Trump culture

Trump will tell you! He said, If Obama and Biden had done their jobs I would not be President!” Now put that in yer. Bong and inhale deeply!
Someone please tell Trump that The Apprentice was not reality.

When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.
Hey! Mr wheelie addict. I may have mentioned this before but ewe libtards speak the exact same language ie cult. Something tells me you asswipes are more cultlike than a bunch of hari kirchners
Just my opinion. I'm probably being a bit harsh with the cult stuff. There were plenty of supporters of Obama that were cult like too, its not limited to one party.

Have a good one
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

Your initial question went by the wayside with the second sentence of your post, and continued with a negative and narrow stereotype. If that is your set view of half of your fellow Americans, far beyond "the right ", then you had no intent for an honest debate. Simply an opportunity to condescend and show your disdain towards "those people". There's nothing wrong with that, and I actually like it when people admit that their true anger and issues are with the mass of those voters, rather than just one man.
Cowardly and dumb? Wow. He lost his son you dumbshit and was emotionally spent. Go after policy all you want but when you fools get personal it just shows how petty and weak you really are
You may be right about that in civility.Butn Joe had no problem stealing from others and affecting families with his legislation over the years. Obamacare affected a lot of people's family finances in spite of the pre existing conditions mantra. I never heard much from any Prog Socialist politician when people begged for help as their health premiums and the penalty took from their living standards.
That’s a fair critique and a good debate. The counter balance was that millions more got insurance and patients gained more protections. But affordability was pitched and promised and not delivered.

I for one wish the right would have worked with Dems on trying to help costs instead of the non stop “repeal and replace” BS. You can’t say that helped anything.

It helped me. I don't have to pay that Fn fine any longer.
How about instead of paying the fine you enroll for health insurance so we the tax payers don’t need to pay your hospital bills should you get into an accident?

How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?
Trump will tell you! He said, If Obama and Biden had done their jobs I would not be President!” Now put that in yer. Bong and inhale deeply!
Someone please tell Trump that The Apprentice was not reality.

When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.

What we on the right rate is how well of a job a person is doing. On the left, you fall for the smile, the suit or dress, the wonderful looking family, the dog. You people vote for representatives like you vote for your favorite American Idol contestant. Who cares about their accomplishments?

With the left, it's always has been and always will be a personality contest; who's the biggest phony.

We on the right understand how abrasive Trump can be. We understand he might not make the best next door neighbor or brother-in-law. But perhaps if we all started voting with our brains instead of our heart, we might get better people to run this country.
We elected Trump because we sent a big fuck you to Democrats. Every time you see support for Trump think. This is how much they hate us.

You still won't understand but you will get closer.
Well, thanks for the fuck you. And thanks for electing a moron to the highest office on the planet. And you brag about it.

The total dumbing down of America is now complete with the election of a jackass who doesn't read.
You may be right about that in civility.Butn Joe had no problem stealing from others and affecting families with his legislation over the years. Obamacare affected a lot of people's family finances in spite of the pre existing conditions mantra. I never heard much from any Prog Socialist politician when people begged for help as their health premiums and the penalty took from their living standards.
That’s a fair critique and a good debate. The counter balance was that millions more got insurance and patients gained more protections. But affordability was pitched and promised and not delivered.

I for one wish the right would have worked with Dems on trying to help costs instead of the non stop “repeal and replace” BS. You can’t say that helped anything.

It helped me. I don't have to pay that Fn fine any longer.
How about instead of paying the fine you enroll for health insurance so we the tax payers don’t need to pay your hospital bills should you get into an accident?

How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?

Like many small businesses, my employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started. His rates went up so high he couldn't take it any longer, and Commie Care not only made the rates unaffordable, but gave him a way out.

Looking for new employment, I found that many other companies did the same. So thanks to the Democrats, they made a bad thing worse. Prior to that, nobody in my line of work ever offered a job without some sort of healthcare benefit.
Trump will tell you! He said, If Obama and Biden had done their jobs I would not be President!” Now put that in yer. Bong and inhale deeply!
Someone please tell Trump that The Apprentice was not reality.

When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.

