Trump decertifies Iran deal

It would have been nice if that shithead Obama had cared as much about the US as he cared about those filthy ass Muslim countries.

I'm sorry, exactly how is making a deal with Iran helping Americans one way or the other.

I mean, the Jews hate this deal, but Americans, meh, not a big deal.

Are you really that dumb or are you just confused?

The deal was supposedly to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons that could be a threat to anybody in the world. In the case of Iran we know that they have been giving nuke and missile technology to the Norks, who have threatened to attack the US and our allies. God only knows what the hell they are going to do to stabilize the Middle East when they finish their program.

The deal was terrible and did nothing of substance to curtail Iranian nuclear development and production while giving them hundreds of billions of dollars.

That dumbass affirmative action asshole Obama made a terrible deal that only enabled the Iranians. Not only did the stupid deal require almost a month's notice for inspections but no military facilities were to be inspected and no American inspectors. Sweetheart deal for the Iranians, huh?

Obama gave away the store to the Iranians and good for Trump for having the courage and intelligence to get the US out of the deal. Of course that piece of shit Obama made sure the Iranians got all their shit up front so what the hell do they care?

The Moon Bats were idiots electing Obama. That sonofabitch was a disaster.

The US is still in the deal. He didn't leave the deal. He decertified it, and it's now with the GOP led Congress to decide what to do.

But it doesn't matter. Russia , China, the Europeans and Iran aren't interested in adding on whatever the warmongering GOP wants anyway. If the deal falls apart and everyone ignores the GOP's whining, then Iran will have a nuke AND trade with the world.

The GOP fucks up everything.

No Moon Bat, you are confused.

That asshole Obama fucked up everything when he championed a deal that did noting to stop Iranian nuclear proliferation but yet gave them money and legitimacy. It never would have happen if that piece of shit Obama and his Iranian Ho bitch Jarrett hadn't wanted to enable the Muslim Iranians.

Obama loves his Muslims buddies and did everything he could to kiss their ass.

Democrat foreign policy is always a disaster. Just like their economic policies that produce decreased family income, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth increased income disparity and increased poverty.

Only an idiot would vote for a Democrat.

Obama did the best he could------there are now UNINTENTIONAL consequences
Obama left Iraq under the agreement made between Bush and the Iraqis.
Obama set back and watched a mile-long Isis Convoy travel through open desert into Iraq, allowing them to take over much of Iraq which are military had liberated at Great cost.

This was the same Isis that Obama financed, supplied, trained, armed, protected, and defended.
Obama did the best he could------there are now UNINTENTIONAL consequences
Obama did the best he could? Financing, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and defending Isis was doing the best he could?

Dragging the United States into two unconstitutional and unauthorized Wars to help terrorists was the best he could do?

Good Lord, if that is the best he could do I would hate to see the worst!

How do you sleep being a racist and a jerk? Why are you that miserable?
Do you have the balls to use the N word outside your house?

No, you are confused Moon Bat.

The racist jerks are you idiot Moon Bats that elected that dumbass Obama just because he was Black. You thought it would be cool to elect a Negro and you didn't even bother to check out his qualifications. What the hell were you idiots thinking? He was an extreme far Left dumbass that only got his degrees through affirmative action and not because he knew his ass from a hole in the ground.

Speaking of racism you nitwits elected the sonofabitch knowing that he attended a church for 20 years where they preached hate against Whites and Jews so you can just shut the fuck up about racism.
You republican clowns have done so well with North Korea

I cannot wait to see you all turn Iran into another North Korea

and declare victory afterwards
You republican clowns have done so well with North Korea
Mark, you must be mental.

Jimmy Carter started the ball rolling with North Korea's nuclear program followed by Bill Clinton who gave them nuclear reactors.

While Obama was protecting illegals, arming Mexican drug cartels, aiding and abetting terrorists, and dragging the United States into two unconstitutional and unauthorized Wars to help Isis and Al Qaeda, North Korea was advancing their nuclear weapons and missile technology programs.
You republican clowns have done so well with North Korea
Mark, you must be mental.

Jimmy Carter started the ball rolling with North Korea's nuclear program followed by Bill Clinton who gave them nuclear reactors.

