Trump Deal - details, reactions and development on the ground

Trump Deal - applicable or not?

  • Yes (after hearing details)

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • No (after hearing details)

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
She has a very dignified and pragmatic approach during interviews. Despite being hounded by the anti Israel mob during one live BBC show.

The ironic part is, people who speak like her were considered leftists 50 years ago,
now I'm sure they brand her an extremist of the right.

Since You know, Arabs are now the new PC trend for everything left and liberal.
Just look who heads UN human rights commissions...:rolleyes:

For me, the UN is irrelevant.

How did Ben-Gurion said,
"it doesn't matter what the nations say, matters what Israel does".

I visited his house once. Books everywhere.

Walla, didn't know about that, in Tel-Aviv or Negev?

And sure, it was a new spring of intellectual idealism, and they were all Heider students...
Maran HaRav Kook aside from being a genious Torah scholar, was well versed in all contemporary problems, the Lubavitche Rebbe got an Elec. engineering degree going the university in Tfilin and studying Talmud during lectures.

They were all heavyweights.

Conversations between the Hazon Ish and Ben-Gurion are historically very interesting in that context.
Socialist founder of the state taking advice and arguing with the Hacham of the Bnei Brak ghetto about government policy...on itself sounds like

Tel Aviv.
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

All this will do is give new places for them to launch mortar and rocket attacks against Israel.................They do not want anything other than Israel's destruction...................

Pipe Dreams.

Someone up thread said that there would have to be assurances from the PA, this would cease.

Won't stop Hezbollah in the south of Lebanon though.
Who believes them given their history...............You can't trust them.

If Iran controls them, I suppose they can do what they want.
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

Not surprised. I wonder if he would have done the same if Trump did not declare all of Jerusalem Israel Proper, if he demanded equal land exchanges to allow Israel’s right to the Jewish Quarter which includes Holy Sites?
Netanyahu would have agreed
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

"World is shocked!" they say... :boohoo::uhoh3:
Galactic Federation's flashmob of the century.
Yesha Council: Yes to sovereignty, no to Palestinian state

The Yesha Council held a special executive meeting on Saturday night and discussed the details of US President Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century”.

The heads of the councils were updated on details of the plan and on the situation by the heads of the councils who visited Washington this week.

"The Yesha Council continues to support the application of sovereignty in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley and strongly opposes a Palestinian state," said a statement released following the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided to continue the discussions in the coming days, and to monitor the developments.


Source: Israel National News
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

Not only, they went on to banning meat import from Israel (largely an Arab monopoly), to which the Israeli Defense minister responded with an overall ban of their produce.

Next week they will whine meat prices went up, instead of building a port with Jordan to trade their own...

They're utterly stupid, those Syrian goats cost a fortune anywhere in the world, another monopoly their stock owners could grab just like that. They surely won't transfer them through Ben-Gurion in a jacket.
What a show,
the Arab Joint List (Knesset party) and the PA are now exchanging high polemics which all come down to variations of "we don't want any of you here".

Trump certainly triggered those clowns to come to clear water.
I united are they really? For one, they ruled by different political regimes, for another, they often seem to poll very differently.

Do you have any actual data to support what you say? I am curious.


An exit poll conducted by Near East Consulting on 15 February 2006 on voters participating in the 2006 PA elections revealed the following responses to major concerns: [...]

Support for a Peace Agreement with Israel: 79.5% in support; 15.5% in opposition
Should Hamas change its policies regarding Israel: Yes – 75.2%; No – 24.8%
Under Hamas corruption will decrease: Yes – 78.1%; No – 21.9%
Under Hamas internal security will improve: Yes – 67.8%; No – 32.2%
Hamas government priorities: 1) Combatting corruption; 2) Ending security chaos; 3) Solving poverty/unemployment
Support for Hamas' impact on the national interest: Positive – 66.7&; Negative - 28.5%
Support for a national unity government?: Yes – 81.4%; no – 18.6%

How much has changed in 14 years?
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

"Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool ..."

You do realize our hasbara peddlers have been "discussing" venomous satire as if it were legit news, don't you?
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

"Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool ..."

You do realize our hasbara peddlers have been "discussing" venomous satire as if it were legit news, don't you?

Stirring it up again, Olde?

With the use of language native speakers would not use.

You've been demonising Israel for years now.
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how at the Arab League about how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Demand anything take responsibility for nothing.
Silly games.
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...
How much has changed in 14 years?

In my view, not much.

"October 2018: 60.3% of respondents supported Egypt if it exerts pressure on Fateh and Hamas to end the Palestinian division."

