Trump demands displaced Disneyland workers be rehired..

Trump responding to the use of H1-B visa workers to replace our own STEM citizens and responding to Rubios claim that there are not enough American citizens to take the jobs (what an outrageous lie!).
"Rubio is dead wrong. America produces the best and brightest in the world. It’s time to stand up for own students–many of whom are racked with terrible, terrible debt and facing a disastrous job market. We are graduating two times more students in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) than find jobs in those fields every year. We have a surplus of talented Americans and we need them to get jobs first."
EXCLUSIVE - Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio 'Silicon Valley's Puppet' - Breitbart
You know, I don't usually read that Breitbart crap, but since it was an exclusive, and I am intrigued by this Trump fellow, I gave those article a gander.

What piqued my curiosity the most was that a part where the 'ol Donald seems concerned about the plight of those poor poor under employed college kids that have graduated with tons of student debt and now no jobs.

Wow. . . . you don't think he's actually going to start making plans and finding solutions for them? If he does, watch out Bernie. :laugh:
You know, I don't usually read that Breitbart crap, but since it was an exclusive, and I am intrigued by this Trump fellow, I gave those article a gander.

What piqued my curiosity the most was that a part where the 'ol Donald seems concerned about the plight of those poor poor under employed college kids that have graduated with tons of student debt and now no jobs.

Wow. . . . you don't think he's actually going to start making plans and finding solutions for them? If he does, watch out Bernie. :laugh:

Well, I guess it is kind of grist for humor, but Trump means it. Trump, Carson and Huckabee are more like old Humphrey Democrats, than Rubio/Cruz neocon ideologues.

Most of my family is old yellow dog Democrat and almost all of them are supporting Trump, to my amazement.
It'll end up a battle between Trump and Rubio. Cruz will probably take the 3 spot, buoyed by the embarrassing people that voted for Santorum in 2012.
Those embarrassing people are still Americans. I'm sure they would probably be pretty embarrassed by you too. Look at your signature line for pete's sake. :rolleyes-41:

If a European, an African, and and Islander asked me if understood the behavior of either of you, I would be embarrassed, but I'd have to say, yeah, I know them, their my brothers, just typical Americans.

btw, if you have ever been friends, like, personally friends with the sort of folk that would vote for Santorum? They're good folk. They really are. All heart. The warmest and most polite type of human beings you ever would want to meet. Then again, I'm pretty well, average, not "colored" or gay or anything like that.
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You know, I don't usually read that Breitbart crap, but since it was an exclusive, and I am intrigued by this Trump fellow, I gave those article a gander.

What piqued my curiosity the most was that a part where the 'ol Donald seems concerned about the plight of those poor poor under employed college kids that have graduated with tons of student debt and now no jobs.

Wow. . . . you don't think he's actually going to start making plans and finding solutions for them? If he does, watch out Bernie. :laugh:

Well, I guess it is kind of grist for humor, but Trump means it. Trump, Carson and Huckabee are more like old Humphrey Democrats, than Rubio/Cruz neocon ideologues.

Most of my family is old yellow dog Democrat and almost all of them are supporting Trump, to my amazement.

I haven't figured him out yet. I don't know if the media and the establishment's attempts to destroy him are real or feigned.

I see some real parallels between he and Reagan. But then, even Regan changed his tune when the establishment embraced him and he got to D.C.

Donald Trump is much more like Ronald Reagan than the GOP establishment would like to admit
Donald Trump is much more like Ronald Reagan than the GOP establishment would like to admit
Those embarrassing people are still Americans. I'm sure they would probably be pretty embarrassed by you too. Look at your signature line for pete's sake. :rolleyes-41:

If a European, an African, and and Islander asked me if understood the behavior of either of you, I would be embarrassed, but I'd have to say, yeah, I know them, their my brothers, just typical Americans.

btw, if you have ever been friends, like, personally friends with the sort of folk that would vote for Santorum? They're good folk. They really are. All heart. The warmest and most polite type of human beings you ever would want to meet. Then again, I'm pretty well, average, not "colored" or gay or anything like that.
Well said.
My brother works for Facebook. I took a tour and there were very large numbers of non-Americans in every room. My brother barely made it in, and he had to take a "culture indoctrination" class before he was hired.
My brother works for Facebook. I took a tour and there were very large numbers of non-Americans in every room. My brother barely made it in, and he had to take a "culture indoctrination" class before he was hired.

