Trump, de-pussified Republicans...Lefties want you re-pussified...big time.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Well, some anyway.
I'm starting to notice more and more Mexicrats are calling for a re-pussification of Republicans. They much preferred you nutless, scared, controlled by PC and bendable.
They can't steer and control the narrative when you are louder, pushier and more aggressive than they are.
Don't turtle up now people...stay aggressive, stay engaged, stay committed to playing smash-mouth with the opposition...there is no such thing as bipartisanship anymore....LET THAT SHIT GO!
That's some funny shit right there.

Trumptards are the most submissive, credulous herd of dumb fucks I have ever seen.

If Trump said the moon was made of cheese, you tards would fight tooth and nail to prove him right.
TRUMP TWEET: The moon is made of WHITE AMERICAN cheese!

SCIENTIST: The moon has a crust, mantle and and solid iron core which is surrounded by a softer, somewhat molten liquid iron core.

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That's some funny shit right there.

Trumptards are the most submissive, credulous herd of dumb fucks I have ever seen.

If Trump said the moon was made of cheese, you tards would fight tooth and nail to prove him right.

Some of us are just waiting for our kids to get fucked with at school before we wake the fuck up and find our nuts...Can you relate?
Trump is the most "pussified" baby and cowardly punk ever to live in the WH and his followers seem to worship him.
Trump is the most "pussified" baby and cowardly punk ever to live in the WH and his followers seem to worship him.
Agree. Spineless Donald is too chickenshit to fire people face to face, and that was supposed to be his signature on his game show.

He buckles in the presence of communist dictators when asked if he believes their bullshit.

He is terrified to answer questions under oath because he knows he can't go two sentences without lying.

We have never had such a coward in the White House before.
Well, some anyway.
I'm starting to notice more and more Mexicrats are calling for a re-pussification of Republicans. They much preferred you nutless, scared, controlled by PC and bendable.
They can't steer and control the narrative when you are louder, pushier and more aggressive than they are.
Don't turtle up now people...stay aggressive, stay engaged, stay committed to playing smash-mouth with the opposition...there is no such thing as bipartisanship anymore....LET THAT SHIT GO!
This is as idiotic as it is wrong.
That's some funny shit right there.

Trumptards are the most submissive, credulous herd of dumb fucks I have ever seen.

If Trump said the moon was made of cheese, you tards would fight tooth and nail to prove him right.

Hey fuckwad: You're so busy worrying about my party while you don't even realize your own party is falling apart at the seams.

I greatly look forward to seeing you cry like a little bitch when Trump wins again in 2020.
Trump is the most "pussified" baby and cowardly punk ever to live in the WH and his followers seem to worship him.
Agree. Spineless Donald is too chickenshit to fire people face to face, and that was supposed to be his signature on his game show.

He buckles in the presence of communist dictators when asked if he believes their bullshit.

He is terrified to answer questions under oath because he knows he can't go two sentences without lying.

We have never had such a coward in the White House before.

Same old tired ass shit....
Wetbacks, barely legals, criminals, bottom feeding degenerates, white guilt loons, pole puffers, rug munchers, men in dresses and feminazi's continue to hate Trump while ALL good, positive contributing, law abiding REAL Americans continue to smile ear to fucking ear......
Meanwhile Trump kills it for the right people.

Economic Growth
  • 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.
  • For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 percent over the calendar year.

  • 4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 million since Trump took office.
  • More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.
  • Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.
  • The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.
  • Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the first time on record.
  • Unemployment claims at 50 year low
  • African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all recently reached record lows.
    • African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.
    • Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.
    • Asian-American unemployment at record low of 2 percent.
  • Women’s unemployment recently at lowest rate in nearly 65 years.
    • Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since October 1953.
  • Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.
    • July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 1966.
  • Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.
    • July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest rate since May 2001.
  • Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently reached a record low.
  • Rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.
  • Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three decades.
  • Poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives are headed “in the right direction.”
    • 68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.
  • Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level since 2005.
  • Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality job.
    • Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.
  • Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.
    • Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two decades.
  • 100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural gas.

American Income
  • Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high.
  • Wages up in August by their fastest rate since June 2009.
  • Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.
  • Council of Economic Advisers found that real wage compensation has grown by 1.4 percent over the past year.
  • Some 3.9 million Americans off food stamps since the election.
  • Median income for Hispanic-Americans rose by 3.7 percent and surpassed $50,000 for the first time ever in history.
    • Home-ownership among Hispanics is at the highest rate in nearly a decade.
  • Poverty rates for African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans have reached their lowest levels ever recorded.

edited to keep within copywrite rules-meister
Trump’s list: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping
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Well, some anyway.
I'm starting to notice more and more Mexicrats are calling for a re-pussification of Republicans. They much preferred you nutless, scared, controlled by PC and bendable.
They can't steer and control the narrative when you are louder, pushier and more aggressive than they are.
Don't turtle up now people...stay aggressive, stay engaged, stay committed to playing smash-mouth with the opposition...there is no such thing as bipartisanship anymore....LET THAT SHIT GO!
This is as idiotic as it is wrong.

Ugh, ignorant meth addicted inbred white trash are like, so wrong dude, end the hate.
That's some funny shit right there.

Trumptards are the most submissive, credulous herd of dumb fucks I have ever seen.

If Trump said the moon was made of cheese, you tards would fight tooth and nail to prove him right.

Some of us are just waiting for our kids to get fucked with at school before we wake the fuck up and find our nuts...Can you relate?
You are the typical Trump supporter: an arrogant, ignorant, hateful bigot and coward.
That's some funny shit right there.

Trumptards are the most submissive, credulous herd of dumb fucks I have ever seen.

If Trump said the moon was made of cheese, you tards would fight tooth and nail to prove him right.

Some of us are just waiting for our kids to get fucked with at school before we wake the fuck up and find our nuts...Can you relate?
You are the typical Trump supporter: an arrogant, ignorant, hateful bigot and coward.

Do you mean arrogant like Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer, ignorant like Ocasio-Cortez, a hateful bigot like Ilhan Omar, and cowards like the entire Democratic House for being unable to pass a resolution condemning antisemitism or to protect our borders?
Has anyone else noticed?
My Conservative / Republican friends are all back to being nutless again, full castration. They all felt like and spoke like conservative badasses when Trump was in office but now they sound like they always did....NUTLESS.
Nothing but a tone of concession to Leftist demands in everything they say....Am I The Only One noticing?

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