Trump culture

Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?

1. Crooked Hillary was an asshole.

2. Trump understood that the EC elects Presidents. Crooked Hillary thought it was the popular vote.

3. Americans wanted to make this country great again after the Obama failure.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" -- The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.
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We elected Trump because we sent a big fuck you to Democrats. Every time you see support for Trump think. This is how much they hate us.

You still won't understand but you will get closer.
This is the pro wrestling reality TV mindset as response.

My point is bing made.

You would rather engage in 'fuck you' rhetoric than an honest intellectual debate.
You morons already lost the debate a long time ago.

That is why you desperately rely on censorship, allowing criminals to vote and pushing amnesty and drugs.
Nice work, you literally just proved his point. Bravo

No, idiot.

I took his non-existent “point”, fashioned it into a blunt weapon and smashed him over the head with it.

Not to mention the fact that reality shows have largely DEMOCRAT audiences and literally always have. Most Democrats are no longer even intelligent enough to understand what a debate actually is anyway.
Wrestlers smash things over people’s heads. Q.E.D.

Where did you find the information about the politics of reality TV audiences?

Trade and Immigration were the issues. You are being an ass by pretending they were not.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.

It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.

It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.

It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.

1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.

It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.

1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
1. Won't sustain in voting size/percentage. I figured that was clear.
2. As I said, I'm looking at the macro level. There are the issues, and then there are the associated peripheral behaviors and actions.
3. Sure, nothing wrong with supporting his behaviors. That's up to you.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President?
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.

It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.

1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
1. Won't sustain in voting size/percentage. I figured that was clear.
2. As I said, I'm looking at the macro level. There are the issues, and then there are the associated peripheral behaviors and actions.
3. Sure, nothing wrong with supporting his behaviors. That's up to you.

1. And then what happens?

2. And both are important and valid. Why are you pretending otherwise?

3. "HIs behaviors"? You act like before Trump we were operating by formal debate rules.
On a macro level, his win represents a final primal scream, a last gasp of frustration from those who see the country changing, an explosion of rage that we're seeing globally. Trump is a big "fuck you" to everyone who has frustrated these people.

It didn't help that the Dems ran a mediocre candidate, and it didn't help that hardcore Left animated this rage with their ugly Political Correctness and Identity Politics tactics, and by publicly mocking and insulting conservatives. These behaviors were tailor-made for talk radio and conservative internet, which could then point at them and say "see?" The hardcore Left refuse to admit the role they played in this.

This hasn't played out yet fully, so we'll see. It will at some point. And the Right is simply not equipped, not trained, to use thoughtful reason and intelligence to stop what's coming.

It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.

1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
1. Won't sustain in voting size/percentage. I figured that was clear.
2. As I said, I'm looking at the macro level. There are the issues, and then there are the associated peripheral behaviors and actions.
3. Sure, nothing wrong with supporting his behaviors. That's up to you.

1. And then what happens?

2. And both are important and valid. Why are you pretending otherwise?

3. "HIs behaviors"? You act like before Trump we were operating by formal debate rules.
1. And then electoral victories become less frequent.
2. They are both important and valid. They are symbiotic. I'm not pretending anything.
3. Whatever you want to call it, you're welcome to support it.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?
Hillary lost to him too
It is not a "last" anything. We will always be here. Unless you want to admit something about the left agenda?

AND, that fact that you keep ignoring the issues of the campaign, in order to justify your bias against us, is a fine reason for us to be angry. ANOTHER fine reason.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.

1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
1. Won't sustain in voting size/percentage. I figured that was clear.
2. As I said, I'm looking at the macro level. There are the issues, and then there are the associated peripheral behaviors and actions.
3. Sure, nothing wrong with supporting his behaviors. That's up to you.

1. And then what happens?

2. And both are important and valid. Why are you pretending otherwise?

3. "HIs behaviors"? You act like before Trump we were operating by formal debate rules.
1. And then electoral victories become less frequent.
2. They are both important and valid. They are symbiotic. I'm not pretending anything.
3. Whatever you want to call it, you're welcome to support it.

Less frequent? That doesn't sound so bad. Is that really what you believe will happen?

Hardly justifies talk like"LAST gasp".

If the wins are one fourth of the time, instead of half, that is hardly "LAST" anything.
I didn't say you're going anywhere, I'm just saying your numbers won't sustain. And we know about the popular vote totals.

And of course issues played into this. But the factors I mentioned above are what animated his voters.

The two conditions can exist within the universe simultaneously.

1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
1. Won't sustain in voting size/percentage. I figured that was clear.
2. As I said, I'm looking at the macro level. There are the issues, and then there are the associated peripheral behaviors and actions.
3. Sure, nothing wrong with supporting his behaviors. That's up to you.

1. And then what happens?

2. And both are important and valid. Why are you pretending otherwise?

3. "HIs behaviors"? You act like before Trump we were operating by formal debate rules.
1. And then electoral victories become less frequent.
2. They are both important and valid. They are symbiotic. I'm not pretending anything.
3. Whatever you want to call it, you're welcome to support it.

Less frequent? That doesn't sound so bad. Is that really what you believe will happen?

Hardly justifies talk like"LAST gasp".

