CDZ Why I am Now Primarily a Trump Supporter

Trump now leads in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania against the top four leading Democrat candidates.

Uh oh, GOP had better be careful!

We all know how that story goes!
Real men debate. Trump cultists always run away weeping "TDS! TDS!". There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot combined.
Debate against your imagination? How?

You type some demented post about vague claims of churches and cults with no proof, no witness, no specific claim, and no link to a source and you wonder why nobody debated you?

Try posting like a man and stop the desperate TDS posts.
The last few years have brought many fence sitters over to Trump...never-Trumpers and the like. But this impeachment charade will start to drive even Democrats to support him.
They have overplayed their hand thanks to TDS.
I first supported Walker and then Cruz until Trump defeated him.

Trump was the Democrat/MSM choice because he was the easiest for Hillary to beat. That's one reason he was 3rd from last on my GOP list ahead of Paul and Jeb!.

I'd still prefer Cruz, but you can't argue (honestly) with Trumps successes.

Judges, employment, wages, Caliphate removal, ect..

Yes Trump has been fantastic. And remade politics. We were stuck too long in the old school bubble where we played by their rules even as they changed them.
And to tell the truth Cruz could not have won. I agree with you they wanted Trump but that was only because they misunderstand the American people. They, these smug ruling elites, have been insulated and protected for so long they have evolved completely away from the American people and can no longer understand what makes us tick. They assumed their old power of taking down anyone different with the media would still work. It doesnt...thanks to Trump.
Cruz was already playing their game. He said Trump was mean to he prepared to run against a woman who would have used the woman card to annihilate him.
In fact Cruz even desperately broke with tradition and announced he had chosen a female VP when he hadnt even won the nomination. He was that desperate. And Fiona of all people...who never met a company she couldn't bankrupt or an election she couldnt lose.

Cruz is such an incredibly decent guy but he wasnt the right guy for this.
I don't think they will survive. The Democrat Party will more likely become a non-existent entity after one more term of Trump. An old, dead, irrelevant throwback party, relegated to their racist, ineffectual, and failed past.

I think they'll come back ---- because their defeat in the McGovern race (he got ONE STATE???? and not his home state, even???) was maybe worse than anything going on now, but they came back. Well, with Carter, true, but he had four years.
I know quite a few people with the same experience. I work with one in particular who was a rabid never-trumper and Ted Cruz supporter. He sat on our local County Republican Committee with me until I resigned a few years ago. This guy was completely convinced that Trump would destroy the Republican Party and since he couldn’t bring himself to vote for Hillary he just sat the election out and didn’t vote at all in 2016.
It took him maybe 8 months to transition to full fledged Trump supporter. And it was for similar reasons you list. Better than campaign ads, better than stump speeches and better than campaign promises...the vicious and sustained attack on Trump by the elite class is the best and most honest advertisement for what Trump stands for and it convinced him and many like him I’m sure.
If they support abortion, homosexuality, child drag queens, foreign invaders...if they root for China over the US, attack Christians, agitate against gun rights and campaign in Mexico...then you know they will be anti Trump. TDS has driven them into the open and it’s easier than ever to pick the right side.

I think this is a very good post, and I am seeing that there are a lot of never-Trumpers like the establishment Republican you refer to who are "coming home" as they say.

The Dems do support perversion diversity and pretty much everything that harms everyone: not an attractive menu. Trump knows what his job description is: it has always been Peace and Prosperity, and he has delivered. And he has delivered on his campaign promises. Too bad he and Jeff Bezos are at odds, because both of them believe in "underpromise and overdeliver."
I didn't vote for him in 2016, nor did I vote for Hillary figuring I had finally reached my limit in regards to choosing the lesser of two weevels.
I voted for Trump more as a vote against Hillary.

I truly believe that our nation dodged a bullet with her defeat.

Trump has won me over to the sincerety of his goals, his analysis of what is wrong in our country and how to address it.

Welcome home!! I'm glad you are with us.

But I do think Hillary will run again. She obviously wants to: it's been a constant signaling for months that
she's available. And migod, I think she'd be a lot more plausible candidate than these perverts and diversities and crazies! I mean, Warren is just frankly a communist, and Bernie even admits he is.

But I think Trump could beat her worse than last time.
I have fought going full Trumpy fan bois till now. Call me what you want, but Trump has the same enemies as the American people do, and I am proud to say that he has converted me to supporting him (but NOT the losers also known as the Republican Party in general).