Yeah, these Third Worlders work for half the pay Americans do. It is a lot of money to them.

But it is in complete violation of our laws and the government reefuses to enforce these laws.

Its like these cases where H1-Bs are hired to get trained by the US citizens they are replacing. The law says these H1-Bs cannot be paid less than Americans are paid, and they cannot be hired if Americans are available. Hell even Open Borders shitbags like Rubio agree they should be punished for doing this. BUT EVEN SO THEY DO NOTHING ABOUT IT.

That is why I think the pbulic has finally given up on politicians keeping their word. They lie,lie, and lie more just for effect. When Rubio says the law should be enforced, he is lying, because he *is* the one with the authority from the people of his state to look into things like Disney did, having their American employees train their H1-B replacements.

Only the nonpoliticians like Trump and Carson are likely to keep their word any more.
EXCLUSIVE - Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio 'Silicon Valley's Puppet' - Breitbart

Sounds like a good plan. I'll take a not so articulate that loves American over someone that hates our borders anytime

That's business for you. Why keep someone on earning $30/hour say if you can replace them with someone you only have to pay $15/hour? Perfectly sensible from the pov of the business.

Business works by way of cold math. If you don't like it have a revolution. :)

Big companies like Disney, auto manufactuers, etc. the people making these decisions are only looking at the numbers. If their annual wages paid out is x amount, and they can replace longtime employees making max with new workers they only pay entry wages, that's the decision they're gonna make. They don't see the IT guys' picture, read his bio, or even know he exists. They're doing the right thing for the right reason. Business doesn't owe its exployees a career or job security. It owes its stock holders profit. Can't whine saying this was unfair when you liked it just fine for however long.
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EXCLUSIVE - Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio 'Silicon Valley's Puppet' - Breitbart

Sounds like a good plan. I'll take a not so articulate that loves American over someone that hates our borders anytime
Will Trump replace the illegals he brags about working for him with Americans first?

“You know, the truth is I have a lot of illegals working for me in Miami,” “You know in Miami, my golf course is tended by all these Hispanics — if it wasn’t for them my lawn wouldn’t be the lawn it is; it’s the best lawn,”

-Donald J Trump
EXCLUSIVE - Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio 'Silicon Valley's Puppet' - Breitbart

Sounds like a good plan. I'll take a not so articulate that loves American over someone that hates our borders anytime

That's business for you. Why keep someone on earning $30/hour say if you can replace them with someone you only have to pay $15/hour? Perfectly sensible from the pov of the business.

Business works by way of cold math. If you don't like it have a revolution. :)

Big companies like Disney, auto manufactuers, etc. the people making these decisions are only looking at the numbers. If their annual wages paid out is x amount, and they can replace longtime employees making max with new workers they only pay entry wages, that's the decision they're gonna make. They don't see the IT guys' picture, read his bio, or even know he exists. They're doing the right thing for the right reason. Business doesn't owe its exployees a career or job security. It owes its stock holders profit. Can't whine saying this was unfair when you liked it just fine for however long.
Praise Capitalism!
EXCLUSIVE - Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio 'Silicon Valley's Puppet' - Breitbart

Sounds like a good plan. I'll take a not so articulate that loves American over someone that hates our borders anytime
Will Trump replace the illegals he brags about working for him with Americans first?

“You know, the truth is I have a lot of illegals working for me in Miami,” “You know in Miami, my golf course is tended by all these Hispanics — if it wasn’t for them my lawn wouldn’t be the lawn it is; it’s the best lawn,”

-Donald J Trump

Just as soon as he makes Obamacare applicable to himself, and all government employees, including congressmen, Senators, and the Judiciary, I'm sure. :badgrin:
EXCLUSIVE - Donald Trump Rights Ship on Immigration: Demands Disney Rehire Workers Replaced by Cheap Foreign Labor, Calls Rubio 'Silicon Valley's Puppet' - Breitbart

Sounds like a good plan. I'll take a not so articulate that loves American over someone that hates our borders anytime

That's business for you. Why keep someone on earning $30/hour say if you can replace them with someone you only have to pay $15/hour? Perfectly sensible from the pov of the business.

Business works by way of cold math. If you don't like it have a revolution. :)

IT is also against the law. The H1-B laws say that companies must first hire Americans and they are to pay the prevailing wage, and in these cases they are in flagrant disregard of the law.

So we need to elect officials who are not sold out to corporate cronyism who will enforce the law or do a hearing on why the laws are not enforced..

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