Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

Look at Chicago gun laws and how many people are killed, then you would not make such horrid analogies!

chicago doesn't have a wall. Easy to get guns in and out.

And you see how you far left nuts wanting gun control with open borders will work?

Hey I'd gladly trade you a wall for really strong gun control. But most guns come from here. And if the gun were coming illegally from across borders there is a chance they would be stopped. The problem is the vast majority of these nuts are legally armed with mass killing weapons.

Yes I know you want to end the 2nd Amendment it is in your programming!

And you like arming crazies as well as possible for the most deaths. it's in your programming.

Silly far left drones!
chicago doesn't have a wall. Easy to get guns in and out.

And you see how you far left nuts wanting gun control with open borders will work?

Hey I'd gladly trade you a wall for really strong gun control. But most guns come from here. And if the gun were coming illegally from across borders there is a chance they would be stopped. The problem is the vast majority of these nuts are legally armed with mass killing weapons.

Yes I know you want to end the 2nd Amendment it is in your programming!

And you like arming crazies as well as possible for the most deaths. it's in your programming.

Silly far left drones!

Yes some people don't like mass killings. The right loves them.
Not far left but I cannot.As I wrote, I do not believe any firearm law will prevent actions these, and it may have been the type of illness thatt masks the symptoms in large part. BPD, PD.

Yes you are far left! Do not pretend you are not!

Having gun control laws with open borders is not smart no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

Criminals do not obey the laws, so making laws that they will not obey will not help matters. It comes to enforcement and penalties. But even then that is not a deterrent. But the far left does not want the police to enforce. So what will be acceptable to the far left?

Law enforcement, properly funded and trained.

No the far left does not want that! They want only the criminals to have guns..

However show where even this would have prevented this shooting!

When I learned the Sheriff's Department released the fact the kiiler's former in laws attended church there, it struck that one out.
They probably weren't on the best terms, considering what he did to their daughter and grandchild. Just supposing. But if it were only that, why didn't he just go gunning for them in their backyard? The church may have sheltered her after he assaulted her. Or in some other way "judged" him. Why did it take him so long to react though? This happened years ago.

He purchsed the Ruger 556 in April, 2016.
And you see how you far left nuts wanting gun control with open borders will work?

Hey I'd gladly trade you a wall for really strong gun control. But most guns come from here. And if the gun were coming illegally from across borders there is a chance they would be stopped. The problem is the vast majority of these nuts are legally armed with mass killing weapons.

Yes I know you want to end the 2nd Amendment it is in your programming!

And you like arming crazies as well as possible for the most deaths. it's in your programming.

Silly far left drones!

Yes some people don't like mass killings. The right loves them.

Says the far left drone that supports the killings in Chicago!
Yes you are far left! Do not pretend you are not!

Having gun control laws with open borders is not smart no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

Criminals do not obey the laws, so making laws that they will not obey will not help matters. It comes to enforcement and penalties. But even then that is not a deterrent. But the far left does not want the police to enforce. So what will be acceptable to the far left?

Law enforcement, properly funded and trained.

No the far left does not want that! They want only the criminals to have guns..

However show where even this would have prevented this shooting!

When I learned the Sheriff's Department released the fact the kiiler's former in laws attended church there, it struck that one out.
They probably weren't on the best terms, considering what he did to their daughter and grandchild. Just supposing. But if it were only that, why didn't he just go gunning for them in their backyard? The church may have sheltered her after he assaulted her. Or in some other way "judged" him. Why did it take him so long to react though? This happened years ago.

He purchsed the Ruger 556 in April, 2016.

And who reported that?
Hey I'd gladly trade you a wall for really strong gun control. But most guns come from here. And if the gun were coming illegally from across borders there is a chance they would be stopped. The problem is the vast majority of these nuts are legally armed with mass killing weapons.

Yes I know you want to end the 2nd Amendment it is in your programming!

And you like arming crazies as well as possible for the most deaths. it's in your programming.

Silly far left drones!

Yes some people don't like mass killings. The right loves them.

Says the far left drone that supports the killings in Chicago!

You don't have to be a far left drone to see the damage guns are doing.

With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN
Yes you are far left! Do not pretend you are not!

Having gun control laws with open borders is not smart no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

Criminals do not obey the laws, so making laws that they will not obey will not help matters. It comes to enforcement and penalties. But even then that is not a deterrent. But the far left does not want the police to enforce. So what will be acceptable to the far left?

Law enforcement, properly funded and trained.

No the far left does not want that! They want only the criminals to have guns..

However show where even this would have prevented this shooting!

When I learned the Sheriff's Department released the fact the kiiler's former in laws attended church there, it struck that one out.
They probably weren't on the best terms, considering what he did to their daughter and grandchild. Just supposing. But if it were only that, why didn't he just go gunning for them in their backyard? The church may have sheltered her after he assaulted her. Or in some other way "judged" him. Why did it take him so long to react though? This happened years ago.

He was a crazed man that obviously had mental issues, that is why he was dishonorably discharged from the military.

