give a valid reason for supporting trump, as you apparently have nothing left but polictial name calling. Question: Have you ever seen it used as an effective tool to convince anybody or even shut them down, especially if they are not and do not actually support those things, many people not even Democrats. You did not try to refute one thing that guy said, as being untrue or less than100% accurate. You realize by now (or should) you are probably not going to be able to convince anybody to re-frame the questions of trump vs Biden as anything other than trump's lack of leadership, truthfulness, his self serving nature, his world view, his support of dictators/communists and the horrible way he has refused to lead (in a positive direction) on Covid-19, as some trumped up battle of Marxism vs Democracy, right? It ain't. It gets to sounding like nothing but deflection because even you cannot deny trumps own words and deeds. You need to go see a real Doc about some impotency drugs, cause you ain't cutting the mustard, Doc.

Trump provided leadership on the Chinese virus by putting on a travel ban... which liberals naturally called racist.

He convinced people like you that it wasn't serious, set the example of no masks, he has done nothing but play politics with it, and played it poorly, killing thousand, including every single one that did not take precaution because he downplayed the danger (he knew was deadly serious in January) then told the public it was just like seasonal flu, and every one that came into contact with those poor unfortunate dupes. Were Number 1 in the world on Covid cases and death due to trump.
The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

While people like you support the self avowed Marxist Socialist Commies named Antifa and BLM just as the rest of the racist PMS/DSA Democrats do, including their presumptive candidate for the presidency does....

Doc, you're becoming a joke, not even trying to give a valid reason for supporting trump, as you apparently have nothing left but polictial name calling. Question: Have you ever seen it used as an effective tool to convince anybody or even shut them down, especially if they are not and do not actually support those things, many people not even Democrats. You did not try to refute one thing that guy said, as being untrue or less than100% accurate. You realize by now (or should) you are probably not going to be able to convince anybody to re-frame the questions of trump vs Biden as anything other than trump's lack of leadership, truthfulness, his self serving nature, his world view, his support of dictators/communists and the horrible way he has refused to lead (in a positive direction) on Covid-19, as some trumped up battle of Marxism vs Democracy, right? It ain't. It gets to sounding like nothing but deflection because even you cannot deny trumps own words and deeds. You need to go see a real Doc about some impotency drugs, cause you ain't cutting the mustard, Doc.

Contrary to your bovine scatology, I can back up my statements.... How about you, big mouth? In your blaind TDS, You support BLM and Antifa both proven self avowed Communist terrorist groups supported and financed by the DNC...
Read the following and view the YouTube video:


No. I don't support BLM or Antifa. End of story. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::funnyface::21::21::spank::290968001256257790-final:
The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

While people like you support the self avowed Marxist Socialist Commies named Antifa and BLM just as the rest of the racist PMS/DSA Democrats do, including their presumptive candidate for the presidency does....

View attachment 387379

I do not support nor am I an avowed Marxist Socialist commie. Of course I am opposed to fascism, all American patriots understand our nation fought and defeated fascist states (Germany, Italy and Japan) in WW II; as did my dad, my uncles and several of my mother's cousins, one of whom survived the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Their courage and sacrifice is why I am so opposed to the neo fascist government which commenced on Jan. 20th, 2017. And I will continue to support the oath of office to support and defend the US from all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC.

If you support ANIFTA and BLM you're one confused pup
A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague

And replace him with Mr. Magoo? You guys could have put up a halfway decent candidate whose mind wasn't drifting into dementia, but instead you choose a 50 year swamp rat who is guilty of voting for most of the things you people are now bitching about and who hasn't managed to change any of the things he says he'll change now in all of that time.

If Trump manages to get reelected you'll have only yourselves to blame for it.
A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague

And replace him with Mr. Magoo? You guys could have put up a halfway decent candidate whose mind wasn't drifting into dementia, but instead you choose a 50 year swamp rat who is guilty of voting for most of the things you people are now bitching about and who hasn't managed to change any of the things he says he'll change now in all of that time.

If Trump manages to get reelected you'll have only yourselves to blame for it.

What evidence and what background do you have to make a diagnosis of dementia? Biden is not Trump; Biden is not a megalomaniac, Biden does not meet the criteria to diagnose several Personality Disorders, as does Trump.

If Trump manages (a good word) to get elected he will have managed to suppress the vote.
The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

You're fucking nuts.
The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

You're fucking nuts.

Really, explain how my mental acuity is suspect, the thread is easily verified as to facts and purpose.
What evidence and what background do you have to make a diagnosis of dementia?

