Trump Deal - details, reactions and development on the ground

Trump Deal - applicable or not?

  • Yes (after hearing details)

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • No (after hearing details)

    Votes: 5 35.7%

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Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Recognizing reality is never a bad thing.

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Their own country and $50 billion....why do they need more aid? To buy rockets and dig tunnels?

The part about Jerusalem is not true. Three neighborhoods in East Jerusalem were given to the Palestinians. If they want to use that to be their capital, is entirely up to them. If they choose to do that, President Trump said he would put the American embassy to the State of Palestine there. Plus, the status quo on the Temple Mount would be maintained (namely the Muslim Wakf being in charge, and Jews not being allowed to pray there).
WHY would the Palestinians enter into negotiations with the US after these actions? WHY would they trust them?

You might consider this in reverse. Why would the US agree to consult with the Palestinian government when that government has repeatedly refused to participate even in early conversations?
Plus, the status quo on the Temple Mount would be maintained (namely the Muslim Wakf being in charge, and Jews not being allowed to pray there).

The Plan actually calls for complete freedom of worship and prayer for people of all faiths on the Temple Mount. Explicitly.
Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

Can we just be clear here that Trump doesn't have the power to "give" anything to anyone. Jerusalem is ALREADY under Israeli sovereignty. The US recognizes Israeli sovereignty there.

Final status can still be negotiated, but it is unlikely in the extreme that Israel is going to give up any substantial part of Jerusalem, certainly not the Temple and the Old City. The reasons for this are very clear in the Framework: Israel has demonstrated its willingness and ability to maintain peace and security, with freedom of worship and respect for the Muslim Holy Shrines.

But if Palestine has a counter-offer for Jerusalem it should spit one up. What would such a counter-offer look like?
Plus, the status quo on the Temple Mount would be maintained (namely the Muslim Wakf being in charge, and Jews not being allowed to pray there).

The Plan actually calls for complete freedom of worship and prayer for people of all faiths on the Temple Mount. Explicitly.

Oh sorry. I read somewhere that the status quo would be maintained over there.

Oh that was in there too. That the status quo would be maintained, with Jordan and the Waqf carrying out their continued involvement. But the freedom of prayer was explicitly mentioned.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.
Hard disagree.

Trump implemented a series of measures that made impossible for Abbas to go to the negotiating table: Jerusalem, cutting all aid, shutting down their office and booting them. After those actions there is no way the Palestinia s OR ANYONE ELSE would trust or work with the US or Israel.

You call it whining. If Trump had done this Israel, I seriously doubt Israel would be at the table.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.

Already done. In fact it was one of my first posts.
WHY would the Palestinians enter into negotiations with the US after these actions? WHY would they trust them?

You might consider this in reverse. Why would the US agree to consult with the Palestinian government when that government has repeatedly refused to participate even in early conversations?
They have in the past. With the current administration, what has been the timeline of events? When did the Palestinians refuse? What steps were taken to bring both sides in? This is known as diplomacy.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.
By the way no one is throwing around the term "evil". Except you.

It is perfectly legitimate to ask how you can have a plan, put together by Israel and the US and zero Palistinian input and expect it to fly.

Like I said before, if Trump had unilaterally supported the Palestinian claim to Jerusalem, cut off all aid to Israel, closed their embassy and announced they were working with the Palestinians on a peace plan, would you like to participate...the enthusiasm would be lacking.
Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock
Daniel Krygier
February 2, 2020

In a fit of rage over President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” peace plan, PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas cut ties with America and Israel. The plan calls for the establishment of a new Arab state living in peace with the Jewish state. In addition, Trump’s plan offers 50 billion dollars in investments in the new PLO state if it renounces terrorism against Israel.

Mr. Abbas’s spokesperson Mohamed al-Megalomania spoke to Israellycool: “Living in peace with the Jews? This is not part of our culture! Mr. Abbas’s powerful decision will teach the Zionists and the Cowboys a lesson. From now on, Abbas refuses to be protected by Zionist security, fed with Zionist food, and cured by Zionist doctors at Zionist Apartheid hospitals. Mr. Abbas will also refuse to get free Zionist electricity and American money. In addition, our popular Days of Rage will no longer be tuition-free.”

