Trump Critic Defeated

Awesome . More far right kooks in the general election, the better for the blue wave .
Sanford is gone, good.

That makes the victor easier a target in the general election.
Awesome . More far right kooks in the general election, the better for the blue wave .
There will be no blue wave. Put down the bong...and just walk away. Your waaaay too stoned.
SC is a hell hole anyway, a GOP stronghold.
Fine southern state. What state are you from sir? California freak show? Illinois with it’s corrupt Democratic machine out of Chicago? Or New York State with it’s international city NYC? Perhaps you reside in the city of San Francisco, where people take great pride in shitting on the sidewalks?
I doubt there will be a wave of any color in the mid terms - The dems only need two more seats in the Senate and Trump and his Cartel are screwed like the cockroaches they are until 2020.
I doubt there will be a wave of any color in the mid terms - The dems only need two more seats in the Senate and Trump and his Cartel are screwed like the cockroaches they are until 2020.
you're a genius. we appreciate the obvious. now you just have to win.
Awesome . More far right kooks in the general election, the better for the blue wave .
In the short run, yes.

In the long run, they are a clear danger to democracy. They're not all the same: one is a former neo-Nazi, one thinks Germany was led by gay Nazis, one supports incest and pedophilia and so on. The idea of something being so outrageous as to not be socially acceptable is gone.
I doubt there will be a wave of any color in the mid terms - The dems only need two more seats in the Senate and Trump and his Cartel are screwed like the cockroaches they are until 2020.
Democrats need 2...but will lose at least 5.
Awesome . More far right kooks in the general election, the better for the blue wave .
In the short run, yes.

In the long run, they are a clear danger to democracy. They're not all the same: one is a former neo-Nazi, one thinks Germany was led by gay Nazis, one supports incest and pedophilia and so on. The idea of something being so outrageous as to not be socially acceptable is gone.
Liberals are a danger to democracy. Have tried to undo a constitutional democratic election since November 2016.
Awesome . More far right kooks in the general election, the better for the blue wave .
In the short run, yes.

In the long run, they are a clear danger to democracy. They're not all the same: one is a former neo-Nazi, one thinks Germany was led by gay Nazis, one supports incest and pedophilia and so on. The idea of something being so outrageous as to not be socially acceptable is gone.
Liberals are a danger to democracy. Have tried to undo a constitutional democratic election since November 2016.
ok, Comrade Bushov
It's becoming obvious that many of the Trump supporters are apparently propagitposters for Russia and Putin.

They pretend that NK, now, is not an enemy, which is typical of the old Russia supporters that followed the Stalinist changes in message and opinion, moving back and forth as directed by Moscow.
Sandford was about lowering deficts. He HAD to go.

Exactly what I was about to point out. Sanford actually walked the talk of the GOP. He was one of the few in DC who actually practiced the limited government and lower spending they talk about. Isn't it interesting how those values have now been thrown out the door by conservatives all because Sanford called out Trump on his failings in that regard?

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