The question is when did he get this way and why was there no help for it?
First thing I thought of, actually--another vet gone bad. This guy seems to have had a real anger management issue (to put it politely) that probably entered the service with him, though. Doesn't seem he was in long enough to be under stress like that. There are guys who go into the service to shoot people, ya know.
I do think mental illness is a taboo subject to discuss in this country and it is part of the reason so many sad sick people are knocking around out there like pinballs on a tilted board. By advocating for banning semiautomatic rifles, I am not saying -- or believing -- that will alone be a solution. It is part of it and a part of it that I don't believe can be overlooked or glossed over and "compromised" about.
Yes I know you want to end the 2nd Amendment it is in your programming!

And you like arming crazies as well as possible for the most deaths. it's in your programming.

Silly far left drones!

Yes some people don't like mass killings. The right loves them.

Says the far left drone that supports the killings in Chicago!

You don't have to be a far left drone to see the damage guns are doing.

With the most guns in the world and the highest incarceration rate we still have much higher crime rates than other civilized countries with gun control. We also have many unique problems to our country like mass shootings, over 50 police shot and killed each year, our police shoot many, many people, toddlers shoot people, road rage shootings, women shot by significant others.... Too many guns.
Why the US has the most mass shootings - CNN
US cops killed 100 times more than German police in 2015
Analysis | American toddlers are still shooting people on a weekly basis this year
Study: Road rage incidents involving guns are increasing

The “boyfriend loophole” in U.S. gun laws is costing women’s lives

More police officers die on the job in states with more guns

Fallen officers: 64 shot dead in the line of duty in 2016 - CNN

FBI: Violent crime increases for second straight year

Guns kill nearly 1,300 US children each year - CNN

Yes and far left policies are the cause of a lot of it. Especially since they happen in far left drone sanctioned cities!
Law enforcement, properly funded and trained.

No the far left does not want that! They want only the criminals to have guns..

However show where even this would have prevented this shooting!

When I learned the Sheriff's Department released the fact the kiiler's former in laws attended church there, it struck that one out.
They probably weren't on the best terms, considering what he did to their daughter and grandchild. Just supposing. But if it were only that, why didn't he just go gunning for them in their backyard? The church may have sheltered her after he assaulted her. Or in some other way "judged" him. Why did it take him so long to react though? This happened years ago.

He was a crazed man that obviously had mental issues, that is why he was dishonorably discharged from the military.

The question is when did he get this way and why was there no help for it?
First thing I thought of, actually--another vet gone bad. This guy seems to have had a real anger management issue (to put it politely) that probably entered the service with him, though. Doesn't seem he was in long enough to be under stress like that. There are guys who go into the service to shoot people, ya know.
I do think mental illness is a taboo subject to discuss in this country and it is part of the reason so many sad sick people are knocking around out there like pinballs on a tilted board. By advocating for banning semiautomatic rifles, I am not saying -- or believing -- that will alone be a solution. It is part of it and a part of it that I don't believe can be overlooked or glossed over and "compromised" about.

Calling for any type of ban is fascism, which the far left claims to be against!

So either you want to be a fascist nation or you do not!

Until we get the complete picture it will be hard to understand what went wrong and if this person was needing help long before all this!
LOL, yeah maybe we should pass a law that psychopaths can only use pump action shotguns (sawed off barrels optional) and semi automatic pistols while performing their "duties", I'm sure that'll make them think twice before going on killing sprees. :rolleyes:

Does imposing restrictions on the natural rights of peaceful people pursuant to stopping the violent ones from being violent actually work in the fantasy world that you inhabit?
I'm not fantasizing, but if you care at all about the innocent lives lost in the past month to semiautomatic massacres, you'l listen. These mass shootings in LasVegas and yesterday in Texas were not related to our war against terrorism, but were just plain homegrown crazy people who think they can scratch their itch by grabbing a lethal weapon and opening fire on people they don't even know to feel powerful.
Uh-huh and how does your proposal in any way deal with the "crazy people who think they can scratch their itch by grabbing a lethal weapon" ? I never ceases to amaze me how those that claim to "care" can never muster the intellectual fortitude to look past the symptoms for the root cause while at the same time waving around their pom-poms for government to "solve the problem" by stomping all over everybody's individual rights, the intellectual laziness it takes to behave in that fashion is just stupefying.

Without the weapon, a lot of those people would not be dead today.
So what are you proposing ? a complete ban on weapons?

Do you care?
As a proponent of the non-aggression principle I'm the only one of the two of us that cares, I care about the advancement of non-aggression AND individual liberty, you don't appear to care about either one, since all you want to do is impose restrictions on the individual liberty of peaceful citizens at the point of a government gun.
Today I am proposing a ban on semiautomatic rifles that shoot dozens of bullets per minute.
Again, how does that address the problem of "crazy people who think they can scratch their itch by grabbing a lethal weapon" ? Or are you so naïve that you believe that psychopaths intent on mass killings are going to be deterred from acquiring the means to carry out their intentions simply because the government issues an opinion on a piece of paper back up with the threat of force (aka "a law")?