People worldwide were in shock over Mr. Abbas’s decision to end all relations with the hands that feed him. After all, Pallywood is the world’s leading non-existing kleptocratic banana terrorist republic.

The Chinese government abruptly stopped focusing on pesky details like fighting the Coronavirus and declared three days of mourning over Abbas’s diplomatic shock tactics.

For the first time since the creation of the universe, the sun respectfully rotated around planet Pallywood.

The New Yallah Stock Exchange (NYSE) collapsed fifteen terrorist points, pushing the world to the dangerous brink of another great anti-terrorist depression.

The UN’s Human Bribes Council passed a resolution condemning the “heartless and racist” Trump plan, which denies PLO the fundamental human right to push the annoying Jews into the Mediterranean Ocean.

Global environmentalist superstar Greta Thunberg was outraged:

“This is all wrong. I should be back in school learning Marxism. Instead, I have to fight American-Zionist attacks on PLO’s peaceful Jihad ecosystem. How dare you Mr. Trump!”

Monty Python’s Ministry of Funny Walks protested against Trump’s peace plan by merging with the Arab League of Funny Talks.

The self-appointed leading human rights power, the European Union blasted Trump’s peace plan as “one-sided” and labeled President Trump an “illegal Zionist product from the New York settlement.”

The European Union’s keffiyeh-clad Middle East envoy Manneken Pissed told Israellycool:

“The Deal of the Century is a declaration of war against all Israel critical human bribes activists who want the Jews to rest in peace. Today as all of the year’s 365 days, we are all Pallynudniks.”

Mahmoud Abbas Cuts Ties with US and Israel, World in Shock

The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

How more will you repeat this silly talking point in face of facts?
The PA refused giving any input, Abbas went into long detail how he refused to review anything, the invitation to talks, the calls.

Silly games.

Not at all.

Against decades of insistence that any resolution MUST be a negotiated one between the Palestinians and Israel:

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Trump closed the Palestinian "consulate".

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Then you wonder why they wouldn't come to the negotiating table? Seriously?

Again, if the situation were reversed...

Trump gave Jerusalem in entirety to Israel, severing any Palestinian claims to any part of it.

Recognizing reality is never a bad thing.

Trump ended all aid, of any kind, to the Palestinians.

Their own country and $50 billion....why do they need more aid? To buy rockets and dig tunnels?

The part about Jerusalem is not true. Three neighborhoods in East Jerusalem were given to the Palestinians. If they want to use that to be their capital, is entirely up to them. If they choose to do that, President Trump said he would put the American embassy to the State of Palestine there. Plus, the status quo on the Temple Mount would be maintained (namely the Muslim Wakf being in charge, and Jews not being allowed to pray there).
What did the Oslo Accords say?
So. Problems with this plan.

Lack of input from the Palestinian community.

Lack of buy in.

Presumption of successful united leadership in one future state.

It seems to me that this plan was released (or sprung) prematurely due to the political troubles Trump and Netanyahu face.

It would have been better to spend some time selling it to the palestinian people (not the political leadership), getting input from local leadership, the equivalent of town halls, before presenting it.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.
Hard disagree.

Trump implemented a series of measures that made impossible for Abbas to go to the negotiating table: Jerusalem, cutting all aid, shutting down their office and booting them. After those actions there is no way the Palestinia s OR ANYONE ELSE would trust or work with the US or Israel.

You call it whining. If Trump had done this Israel, I seriously doubt Israel would be at the table.

It is NOT impossible for Abbas to go to the negotiating table. And claiming that it is impossible is just an excuse to avoid negotiating. And the only people being harmed by this refusal to negotiate are the Arab Palestinians.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.

Already done. In fact it was one of my first posts.