I've seen his live appearances. That's my evidence, partisan tard. Why don't you ask your own party? They were all saying it back in the primary until it became clear he was getting the nomination. Then they all stopped talking about it and began complaining about everyone else pointing it out.

Biden is not Trump; Biden is not a megalomaniac, Biden does not meet the criteria to diagnose several Personality Disorders, as does Trump.

Trump is a narcissist for sure, but I'll give him credit for knowing what day it is and not drifting off into a collection of unintelligible gobbledygook mid sentence.

If Trump manages (a good word) to get elected he will have managed to suppress the vote.

What evidence and what background do you have to make a diagnosis of dementia?

I've seen his live appearances. That's my evidence, partisan tard. Why don't you ask your own party? They were all saying it back in the primary until it became clear he was getting the nomination. Then they all stopped talking about it and began complaining about everyone else pointing it out.

Biden is not Trump; Biden is not a megalomaniac, Biden does not meet the criteria to diagnose several Personality Disorders, as does Trump.

Trump is a narcissist for sure, but I'll give him credit for knowing what day it is and not drifting off into a collection of unintelligible gobbledygook mid sentence.

If Trump manages (a good word) to get elected he will have managed to suppress the vote.


I suggest you view more videos of Donald Trump, his off the teleprompter and off the notes written by others can become unintelligible gobbledygook (in) mid sentence.
What evidence and what background do you have to make a diagnosis of dementia?

I've seen his live appearances. That's my evidence, partisan tard. Why don't you ask your own party? They were all saying it back in the primary until it became clear he was getting the nomination. Then they all stopped talking about it and began complaining about everyone else pointing it out.

Biden is not Trump; Biden is not a megalomaniac, Biden does not meet the criteria to diagnose several Personality Disorders, as does Trump.

Trump is a narcissist for sure, but I'll give him credit for knowing what day it is and not drifting off into a collection of unintelligible gobbledygook mid sentence.

If Trump manages (a good word) to get elected he will have managed to suppress the vote.


I suggest you view more videos of Donald Trump, his off the teleprompter and off the notes written by others can become unintelligible gobbledygook (in) mid sentence.

That happens to everybody on occasion when speaking off the cuff. It happens to Biden during almost every appearance and that's when his words are scripted. I know it. You know it. His handlers know it which is why he rarely takes any questions and when he does they are preselected. It's why a member of his campaign staff refused to answer Brett Bair's question the other night about whether or not Biden uses a teleprompter during his virtual appearances.

The idea that you are willing to put our country in the hands of a man almost 80 years old with his mental faculties failing and has more than a fair chance that he won't even finish his term is grossly irresponsible of you and makes you no better than the Trump Tards. You people are flushing our country straight into the shitter.
Trump is going to rally in Vegas Sunday. i have someone in mind from this thread who should go!
Yawn the Left and its lackeys in the media lost all credibilty when they started cheering for the BLM and Antifa protests, riots, rallies, arson, and looting, and not a peep about the virus or social distancing.

But that's assuming they had any credibility to begin with, which they didn't. It's best just to laugh at their exhibitions of faux outrage over things they're far more guilty of. And that goes with literally everything they accuse Republicans of, whether It's racism, violence, fascism, antisemitism, intolerance, etc.
The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

This was no rally
It was just a peaceful protest

Maybe you just didn't recognize it as a peaceful protest since this one didn't have burning building, looted best buys.... targets... Kentucky fried chickens, and dead bodies

Peaceful protests have been approved by the establishment left and its media

Ya idgit
The truth of Trumpism has been all over the major news networks, day and night; only a Trump Supporter has missed or is in denial of the evidence that DJT is fully culpable of putting We the People in harm's way for the past eight months.

Trump continued last night, strutting to the stage without a mask and exposing a large number of biddable fools at a Michigan Rally, those who will continue to spread the virus in their cities and towns to their neighbors and relatives. and be culpable for the deaths of more American Citizens.

A vote for Trump is a vote for a plague; for those who believe in the words of the Bible, they may consider not only the virus, but how hurricanes, tornadoes and forest fires in the US compare with the 10 plagues of Egypt:

One of the Bible's most dramatic scenes plays out in a showdown between God and an Egyptian Pharaoh, resulting in 10 nightmarish plagues. The Hebrew nation that God formed to worship and represent him was enslaved in Egypt, and he was demanding their release through his servant, Moses. As Pharaoh continues to resist Moses, God inflicts upon Egypt a series of plagues. As the standoff drags on, the plagues become more severe, eventually escalating to the death of all of Egypt's firstborn sons. Why did God choose the plagues he did? And why did he harden Pharaoh's heart, ensuring that Egypt would experience the entire series of plagues? These are some of the questions that Dr. Gary E. Schnittjer, professor of the Old Testament at Cairn University, tackles in his online course, The Torah Story. This video is adapted from his course material.