While Obama was protecting illegals, arming Mexican drug cartels, aiding and abetting terrorists, and dragging the United States into two unconstitutional and unauthorized Wars to help Isis and Al Qaeda, North Korea was advancing their nuclear weapons and missile technology programs.
It's always someone else's fault in republicanworld

Do you all have to graduate from Whine School to get the secret decoder ring?
It's always someone else's fault in republicanworld. Do you all have to graduate from Whine School to get the secret decoder ring?
Mark, I am sorry you had to throw a tantrum because you don't like history and facts.

You tried to blame Republicans for North Korea, and you were corrected. Get over it.
Well, the only commentary I've heard on Trump's decision to "decertify" (sort of) the Iran deal is from PBS Newshour, and they say it isn't actually "pulling out" of the deal. Like a lot of other things, like DACA, he is just piling it on Congress to "fix." It is more a threat to slap sanctions on Iran for continuing to be a Bad Scout. The nuclear deal never was expected to fix Iran's attitude. One man's terrorist organization is another man's freedom fighters. One man's insane religion is another man's holy orders. Yes, they're aggressive. They have been a hub of culture and power in the Middle East for centuries, millenia even. They are proud.
I am glad they have been slowed down from getting nukes. Deciding to neutralize everything they stand for is completely futile. I think their attitude sucks, too, and I wish they'd quit, but you can't just blindly accept whatever bellyaching the war hawks hand you. Iran is pushing back against American intervention in the Middle East and America doesn't like that. Should we lose the ability to keep nukes out of their hands for another decade or two because of that?
It was supposed to be about keeping them from getting nukes. They don't have nukes. It will take them a year to build a nuke. That is better than the situation in North Korea, yes?
I just don't think Trump can get what he wants without turning Iran to dust. Maybe that's what some people want. I don't think it's our business.
Obama left Iraq under the agreement made between Bush and the Iraqis.
Obama set back and watched a mile-long Isis Convoy travel through open desert into Iraq, allowing them to take over much of Iraq which are military had liberated at Great cost.

This was the same Isis that Obama financed, supplied, trained, armed, protected, and defended.
Before Bush invaded Iraq ISIS didn't exist! ISIS was created by the vacuum left by Bush killing :
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The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
Iran is a lost cause. The appeasement that has been made, the lifting of sanctions and handing them back all of their money, agreeing to allow them to continue to enrich uranium, the unconstitutional personal treaty Obama made with Iran - they are all 'done deals' now.

There is no going back, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Iran will get nuclear weapons, just as North Korea did after being appeased and given nuclear reactors.

Obama also started a nuclear arms race in the Middle East by doing this, as other other Middle Eastern Nations begin to look into developing their own programs.

Many, as we see on this board, are in denial about this thinking it will never happen, just as people said North Korea would never get nuclear weapons.

Once it sinks in, once it happens, they will see that what has just happened is the leading supporter of terrorism in the Middle East has been given the ability to create and build nuclear weapons - dirty bombs at the very least.
It's always someone else's fault in republicanworld. Do you all have to graduate from Whine School to get the secret decoder ring?
Mark, I am sorry you had to throw a tantrum because you don't like history and facts.

You tried to blame Republicans for North Korea, and you were corrected. Get over it.

for the record----I am a registered democrat since THE DAY----a attained the age of 21
Trump decertifies Iran deal

Great! He needs to "decertify" the friggin country.
Iran is a lost cause. The appeasement that has been made, the lifting of sanctions and handing them back all of their money, agreeing to allow them to continue to enrich uranium, the unconstitutional personal treaty Obama made with Iran - they are all 'done deals' now.

There is no going back, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Iran will get nuclear weapons, just as North Korea did after being appeased and given nuclear reactors.

Obama also started a nuclear arms race in the Middle East by doing this, as other other Middle Eastern Nations begin to look into developing their own programs.

Many, as we see on this board, are in denial about this thinking it will never happen, just as people said North Korea would never get nuclear weapons.