I'm waiting for your counter-offer.
It is perfectly legitimate to ask how you can have a plan, put together by Israel and the US and zero Palistinian input and expect it to fly.

No one is expecting it to fly. We are simply expecting discussion. Why won't Abbas and the Palestinians discuss it?
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.
Hard disagree.

Trump implemented a series of measures that made impossible for Abbas to go to the negotiating table: Jerusalem, cutting all aid, shutting down their office and booting them. After those actions there is no way the Palestinia s OR ANYONE ELSE would trust or work with the US or Israel.

You call it whining. If Trump had done this Israel, I seriously doubt Israel would be at the table.

It is NOT impossible for Abbas to go to the negotiating table. And claiming that it is impossible is just an excuse to avoid negotiating. And the only people being harmed by this refusal to negotiate are the Arab Palestinians.

No. It isn't. He has to be able justify his actions to his people and he has been put in an untenable position. Diplomacy isn't a business deal mandated by a CEO. There has to be a way for both sides to have some sort of win to take home. The process thus far hasn't allowed that.
The "Deal of the Century" completely excluded any Palestinian input. No one should be surprised at the reactions.

Imagine if the "Deal of the Century" were made with the US and Palestinians only. I doubt Israel would jump on board.

Even if that were true (and it is not since Abbas told everyone he rejected participation expressly so that he could whine and sulk that he didn't participate), the Palestinians should still come to the table and begin negotiating. It would be a great idea for the US and the Palestinians to sit down and hammer out their own proposal for a framework toward peace and prosperity. They should do it, starting tomorrow.

And SOMEONE out there on Team Palestine should start whittling away at this proposal and determine what can be lived with and what needs changing, instead of continuing to whine and complain that the "sky is falling" and the US and Israel are evil for the very idea of putting together such a considered and comprehensive proposal.

Already done. In fact it was one of my first posts.

I'm waiting for your counter-offer.
I made one suggestion. Go out, present it and sell it to the Palestinian people and local leadership and see what they have to say. What you or I think is irrelevant. We dont live with it.
So. Problems with this plan.

Lack of input from the Palestinian community.

Lack of buy in.

Presumption of successful united leadership in one future state.

1. and 2. are not really problems with the plan. They are rejections of any plan. If the Arab Palestinians can't "buy in" to peace and an end of conflict agreement, then one will have to be imposed on them unilaterally.

3. is an admission that Arab Palestine is not currently capable of joining the family of nations and becoming a State. Its an admission of a failure to govern.

None of these things is a failure of the PLAN. They are indications of much bigger and deeper problems. How would you suggest solving these problems?
It is perfectly legitimate to ask how you can have a plan, put together by Israel and the US and zero Palistinian input and expect it to fly.

No one is expecting it to fly. We are simply expecting discussion. Why won't Abbas and the Palestinians discuss it?
Because they have been diplomatically insulted insulted and stiffed. What is more, what reason would they have to believe the US is acting in good faith?
So. Problems with this plan.

Lack of input from the Palestinian community.

Lack of buy in.

Presumption of successful united leadership in one future state.

1. and 2. are not really problems with the plan. They are rejections of any plan. If the Arab Palestinians can't "buy in" to peace and an end of conflict agreement, then one will have to be imposed on them unilaterally.

3. is an admission that Arab Palestine is not currently capable of joining the family of nations and becoming a State. Its an admission of a failure to govern.

None of these things is a failure of the PLAN. They are indications of much bigger and deeper problems. How would you suggest solving these problems?

I totally disagree that totally excluding one side from a plan "is not a problem".

I can't imagine anyone in a conflict feeling that their exclusion from a deal while the opponent was integral to "not a problem".

What I suggest is go to the people and their local leadership and get some information. What do these different communities want? What can they live with? What can they not live with? What do they think of the various aspects of the plan? Can Gaza be negotiated separately then WB?

Take that info and see what is workable with Israel.

And maybe a lot of it is but you won't get support without going to the people who'd lives will be affected.

THEN you have a workable beginning imo.

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