What we on the right rate is how well of a job a person is doing. On the left, you fall for the smile, the suit or dress, the wonderful looking family, the dog. You people vote for representatives like you vote for your favorite American Idol contestant. Who cares about their accomplishments?

With the left, it's always has been and always will be a personality contest; who's the biggest phony.

We on the right understand how abrasive Trump can be. We understand he might not make the best next door neighbor or brother-in-law. But perhaps if we all started voting with our brains instead of our heart, we might get better people to run this country.
Next time you vote in a Presidential election, ya mind not leaving your brain in the parking lot?
Trump will tell you! He said, If Obama and Biden had done their jobs I would not be President!” Now put that in yer. Bong and inhale deeply!
Someone please tell Trump that The Apprentice was not reality.

When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.

What we on the right rate is how well of a job a person is doing. On the left, you fall for the smile, the suit or dress, the wonderful looking family, the dog. You people vote for representatives like you vote for your favorite American Idol contestant. Who cares about their accomplishments?

With the left, it's always has been and always will be a personality contest; who's the biggest phony.

We on the right understand how abrasive Trump can be. We understand he might not make the best next door neighbor or brother-in-law. But perhaps if we all started voting with our brains instead of our heart, we might get better people to run this country.
Next time you vote in a Presidential election, ya mind not leaving your brain in the parking lot?

Maybe you should quit being such a troll here.
That’s a fair critique and a good debate. The counter balance was that millions more got insurance and patients gained more protections. But affordability was pitched and promised and not delivered.

I for one wish the right would have worked with Dems on trying to help costs instead of the non stop “repeal and replace” BS. You can’t say that helped anything.

It helped me. I don't have to pay that Fn fine any longer.
How about instead of paying the fine you enroll for health insurance so we the tax payers don’t need to pay your hospital bills should you get into an accident?

How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?

Like many small businesses, my employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started. His rates went up so high he couldn't take it any longer, and Commie Care not only made the rates unaffordable, but gave him a way out.

Looking for new employment, I found that many other companies did the same. So thanks to the Democrats, they made a bad thing worse. Prior to that, nobody in my line of work ever offered a job without some sort of healthcare benefit.
But, Trump said he had a plan covering everyone at less cost didn't he? You hate Obama but will vote for Trump again even though he lied to you. He never had shit. It was all pure unadulterated bullshit.
Trump will tell you! He said, If Obama and Biden had done their jobs I would not be President!” Now put that in yer. Bong and inhale deeply!
Someone please tell Trump that The Apprentice was not reality.

When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.

What we on the right rate is how well of a job a person is doing. On the left, you fall for the smile, the suit or dress, the wonderful looking family, the dog. You people vote for representatives like you vote for your favorite American Idol contestant. Who cares about their accomplishments?

With the left, it's always has been and always will be a personality contest; who's the biggest phony.

We on the right understand how abrasive Trump can be. We understand he might not make the best next door neighbor or brother-in-law. But perhaps if we all started voting with our brains instead of our heart, we might get better people to run this country.
Next time you vote in a Presidential election, ya mind not leaving your brain in the parking lot?

Maybe you should quit being such a troll here.
How's Trumps new health care plan for all workin out for ya, Ace?
It helped me. I don't have to pay that Fn fine any longer.
How about instead of paying the fine you enroll for health insurance so we the tax payers don’t need to pay your hospital bills should you get into an accident?

How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?

Like many small businesses, my employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started. His rates went up so high he couldn't take it any longer, and Commie Care not only made the rates unaffordable, but gave him a way out.

Looking for new employment, I found that many other companies did the same. So thanks to the Democrats, they made a bad thing worse. Prior to that, nobody in my line of work ever offered a job without some sort of healthcare benefit.
But, Trump said he had a plan covering everyone at less cost didn't he? You hate Obama but will vote for Trump again even though he lied to you. He never had shit. It was all pure unadulterated bullshit.

And you would vote in Obama again in spite of: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; everybody will have affordable coverage; nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind; those shovel ready jobs were not that shovel ready.

Trumps lies didn't cost us over a trillion dollars and ruin millions of lives. I'll take Trump's lies over DumBama any day of the week.
Someone please tell Trump that The Apprentice was not reality.

When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.