For this decision, I give the following reasons, one of which was triggered last night when I saw the movie 'Dark Waters'.
1) The Oligarchs are out of control and have no respect for the law.
Dupont has been dumping PFOAs into our air and water for over 70 years now.
Studies have found correlation between high PFOA exposure and six health outcomes: kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, thyroid disease, hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), and pregnancy-induced hypertension.
The levels of PFOA exposure in humans vary widely. While an average American might have 3 or 4 parts per billion of PFOA present in their blood serum. Dupont in internal safety docs, said that anything over 1ppb is likely to be fatal.
PFOA can be absorbed from ingestion and can penetrate skin. Yes, if PFOAs are in your water system, you take it in whenb you shower or wash your face. You dont have to drink it so filters only help some.
In humans, PFOA has an average elimination half-life of about 3 years

Perfluorooctanoic acid - Wikipedia

Decline in perfluorooctanesulfonate and other polyfluoroalkyl chemicals in American Red Cross adult blood donors, 2000-2006. - PubMed - NCBI
3.4 ng = 3.4 parts per billion

3.4 Nanograms Per Milliliter to Parts Per Billion (ng/mL to ppb)

Trump is threatening their legal immunity via the Politcal Establishment which serves them and make them accountable for their outrageous conduct.

2) Trump is cutting into the use of black market labor to undercut American worker pay scales.

DHS Quadrupled Workplace Investigations in 2019 | Breitbart

The extra pressure on employers is nudging them to hire more Americans and to raise their pay. The Bureau of Labor Standards reported December 6 that employers hired 266,000 more people in November, and that “over the last 12 months, average hourly earnings have increased by 3.1 percent.”

The BLS data shows that construction wages rose by 2.7 percent, wages for transportation and warehousing workers rose by 2.8 percent, information technology wages rose by 3.1 percent, while wages for leisure and hospitality workers rose by 3.4 percent.

Those pocketbook gains would likely be higher if GOP and Democrat legislators in Congress had not held open the border for at least 400,000 unskilled migrants throughout the first part of 2019. Congress is also allowing the legal immigration of roughly one million people per year and is allowing companies to keep an army of roughly 1.5 million foreign visa workers in the U.S. jobs that are needed by U.S. college graduates.

Business groups complain there is a shortage of workers. But the BLS reports that 164 million Americans are in the workforce, while roughly four million young Americans join the workforce each year.

Several of the Democrats’ 2020 candidates — including Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren — are promising to open the border, so generating applause from the wealthy donors who bankroll much of the Democrat party. That open borders policy would dramatically increase the supply of labor and so drop Americans’ wages, once investors and employers could hire cheap young migrants instead of middle-class Americans – including older, disabled, or poorly educated Americans.

Trump’s tightening labor market is also forcing company owners to restart training programs for young Americans, according to another report in the Wall Street Journal:

Chad Ballard, 28 years old, was building swimming pools and trimming trees in Daytona Beach, Fla., when he decided to move to Hickory and then take a chance on an entry-level job at Century. Now, four evenings a week, he studies upholstery at Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory, a skill that could boost his annual pay to $45,000 within a few years and, if he can master the craft, to $75,000 or more.​

the problem has not been just an unavoidable loss of wealth, the Oligarchs are stealing that wealth by breaking our immigration laws and robbing us blind.

3) Trump is trying to reign in the Opioid crisis, and securing the border is part of that effort.

Opioids Killing Young White Suburban Americans More Than Anyone Else

This is the second consecutive year that young white Americans in the suburbs have died at the highest rate for opioid-involved overdose deaths. In 2016, this demographic had an opioid overdose death rate of nearly 51 deaths per 100,000 — more than any other group of Americans.

In small towns across the U.S., white Americans between 25 to 34 years old and 35 to 44 years old have the highest opioid overdose death rates. In 2017, younger white millennials in small towns died at an opioid overdose rate of about 40.2 deaths per 100,000. Similarly, white Generation Xers in small towns died at an overdose rate of 38.3 deaths per 100,000.

Meanwhile, black Americans have the highest opioid overdose death rate in the nation’s largest cities and metropolises. In 2017, black Americans between 45 to 54 years old and 55 to 64 years old in large cities had an overdose death rate between about 41.9 to 42.7 deaths per 100,000 — a 96 to 117 percent increase since 2015.​

4) Trump is trying to stop Muslim Jihadis from killing Americans on American soil, despite being damned as a racist for protecting us from the Jihadi's.

