Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

Love it and not for any payback response to Pelosi. Rather, we are in shutdown mode and a decision maker wants to leave town in essence refusing to negotiate a compromise. Keep her in town and meet with your president to get this done. Somebody wants to negotiate to end this and one obviously does not. Shameful. I also think nobody in the federal govt should get paid while on shutdown but that's another yopic.
Ok......this teaches exactly what kind of lesson?
She'll fly commercial and bill the taxpayer. He sure showed her.
You mean she'll actually have to rub shoulders with voters?

Pelosi and company have shown QUITE CLEARLY they don't care about the national security of America so why the fuck should we care about theirs?
oh stop the BS please They care more than the money grubbing vile idiot you support now
If they cared AT ALL they would give the money to build the wall,not just lip service to "border security" They don't care about the victims of invaders crime either...They care more about gubmint workers that are "hurting" than the dead victims of crime from those THEY allow into the country so they can stay in power.
Bullshit. The wall will not help, and they know it. That's why no money for your stupid wall.

If it won’t make a difference why not approve it and have it built anyway?
$5 billion wasted dollars.
Again the experts,other countries,statistics and facts prove you wrong. We ALL know why you don't want a wall. Illegals are eventually democrat voters!
Republicans appear to have no clue how the government works.

The house holds the purse strings.

All kinds of Republicans when to Iraq and Afghanistan when Obama was president. It's part of their responsibility. They have to know what to spend money on. Part of that is going overseas and talking to our soldiers.

What Trump is doing is interfering with Congress doing their job.

Puerto Rico is a disaster. It wasn't 16 people who died, it was many hundreds of people. Democrats weren't going there for vacation. IT'S THEIR JOB!
Looks like a vacation to me.
Apparently, that picture ran 14 times on Fox in just one morning. I guess it was the only picture they could find.

And they went to see Hamilton:

As part of the trip, some members of Congress attended a special performance of Hamiltonthat Lin-Manuel Miranda brought to the island to help raise money for relief efforts. But members paid for their own tickets, which ran about $500.

Why the White House is attacking Democrats for traveling to Puerto Rico, explained


Now if it were Republicans, the tax payers would have paid for those fund raising Hamilton tickets.


Despite the death and destruction wrought by Hurricane Maria, Trump has referred to the federal government’s response as an “incredible, unsung success.” He has tried to downplay damage wrought by the storms with false claims like, “The electricity was broken before the storms.” The president has also made baseless insinuations that the mayor of San Juan — Carmen Yulín Cruz, who has been sharply critical of the president — did something illegal with supplies from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Neal Katyal, former acting solicitor general, decried the White House’s attacks on members of Congress who traveled with him to Puerto Rico over the weekend.

Dang, your mother let's you watch Fox....the horror.
Pelosi and company have shown QUITE CLEARLY they don't care about the national security of America so why the fuck should we care about theirs?
oh stop the BS please They care more than the money grubbing vile idiot you support now
If they cared AT ALL they would give the money to build the wall,not just lip service to "border security" They don't care about the victims of invaders crime either...They care more about gubmint workers that are "hurting" than the dead victims of crime from those THEY allow into the country so they can stay in power.
Bullshit. The wall will not help, and they know it. That's why no money for your stupid wall.

If it won’t make a difference why not approve it and have it built anyway?
$5 billion wasted dollars.
Obama wasted $900 billion right out of the starting gate.
OMG. This is one of the most hysterical moves I have ever witnessed but a smack down baby.

I am happy happy happy. Unreal. God bless President Trump. Told the bitch to fly commercial.

Huge violation of security proceedure.

These trips are never ever announced before that take place and most of the time we don't mind it about them until they are over and the VIPs are safely in the air on the way home.

National security is not tRump's forte.

It was a public smackdown and well deserved and it had nothing to do with national security. A well deserved smackdown.
You are wrong.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
You are wrong as well.

^^^ Diagnosis: Doubling Down on his Terminal Projection ^^^
OMG. This is one of the most hysterical moves I have ever witnessed but a smack down baby.

I am happy happy happy. Unreal. God bless President Trump. Told the bitch to fly commercial.

Right so rather than being excited anything related to policy, you are happy that Trump had Pelosi fly commercial. Lol you assholes will take any tiny victory you can get huh? You’re like kids playing soccer on the playground. Pelosi got pwned!

Lol right my entire day is just ruined because Pelosi had to fly commercial. Argh! Republicans always win the day!
Perhaps not, but her day sure was ruined!


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