Once it sinks in, once it happens, they will see that what has just happened is the leading supporter of terrorism in the Middle East has been given the ability to create and build nuclear weapons - dirty bombs at the very least.

the approach to imperialist Iran will take KNOW-HOW, INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY and---balls. I hope that
Trump chooses and heeds----GOOD ADVISORS
Iran is a lost cause. The appeasement that has been made, the lifting of sanctions and handing them back all of their money, agreeing to allow them to continue to enrich uranium, the unconstitutional personal treaty Obama made with Iran - they are all 'done deals' now.

There is no going back, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.

Iran will get nuclear weapons, just as North Korea did after being appeased and given nuclear reactors.

Obama also started a nuclear arms race in the Middle East by doing this, as other other Middle Eastern Nations begin to look into developing their own programs.

Many, as we see on this board, are in denial about this thinking it will never happen, just as people said North Korea would never get nuclear weapons.

Once it sinks in, once it happens, they will see that what has just happened is the leading supporter of terrorism in the Middle East has been given the ability to create and build nuclear weapons - dirty bombs at the very least.
Iran is a lost cause.

Typical republican plan

1) Blame everyone else

2) Set self on fire

3) Surrender
This person wants to change the narrative, lol. DEATH TO AMERICA! OK, let the senate agree to the deal, then run for election in 2018. You want the deal? Lobby your senator, and good luck to you!

The problem is, the deal is already in place. If we pull out of it, the other signatories on it will just ignore us and keep trading with Iran.

I'm sorry you don't get this, or don't want to get this, but Trump doesn't have all that much influence.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Iran

Iran imports 87 Million in US goods and exports 172 million. Most of that is oil, so if they don't sell it to us, they'll sell it to someone else and we'll have to buy someone else's oil.

Now while that might sound like a lot of money, Iran's GDP is 400 Billion. We aren't even talking about 1/10th of 1% of their total GDP.

So the Orange Shitgibbon wants to tank the deal, it really doesn't stop Iran from going back to enriching Uranium if that's what they want to do.
You hit nail on head. Trump's refusal to certify the agreement has no long term consequences.

The Senate will have to decide what should be done. Considering what is going on in the Senate, it is very likely nothing will be done. Nothing is gained by the US removing itself from the agreement. Sanctions have been removed by the UN and the rest of world is free to trade with Iran. Applying US sanction unilaterally would have little effect on Iran.
The one thing the Idiot-in Chief has done is send a message to all governments on this Earth that the word the United States commits to in any agreement is subject to the whim of any future President after a number of years have passed. That fucking NARCISSISTIC FOOL has done grave damage to the reputation of this Nation and is unconscionable!

Old news. Abandoning S. Vietnam did that decades ago. Which Idiot-in-Chief are you talking about?
The Vietnam war is Old News. We got our ass's kicked by farmers! Another example of how Whitey foolishly believed they could beat anyone.

We didn't get our asses kicked by anybody. S. Vietnam and US soldiers were betrayed by politicians and civilians and we just got rid of an anti-American alleged president. Like I said-nothing new.
This person wants to change the narrative, lol. DEATH TO AMERICA! OK, let the senate agree to the deal, then run for election in 2018. You want the deal? Lobby your senator, and good luck to you!

The problem is, the deal is already in place. If we pull out of it, the other signatories on it will just ignore us and keep trading with Iran.

I'm sorry you don't get this, or don't want to get this, but Trump doesn't have all that much influence.

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Iran

Iran imports 87 Million in US goods and exports 172 million. Most of that is oil, so if they don't sell it to us, they'll sell it to someone else and we'll have to buy someone else's oil.

Now while that might sound like a lot of money, Iran's GDP is 400 Billion. We aren't even talking about 1/10th of 1% of their total GDP.

So the Orange Shitgibbon wants to tank the deal, it really doesn't stop Iran from going back to enriching Uranium if that's what they want to do.
You hit nail on head. Trump's refusal to certify the agreement has no long term consequences.

The Senate will have to decide what should be done. Considering what is going on in the Senate, it is very likely nothing will be done. Nothing is gained by the US removing itself from the agreement. Sanctions have been removed by the UN and the rest of world is free to trade with Iran. Applying US sanction unilaterally would have little effect on Iran.

a little is better than nothing

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