What we on the right rate is how well of a job a person is doing. On the left, you fall for the smile, the suit or dress, the wonderful looking family, the dog. You people vote for representatives like you vote for your favorite American Idol contestant. Who cares about their accomplishments?

With the left, it's always has been and always will be a personality contest; who's the biggest phony.

We on the right understand how abrasive Trump can be. We understand he might not make the best next door neighbor or brother-in-law. But perhaps if we all started voting with our brains instead of our heart, we might get better people to run this country.
Next time you vote in a Presidential election, ya mind not leaving your brain in the parking lot?

Maybe you should quit being such a troll here.
How's Trumps new health care plan for all workin out for ya, Ace?
Almost everyone I know has job covered health insurance.
When you realize Trump is a washed up actor/con man/front man for the GOP his over the top BS begins to be hilarious. His cult supporters/rubes love it though. Embracing stupidity.

What we on the right rate is how well of a job a person is doing. On the left, you fall for the smile, the suit or dress, the wonderful looking family, the dog. You people vote for representatives like you vote for your favorite American Idol contestant. Who cares about their accomplishments?

With the left, it's always has been and always will be a personality contest; who's the biggest phony.

We on the right understand how abrasive Trump can be. We understand he might not make the best next door neighbor or brother-in-law. But perhaps if we all started voting with our brains instead of our heart, we might get better people to run this country.
Next time you vote in a Presidential election, ya mind not leaving your brain in the parking lot?

Maybe you should quit being such a troll here.
How's Trumps new health care plan for all workin out for ya, Ace?
Almost everyone I know has job covered health insurance.

Depends on the size of the company. Larger companies did keep their plans, but smaller companies dropped theirs.

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady
How about instead of paying the fine you enroll for health insurance so we the tax payers don’t need to pay your hospital bills should you get into an accident?

How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?

Like many small businesses, my employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started. His rates went up so high he couldn't take it any longer, and Commie Care not only made the rates unaffordable, but gave him a way out.

Looking for new employment, I found that many other companies did the same. So thanks to the Democrats, they made a bad thing worse. Prior to that, nobody in my line of work ever offered a job without some sort of healthcare benefit.
But, Trump said he had a plan covering everyone at less cost didn't he? You hate Obama but will vote for Trump again even though he lied to you. He never had shit. It was all pure unadulterated bullshit.

And you would vote in Obama again in spite of: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; everybody will have affordable coverage; nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind; those shovel ready jobs were not that shovel ready.

Trumps lies didn't cost us over a trillion dollars and ruin millions of lives. I'll take Trump's lies over DumBama any day of the week.
Has Trump informed McConnell yet on that health care plan that his party is working on?
How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?

Like many small businesses, my employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started. His rates went up so high he couldn't take it any longer, and Commie Care not only made the rates unaffordable, but gave him a way out.

Looking for new employment, I found that many other companies did the same. So thanks to the Democrats, they made a bad thing worse. Prior to that, nobody in my line of work ever offered a job without some sort of healthcare benefit.
But, Trump said he had a plan covering everyone at less cost didn't he? You hate Obama but will vote for Trump again even though he lied to you. He never had shit. It was all pure unadulterated bullshit.

And you would vote in Obama again in spite of: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; everybody will have affordable coverage; nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind; those shovel ready jobs were not that shovel ready.

Trumps lies didn't cost us over a trillion dollars and ruin millions of lives. I'll take Trump's lies over DumBama any day of the week.
Has Trump informed McConnell yet on that health care plan that his party is working on?
What’s your profession?
We elected Trump because we sent a big fuck you to Democrats. Every time you see support for Trump think. This is how much they hate us.

You still won't understand but you will get closer.
This is the pro wrestling reality TV mindset as response.

My point is bing made.

You would rather engage in 'fuck you' rhetoric than an honest intellectual debate.
Oh please. There is no such thing as intellectual debate with a leftist. Honesty isn't even worth an honorable mention. Democrats gave up honesty long ago.

As I said. You wouldn't understand.
If I had your mindset I’d cop out too.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

Your initial question went by the wayside with the second sentence of your post, and continued with a negative and narrow stereotype. If that is your set view of half of your fellow Americans, far beyond "the right ", then you had no intent for an honest debate. Simply an opportunity to condescend and show your disdain towards "those people". There's nothing wrong with that, and I actually like it when people admit that their true anger and issues are with the mass of those voters, rather than just one man.
With approval ratings mired in the lows 40% range, I must ask why you assume “half” and “masses”.