So, six out of ten view Palestinian unity to be of such import, they'd even welcome outside interference (by Egypt) to bring it about. Sure there are more supporting unity while also distrustful or dismissive of outside interference.
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Recognizing reality is never a bad thing.

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Their own country and $50 billion....why do they need more aid? To buy rockets and dig tunnels?
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

One simply incorrect.
Two-three correct, and that is in response to PA financial incitement to murder of Americans.
And I don't wonder, no one does, that who they are.

Guess what, was the Israeli Pres. or PM called to review the plan of Abbas in its development, or any of the Arab initiatives for that matter, ever?
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Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

One simply incorrect.
Two-three correct, and that is in response to PA financial incitement to murder of Americans.
And I don't wonder, no one does, that who they are.

Guess what, was the Israeli Pres. or PM called to review the plan of Abbas in its development, or any of the Arab initiatives for that matter, ever?

One is correct: the status of Jerusalem is to be determined in negotiations per the Oslo Accords.

Two: US suspending aid and why - nothing about the reason being in response to PA financial incitement to murder Americans. This is, by the way a conservative rightwing source. 09/2018

Why Trump Was Right to End Funding for the UN Palestinian Aid Organization

Three: the decision to close the Palestinian mission in Washington DC 09/2018.

Trump Administration To Close Palestine Liberation Organization Office In D.C.
The Trump administration says it is closing the office of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington, D.C., effectively shuttering the Palestinian diplomatic mission to the U.S.

"We have permitted the PLO office to conduct operations that support the objective of achieving a lasting, comprehensive peace between Israelis and the Palestinians," State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert said in a statement Monday.

"However, the PLO has not taken steps to advance the start of direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel," she added.

Husam Zomlot, the head of the Palestinian delegation to the U.S., said that they are "not surprised."

"Such a reckless act confirms that the administration is blindly executing Israel's 'wish list,' which starts with shutting down Palestinian diplomatic representation in the US," he said in a statement.

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat described the decision as "yet another affirmation of the Trump Administration's policy to collectively punish the Palestinian people." He vowed to "protect the rights of our citizens living in the United States to access their consular services."

So three unilateral moves by the Trump Administration favoring Israel and shutting out the Palestinians.

Lastly, the timeline:

January 2018: In tweets, Trump threatened to cut U.S. aid to the Palestinians. The announcement came after Abbas rejected Washington’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and pledged
to reject any Trump-sponsored peace plan.

August 2018: Washington announced another cut in aid to Palestinians, this time $200 million in funding to programs in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The State Department said the cutbacks were meant “to ensure these funds are spent in accordance with U.S. national interests and provide value to the U.S. taxpayer.”

“This administration is dismantling decades of U.S. vision and engagement in Palestinian territories,” Husam Zomlot, then a Palestinian envoy in Washington, said in a statement. “After Jerusalem and UNRWA, this is another confirmation of abandoning the two-state solution and fully embracing [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s anti-peace agenda.”

Later that month, the Trump administration decided to cut off the remaining aid to UNRWA.

Me: US Aid being cut was not tied to excitement by PA of violence on Americans - per Trump himself in his usual policy-by-tweet methodology, it was a retaliation of Abbas being unwilling to work with the Trump Administration after the unilateral action on Jerusalem.

We can agree or disagree (I'm sure it's disagree) on whether or not this was appropriate, but I would suggest we think about this more broadly (and again - how would you feel if the positions were reversed ) - with the series of actions by the Trump administration from the beginning: meeting with Israel, but not the Palestinians; Jerusalem; Cutting ALL aid, even humanitarian; closing their office in Washington.

WHY would the Palestinians enter into negotiations with the US after these actions? WHY would they trust them?

The plan itself, imo, has good points and troublesome points, not the least of which is a heavy dependence on unspecified massive amounts of outside funding. But it has NO Palestinian input what so ever nor was there any effort, that I can find, to include them even in an unofficial way. What you have is a "mandate" from powers - Israel and the US, that is is what it will be.

What people would go along with that in this day and age?
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Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

One simply incorrect.
Two-three correct, and that is in response to PA financial incitement to murder of Americans.
And I don't wonder, no one does, that who they are.

Guess what, was the Israeli Pres. or PM called to review the plan of Abbas in its development, or any of the Arab initiatives for that matter, ever?

None of those carry the weight of US led negotiations and plans. The US was, formerly, regarded as somewhat of a fair mediator who included both. In general, Israel's gotten the better part of any deal (and I'm not arguing for/against that) - but both sides were involved.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.

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