If the wins are one fourth of the time, instead of half, that is hardly "LAST" anything.
Semantics. I think there is a peak to this, and that we're seeing it. That's all.
1. Won't sustain what?

2. When you down play the issues, to minimize or dismiss the legitimate issues of Trump supporters, you are insulting them. To them further dismiss them because they are then angry, does not look very good on you.

3. There is nothing wrong with enjoying someone who is willing to stand up to the lib bullies.
1. Won't sustain in voting size/percentage. I figured that was clear.
2. As I said, I'm looking at the macro level. There are the issues, and then there are the associated peripheral behaviors and actions.
3. Sure, nothing wrong with supporting his behaviors. That's up to you.

1. And then what happens?

2. And both are important and valid. Why are you pretending otherwise?

3. "HIs behaviors"? You act like before Trump we were operating by formal debate rules.
1. And then electoral victories become less frequent.
2. They are both important and valid. They are symbiotic. I'm not pretending anything.
3. Whatever you want to call it, you're welcome to support it.

Less frequent? That doesn't sound so bad. Is that really what you believe will happen?

Hardly justifies talk like"LAST gasp".

If the wins are one fourth of the time, instead of half, that is hardly "LAST" anything.
Semantics. I think there is a peak to this, and that we're seeing it. That's all.

This is the peak of Democrat power.
This is the pro wrestling reality TV mindset as response.

My point is bing made.

You would rather engage in 'fuck you' rhetoric than an honest intellectual debate.
You morons already lost the debate a long time ago.

That is why you desperately rely on censorship, allowing criminals to vote and pushing amnesty and drugs.
Nice work, you literally just proved his point. Bravo

No, idiot.

I took his non-existent “point”, fashioned it into a blunt weapon and smashed him over the head with it.

Not to mention the fact that reality shows have largely DEMOCRAT audiences and literally always have. Most Democrats are no longer even intelligent enough to understand what a debate actually is anyway.
Wrestlers smash things over people’s heads. Q.E.D.

Where did you find the information about the politics of reality TV audiences?
Reality TV started with shows like “Big Brother” on CBS and MTV shit like “Real world” and “Road Rules” aka 99.9999% Democrat audiences.

Just because you can find a few shows that largely are derogatory towards conservatives and rural people but yet have a significant minority of Republicans watching them like the Chrisley’s and such doesn’t mean that reality tv is not absolutely dominated by Democrat audiences.

Television in general is becoming exclusively watched by Democrats. No real conservative could watch the highly partisan or degenerate filth that lines the schedules of all 3 big networks and their subsidiaries. Who the fuck do you honestly think watches total shit like “2 Broke Girls”?
You just make up what you want, don't you?
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

You Tards just don’t get it.....

We voted for Trump because we like what he stands for....

You Tards don’t like him because unlike the average pussy republican Trump Fights Back...

Trump is MAGA...….
We tardsmdon't like him because he is a phony, boorish brute unworthy of respect as he shows none himself.

Your examples pale in comparison to Trumps actions......

Trump is MAGA.....

I am curious, what did you think of bill clinton?

You seem like a decent, yet confused person.........
I am racking my memory to come up with an example of President Clinton insulting groups of people or individuals. I am trying to remember when President Clin on mocked the disabled. When did President Clinton disrespect POWs? Gold Star families? Blacks? The dead?
You morons already lost the debate a long time ago.

That is why you desperately rely on censorship, allowing criminals to vote and pushing amnesty and drugs.
Nice work, you literally just proved his point. Bravo

No, idiot.

I took his non-existent “point”, fashioned it into a blunt weapon and smashed him over the head with it.

Not to mention the fact that reality shows have largely DEMOCRAT audiences and literally always have. Most Democrats are no longer even intelligent enough to understand what a debate actually is anyway.
Wrestlers smash things over people’s heads. Q.E.D.

Where did you find the information about the politics of reality TV audiences?
Reality TV started with shows like “Big Brother” on CBS and MTV shit like “Real world” and “Road Rules” aka 99.9999% Democrat audiences.

Just because you can find a few shows that largely are derogatory towards conservatives and rural people but yet have a significant minority of Republicans watching them like the Chrisley’s and such doesn’t mean that reality tv is not absolutely dominated by Democrat audiences.

Television in general is becoming exclusively watched by Democrats. No real conservative could watch the highly partisan or degenerate filth that lines the schedules of all 3 big networks and their subsidiaries. Who the fuck do you honestly think watches total shit like “2 Broke Girls”?
You just make up what you want, don't you?
Care to attempt to dispute anything I said?

Making up what you want is when you stupidly claim that Republicans watch reality tv shows as part of an of an ignorant wider narrative you have about Trump supporters.

You are the idiot who made this thread based on absolutely no sources or data of any kind.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

You Tards just don’t get it.....

We voted for Trump because we like what he stands for....

You Tards don’t like him because unlike the average pussy republican Trump Fights Back...

Trump is MAGA...….
We tardsmdon't like him because he is a phony, boorish brute unworthy of respect as he shows none himself.

Your examples pale in comparison to Trumps actions......

Trump is MAGA.....

I am curious, what did you think of bill clinton?

You seem like a decent, yet confused person.........
No, Nosmo is just another Democrat asshole.
Spoken like a wrestler.

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