I care about individual liberty, but with rights come responsibilities, and sometimes our responsibilities include curbing our rights for the sake of the common good.
It doesn't appear that you give a damn about individual liberty since you consistently want to diminish it whenever faced with public policy questions, your answers always seem to revolve around government coercion without a second thought regarding the implications to the individual liberty of yourself or others.

Your definition of "common good" appears to include only what YOU want without regard to the wishes of others and you seem perfectly willing to get what you want by using government force as the sole means to achieve it.

You can keep your deer rifle for killing animals, your shotgun for chasing off intruders, your handgun for personal protection on the iffy streets of your hometown.
Why thank you for your permission to exercise the rights that I was born with but apparently you missed the fact that neither I nor anybody else require it.

AR anythings are excessive and extreme and do not belong in the hands of civilians.
LOL but they're apparently fine in the hands of the agents of the most blood drenched institution in human history...

One wonders what boundaries you place on what "belongs" in the hands of civilians and what doesn't.
Your definition of "common good" appears to include only what YOU want without regard to the wishes of others
Really? You think I'm the only one who "wishes" my fellow citizens were not armed with semiautomatic rifles like AR's?
Nope, I don't think you're the only one, you have plenty of company among the authoritarian gub'mint worshiper ranks, of course the fact that there are just as many peaceful people that don't want their individual liberty trampled upon at the point of a government gun to accomplish nothing more than turning them into criminals and making illegal arms merchants richer won't give you a moments pause, with your type it never does.

I don't know what you're referring to with "the most blood drenched institution in human history." Guessing the government,
LOL, why doesn't it surprise me you had to guess, how about you pick up a history book and take the guess work out of it?

which you fantasize you can overthrow with your AR's? Only a guess.
Who said anything about "overthrow"? I was pointing out the rank hypocrisy of an individual that wants to take AR's out of the hands of peaceful citizens and leave them in the hands of the most murderous institution in human history. If you had proposed keeping them out of the hands of EVERYONE then I'd have some respect for your opinion but as it stands it's clear you don't care about all legions of innocent people murdered by governments and just want to punish people that have never murdered anybody.
Story AP via the Sheriiff's Department.
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I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...
“This is a mental health problem at the highest level.”

President Donald Trump responded to the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history by saying the attack was a result of “a mental health problem” and not due to lax gun control laws.

“This isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said, noting that a person in the crowd with a gun shot at the attacker and caused him to flee. “This is a mental health problem at the highest level. It’s a very, very sad event.”

More: Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

Actually, it's both a guns issue and a mental health problem - and the NRA is protecting both.

NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights
Trump has his record intact of being 100% wrong 100% of the time. Funny part someone probably whispered in his ear to say that.
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

The purchase is now reported as illegal:

Kelley purchased the Ruger model AR-556 rifle used in the shooting at a San Antonio sporting goods store in April 2016, according to a law enforcement official.

Comment Guidelines
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

However we are not Europe and Europe has more terrorist attack than the US.

But then again most the media in Europe is very controlled!

So once again the far left drones want fascism in the US!
Yes you are far left! Do not pretend you are not!

Having gun control laws with open borders is not smart no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

Criminals do not obey the laws, so making laws that they will not obey will not help matters. It comes to enforcement and penalties. But even then that is not a deterrent. But the far left does not want the police to enforce. So what will be acceptable to the far left?

Law enforcement, properly funded and trained.

No the far left does not want that! They want only the criminals to have guns..

However show where even this would have prevented this shooting!

When I learned the Sheriff's Department released the fact the kiiler's former in laws attended church there, it struck that one out.
They probably weren't on the best terms, considering what he did to their daughter and grandchild. Just supposing. But if it were only that, why didn't he just go gunning for them in their backyard? The church may have sheltered her after he assaulted her. Or in some other way "judged" him. Why did it take him so long to react though? This happened years ago.

He purchsed the Ruger 556 in April, 2016.
I know. Wasn't the incident in 2012?
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

However we are not Europe and Europe has more terrorist attack than the US.

But then again most the media in Europe is very controlled!

So once again the far left drones want fascism in the US!

Yes for these sorts of things in Europe they are usually done by a group of international terrorists. And mass killings happen much less there.
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

The purchase is now reported as illegal:

Kelley purchased the Ruger model AR-556 rifle used in the shooting at a San Antonio sporting goods store in April 2016, according to a law enforcement official.

Comment Guidelines

Well I have not seen any comfiramtion of this, but if it is true I say the person who sold the guns to this guy pays the price!
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

However we are not Europe and Europe has more terrorist attack than the US.

But then again most the media in Europe is very controlled!

So once again the far left drones want fascism in the US!

Yes for these sorts of things in Europe they are usually done by a group of international terrorists. And mass killings happen much less there.

Europe does not have the same rights we do in the US, they are less than anything we have here.

But then again you far left dornes did cheer when Obama did away with Due Process!

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