My point is Trump’s demeanor appeals to a slender slice of the population. A slice whose attitudes seem to have been formed by watching and admiring the low brow content of reality TV and professional wrestling.

Is that ‘half’ of the electorate? Is that ‘the masses’?

I pray not. We need all the responsible adults we can get.
How about not asking over 20% of my net pay to do it? Commie Care is a complete failure because it's only affordable to floor sweepers and french fry makers. For the middle-class working, it's unaffordable and junk policies to boot.

BTW, I had coverage my entire adult life until that big-eared Commie polluted the White House. So how about you voters be more cautious about who you elect so people like me could keep our healthcare?
How did Obama cause you to lose your health ins?

Like many small businesses, my employer dropped our coverage when Commie Care started. His rates went up so high he couldn't take it any longer, and Commie Care not only made the rates unaffordable, but gave him a way out.

Looking for new employment, I found that many other companies did the same. So thanks to the Democrats, they made a bad thing worse. Prior to that, nobody in my line of work ever offered a job without some sort of healthcare benefit.
But, Trump said he had a plan covering everyone at less cost didn't he? You hate Obama but will vote for Trump again even though he lied to you. He never had shit. It was all pure unadulterated bullshit.

And you would vote in Obama again in spite of: If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; everybody will have affordable coverage; nobody making less than 250K a year will see a new tax of any kind; those shovel ready jobs were not that shovel ready.

Trumps lies didn't cost us over a trillion dollars and ruin millions of lives. I'll take Trump's lies over DumBama any day of the week.
Has Trump informed McConnell yet on that health care plan that his party is working on?

Yes he did. Two years ago:

American Health Care Act of 2017 - Wikipedia
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

Your initial question went by the wayside with the second sentence of your post, and continued with a negative and narrow stereotype. If that is your set view of half of your fellow Americans, far beyond "the right ", then you had no intent for an honest debate. Simply an opportunity to condescend and show your disdain towards "those people". There's nothing wrong with that, and I actually like it when people admit that their true anger and issues are with the mass of those voters, rather than just one man.
With approval ratings mired in the lows 40% range, I must ask why you assume “half” and “masses”.

My point is Trump’s demeanor appeals to a slender slice of the population. A slice whose attitudes seem to have been formed by watching and admiring the low brow content of reality TV and professional wrestling.

Is that ‘half’ of the electorate? Is that ‘the masses’?

I pray not. We need all the responsible adults we can get.

I'll refer you again to the initial question you posed.
Why did America elect Donald Trump as President? His policies did not align with Republican orthodoxy. Republicans have championed free trade. Republicans have championed moral comportment of public personalities. Republicans have championed budgets that reduce the federal deficit.

So something about Trump's personality, his charisma have persuaded Center Right and far right voters. I believe it is the popular culture. That is to say the culture spawned by two regrettable factions in American culture namely reality television and professional wrestling.

In both of these factions, we find similar means of behavior. Sensationalism and violence. Trump's appeal appears to be driven by his off-the-cuff rhetoric that leans on driving fear, suspicion and division. The same rhetoric that drives reality TV and professional wrestling. Alliances to divide one faction from another are the stock and trade of reality RV shows. Trump is a reality TV star and brings that tactic to work every day.

Sensational canard laden rhetoric motivates the fans of reality TV as well as fans of professional wrestling. Most Americans take this with a healthy grain of salt. But to the low brow culture set who admires the fake nature of wrestling and the banal concerns of reality TV shows, sensational rhetoric from the president has appeal of a particularly dangerous quality. Those fans want the same level of behavior on the part of the head of state.

Is it then true that Trump supporters are not sufficiently cosmopolitan to see the hazards of reality TV/WWE behavior on behalf of the leader of our nation! Are we now under the influence of a generation that has forgotten virtues and favor vices?

You Tards just don’t get it.....

We voted for Trump because we like what he stands for....

You Tards don’t like him because unlike the average pussy republican Trump Fights Back...

Trump is MAGA...….

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