Trump cuts ties with Rudy Giuliani: A Trump advisor says Giuliani's no longer representing Trump "in any legal matters."

Since the communists are threatening Rudy with charges arising out of his representation Rudy can't represent Trump any more. This is a common tactic. Threats and intimidation takes the place of litigation.
You think Trump and Rudy are scared of threats and that’s why they are parting ways?! Have you learned nothing about the enormous Egos of these two guys?! They think they are invincible, they aren’t scared of threats
Al Capone had a big ego and thought he was invincible, also.
So did Jason Macaraina
Since the communists are threatening Rudy with charges arising out of his representation Rudy can't represent Trump any more. This is a common tactic. Threats and intimidation takes the place of litigation.
You think Trump and Rudy are scared of threats and that’s why they are parting ways?! Have you learned nothing about the enormous Egos of these two guys?! They think they are invincible, they aren’t scared of threats
Al Capone had a big ego and thought he was invincible, also.
The shitstain obama ego far surpasses Capone's. Trump never promised to calm the seas or cool the entire planet.
Trump did claim he would build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it. He also claimed he would repeal and replace our healthcare system, he also claimed he would eliminate our national debt... oops.

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