Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

The purchase is now reported as illegal:

Kelley purchased the Ruger model AR-556 rifle used in the shooting at a San Antonio sporting goods store in April 2016, according to a law enforcement official.

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Well I have not seen any comfiramtion of this, but if it is true I say the person who sold the guns to this guy pays the price!

Texas shooting suspect got assault weapon despite apparent domestic violence conviction

He was in the brig for a year after the DD.
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

However we are not Europe and Europe has more terrorist attack than the US.

But then again most the media in Europe is very controlled!

So once again the far left drones want fascism in the US!

Yes for these sorts of things in Europe they are usually done by a group of international terrorists. And mass killings happen much less there.

Europe does not have the same rights we do in the US, they are less than anything we have here.

But then again you far left dornes did cheer when Obama did away with Due Process!

They have a lot more and better healthcare.

How to slow down these mass killings is obvious. The right prefers to watch the corpses pile up.
I read the full statememt and believe President Trump is correct. Mental Health is the issue and let us encourage Trump to woork with LEGISLATIVE bodies on the issue. Someone on a "social media" page wrote something I know to be correct:
DV convictions/findings remove firearm riights.

Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

The purchase is now reported as illegal:

Kelley purchased the Ruger model AR-556 rifle used in the shooting at a San Antonio sporting goods store in April 2016, according to a law enforcement official.

Comment Guidelines

Well I have not seen any comfiramtion of this, but if it is true I say the person who sold the guns to this guy pays the price!

Texas shooting suspect got assault weapon despite apparent domestic violence conviction

He was in the brig for a year after the DD.

Well I wait until a conference with the sheriff is held, before I will believe anything the far left media puts out! NBC is a far left hack site and has been wrong so much than they have been right on many of these subjects.
Yes you far left drones do not want such things as you are the party of NO!

Now can any far left drone point to any law that would have stopped this?

Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

However we are not Europe and Europe has more terrorist attack than the US.

But then again most the media in Europe is very controlled!

So once again the far left drones want fascism in the US!

Yes for these sorts of things in Europe they are usually done by a group of international terrorists. And mass killings happen much less there.

Europe does not have the same rights we do in the US, they are less than anything we have here.

But then again you far left dornes did cheer when Obama did away with Due Process!

They have a lot more and better healthcare.

How to slow down these mass killings is obvious. The right prefers to watch the corpses pile up.

Well far left drones, no they do not, but they are also mostly white, just like Canada.
The Sheriff's Department is inveestigating what triggered him, SAME SOURCE
Let's put it this way...
Europe has higher spending on Mental Health and are especially well funded for ex military. so maybe they would have been caught there.

Also Europe has laws making it very hard for mentally ill people to get there hands on any gun... A letter from your local cop and doctor is needed for any gun.

All gunowners in Europe have their homes checked once a year to verify that there guns are housed in a safe environment.

Semi Automatic and handguns are generally not for sale in Europe or have to be permanently kept in a gun club.

So the chances of a mentally ill man walking into a church and shooting 24 would involve him getting a gun which is not easily available or using a shotgun with two rounds before reload...

So there are plenty of ways this could have been stopped...

However we are not Europe and Europe has more terrorist attack than the US.

But then again most the media in Europe is very controlled!

So once again the far left drones want fascism in the US!

Yes for these sorts of things in Europe they are usually done by a group of international terrorists. And mass killings happen much less there.

Europe does not have the same rights we do in the US, they are less than anything we have here.

But then again you far left dornes did cheer when Obama did away with Due Process!

They have a lot more and better healthcare.

How to slow down these mass killings is obvious. The right prefers to watch the corpses pile up.

Well far left drones, no they do not, but they are also mostly white, just like Canada.

This shooter sure looks white.
“This is a mental health problem at the highest level.”

President Donald Trump responded to the deadliest mass shooting in Texas history by saying the attack was a result of “a mental health problem” and not due to lax gun control laws.

“This isn’t a guns situation,” Trump said, noting that a person in the crowd with a gun shot at the attacker and caused him to flee. “This is a mental health problem at the highest level. It’s a very, very sad event.”

More: Trump: Deadly Texas Shooting Isn’t A Guns Issue, It’s A Mental Health Problem

Actually, it's both a guns issue and a mental health problem - and the NRA is protecting both.

NRA Wants Mentally Ill To Have Gun Rights

So why wouldn't Trump support legislation keeping AR-15s out of the hands of the mentally ill?

Ecause that was tried. Don’t work.

actually we already have laws to keep firearms out of the hands of the mentally

the difference for what leftards want

is the ability to strip one of his rights on the "basis" of mental illness

without due process

you can plainly see the lefts willingness to rid rights they dont like

in this example

1- right to firearms


2 The right of due process
Let's stick to the subject. He was convicted of DV against his wife and kid and was dishonorably discharged from the service. Isn't that due process enough for you? Explain why he should be sold a gun.

Let's stick to the subject.

my post is on subject "mental health"

He was convicted of DV against his wife and kid and was dishonorably discharged from the service.


isn't that due process enough for you?

yes which why he is banned from owning a firearm legally

however this is not what the "mental health" was it had nothing to do with due process

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