Report: Pensacola Gunman a Middle Eastern Foreign National

5) Trump is creating record job numbers.
America Created 266,000 Jobs in November | Breitbart

CNBC's Cramer on Jobs Report: 'These Are the Best Numbers of Our Lives' | Breitbart

6) American consumer confidence is way up now due to Trump.
Consumer Sentiment Soars Toward Trump-Era Highs | Breitbart

7) Trump is trying to secure our border despite the Democrats and RINOS in Congress fighting him every step of the way.

The border is so porous, the drug cartels have networks of concealed paths, look outs and guides to aid in smuggling things into our country. The know how many border patrols we have and signal to each other where these BP units are to evade them. People do not realize that the Mexican cartels have invaded our country and are running most of the criminal gangs across our country.

One has to wonder how many of our officials they have bought along the way as well.

Exclusive Video: Network of Mexican Cartel Smuggling Trails on Texas Soil, Says Border Patrol Supervisor

We have to shut this network down as our enemies can exploit such an open border.

8) Trumps top enemies are a bunch of Stalinist Marxists who see no problem with abuse of their subpeonae powers, FISA warrants and no knock warrants. This has to stop before our country goes totally 1984.

Some Journalists Wonder If Schiff Has Their Phone Records | Breitbart

I have teased Dems for the last three years about Trump, but I am now convinced that to save our country, we must re-elect Donald J Trump as our President or else the Oligarchs will attain a complete hold on our nation and will sell it off to our enemies as long as they think they can keep themselves safe.

The Oligarchs have been literally poisoning us, stealing from us, exposing us to imported diseases once banished from our shores, killing us with lethal drugs, subjecting us to every abuse foreign and domestic, and now we know without a doubt that they hate us as a people and want to rid the planet of us and our progeny, our own children are targeted by these monsters and fed their poisons and lies.

We need to put these bastards on public trial and execute them for treason and maybe when Trump is through we will do just that.

Your #s 4 & 7 are toward the top of my list.

I supported him from the onset for the primary reason that was not a life-long, self-seeking, professional politician.
That's some serious 3rd stage TDS you've got.
Real men debate. Trump cultists always run away weeping "TDS! TDS!". There's not a functioning neuron or gonad to be found in the whole lot combined.
One cannot have a reasonable debate with a complete brain dead moron. Besides it's not nice to pick on the handicapped and less fortunate.


To the leftist ideologue, Trump has to be an evil moron becuase he opposes their goals.

People who are merely interested in Truth completely disagree.

Here is Jordan Peterson on Trumps intelligence, which the left insists is somewhere below room temperature.

Trump's greatest contribution (and continuing challenge) is to restoring the ideal of free speech. Not only is that a basic right, it is essential to good governance and decision making. The Left's attempt to stifle nonconforming opinion should be universally condemned by all intellectually honest people.
I know quite a few people with the same experience. I work with one in particular who was a rabid never-trumper and Ted Cruz supporter. He sat on our local County Republican Committee with me until I resigned a few years ago. This guy was completely convinced that Trump would destroy the Republican Party and since he couldn’t bring himself to vote for Hillary he just sat the election out and didn’t vote at all in 2016.
It took him maybe 8 months to transition to full fledged Trump supporter. And it was for similar reasons you list. Better than campaign ads, better than stump speeches and better than campaign promises...the vicious and sustained attack on Trump by the elite class is the best and most honest advertisement for what Trump stands for and it convinced him and many like him I’m sure.
If they support abortion, homosexuality, child drag queens, foreign invaders...if they root for China over the US, attack Christians, agitate against gun rights and campaign in Mexico...then you know they will be anti Trump. TDS has driven them into the open and it’s easier than ever to pick the right side.

I think this is a very good post, and I am seeing that there are a lot of never-Trumpers like the establishment Republican you refer to who are "coming home" as they say.

The Dems do support perversion diversity and pretty much everything that harms everyone: not an attractive menu. Trump knows what his job description is: it has always been Peace and Prosperity, and he has delivered. And he has delivered on his campaign promises. Too bad he and Jeff Bezos are at odds, because both of them believe in "underpromise and overdeliver."

Bezos is part of the Silicon Valley oligarchy. They gave 3/4 of a billion dollars to Hillary. They will always be at odds with Trump..and America.

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