While people like you support the self avowed Marxist Socialist Commies named Antifa and BLM just as the rest of the racist PMS/DSA Democrats do, including their presumptive candidate for the presidency does....

Doc, you're becoming a joke, not even trying to give a valid reason for supporting trump, as you apparently have nothing left but polictial name calling. Question: Have you ever seen it used as an effective tool to convince anybody or even shut them down, especially if they are not and do not actually support those things, many people not even Democrats. You did not try to refute one thing that guy said, as being untrue or less than100% accurate. You realize by now (or should) you are probably not going to be able to convince anybody to re-frame the questions of trump vs Biden as anything other than trump's lack of leadership, truthfulness, his self serving nature, his world view, his support of dictators/communists and the horrible way he has refused to lead (in a positive direction) on Covid-19, as some trumped up battle of Marxism vs Democracy, right? It ain't. It gets to sounding like nothing but deflection because even you cannot deny trumps own words and deeds. You need to go see a real Doc about some impotency drugs, cause you ain't cutting the mustard, Doc.

Contrary to your bovine scatology, I can back up my statements.... How about you, big mouth? In your blaind TDS, You support BLM and Antifa both proven self avowed Communist terrorist groups supported and financed by the DNC...
Read the following and view the YouTube video:



Seems the Doc. has consumed this Kool-Aid and believes the Deep State wants to take over the means of production, all manufacturing, farming and energy which would be run by Government Bureaucrats, appointed by a Politburo Standing Committee superior to The Congress.

There is nothing substantive to prove any Democrats, elected or serving in the Civil Service are consorting with Russian or Chinese agents. There is no Deep State, to suggest there is is perplexing since if it is deep, it is not perceivable as an active effort in words or deeds to over-through our Democratic Republic.

The most serous and substantive effort to change our form of governance is out in the open. Donald Trump has fired and/or forced civil servants to retire and replace them with those loyal to his "excellency". Moscow Mitch should have recused himself from any participation in the impeachment of trump, since Moscow's wife is serving at the pleasure of the president.
this was the best part

Good point! Meanwhile, Trump does hand motions while Biden sniffs, gropes, and at time even sexually assaults.

Really, Biden forces kisses and grabs pussy's and has been accused with sexual perversions (and even rape by 2 women) by 25 women? Oh yead, that's Trump, who bragged about what amounts to sexaul battery and other high crimes (felonies); and let's not forget he violated campaign finance laws to bribe two women he had affairs with during his marriage.
What evidence and what background do you have to make a diagnosis of dementia?

I've seen his live appearances. That's my evidence, partisan tard. Why don't you ask your own party? They were all saying it back in the primary until it became clear he was getting the nomination. Then they all stopped talking about it and began complaining about everyone else pointing it out.

Biden is not Trump; Biden is not a megalomaniac, Biden does not meet the criteria to diagnose several Personality Disorders, as does Trump.

Trump is a narcissist for sure, but I'll give him credit for knowing what day it is and not drifting off into a collection of unintelligible gobbledygook mid sentence.

If Trump manages (a good word) to get elected he will have managed to suppress the vote.


Come to think about it, The Donald accused one of his opponent's father to be complicit in the assassination of President Kennedy. Shall I go through all of the character assassinations Trump expressed during the 2016 Republican race for the nomination?
What evidence and what background do you have to make a diagnosis of dementia?

I've seen his live appearances. That's my evidence, partisan tard. Why don't you ask your own party? They were all saying it back in the primary until it became clear he was getting the nomination. Then they all stopped talking about it and began complaining about everyone else pointing it out.

Biden is not Trump; Biden is not a megalomaniac, Biden does not meet the criteria to diagnose several Personality Disorders, as does Trump.

Trump is a narcissist for sure, but I'll give him credit for knowing what day it is and not drifting off into a collection of unintelligible gobbledygook mid sentence.

If Trump manages (a good word) to get elected he will have managed to suppress the vote.


Come to think about it, The Donald accused one of his opponent's father to be complicit in the assassination of President Kennedy. Shall I go through all of the character assassinations Trump expressed during the 2016 Republican race for the nomination?
Would not bother me if you did. You are doing fine. Thanks for the posts.:clap:

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