Trump denies Pelosi aircraft for foreign trip in response to call for State of the Union delay

EPIC SPOT ON tweet by James Woods...

I must has been the BEST day of January 2019 so far!:2up:

I hope there are many more days like this to come!

Bless President Trump, Bless all Patriots! :clap2:
Pelosi and company have shown QUITE CLEARLY they don't care about the national security of America so why the fuck should we care about theirs?
oh stop the BS please They care more than the money grubbing vile idiot you support now
If they cared AT ALL they would give the money to build the wall,not just lip service to "border security" They don't care about the victims of invaders crime either...They care more about gubmint workers that are "hurting" than the dead victims of crime from those THEY allow into the country so they can stay in power.
Bullshit. The wall will not help, and they know it. That's why no money for your stupid wall.

If it won’t make a difference why not approve it and have it built anyway?
$5 billion wasted dollars.

Government wastes more than that in genital cleaning programs.

building a wall creates jobs at home, and takes away the issue in the immigration debate.

and it stops human trafficking and drug smuggling at the border. There is seriously no downside to it
Trump is evil and retarded.
and he lies, and little hands, and is orange, and is fat, and eats Mexican food.

All true.

That the right wing is celebrating by implying violence against women is a true representation of how they feel about the gender too.
Violence? Oh, please. Drama queen much?

It's in the OP.
Seriously?!? Geesh. Need a safe space?
Trump is evil and retarded.
and he lies, and little hands, and is orange, and is fat, and eats Mexican food.

All true.

That the right wing is celebrating by implying violence against women is a true representation of how they feel about the gender too.
Violence? Oh, please. Drama queen much?

It's in the OP.
Seriously?!? Geesh. Need a safe space?

OMG. This is one of the most hysterical moves I have ever witnessed but a smack down baby.

I am happy happy happy. Unreal. God bless President Trump. Told the bitch to fly commercial.

What goes around comes around Pelosi will make the AH trump weep

Well this was the response after Pelosi withdrew the Invitation to deliver the State of the Union, and Trump used the same excuse, the Shutdown.

Tit for tat is being played out. That’s all.
Trump is evil and retarded.
and he lies, and little hands, and is orange, and is fat, and eats Mexican food.

All true.

That the right wing is celebrating by implying violence against women is a true representation of how they feel about the gender too.

what orifice did you pull that nonsense out of?

The OP.

Analogies are lost in you
Trump is evil and retarded.
and he lies, and little hands, and is orange, and is fat, and eats Mexican food.

All true.

That the right wing is celebrating by implying violence against women is a true representation of how they feel about the gender too.

what orifice did you pull that nonsense out of?

The OP.

Analogies are lost in you

Analogies between federal negotiations and [simulated] violence? Yep.
EPIC SPOT ON tweet by James Woods...

Civil war will commence long before that.
I've been saying for a long time that we're headed for unrest, whatever you want to call it, the further the radical left pushes America, the closer we are to some sort of insurrection. When full blown radical, America hating MUSLIMS are being elected, when ILLEGAL ALIENS are being allowed to VOTE, when MUSLIM SQUAD CARS are patrolling in NY, the shit ain't far off. One more democrat president and it's going to be here. The divide between the anti American democrat trash and the nationalist conservatives is already at a fever pitch. It won't take much more. People are just about at their breaking point now with the way the democrats and their propaganda wing are acting. If the demtrash tries to impeach President Trump, that's going ignite a firestorm... mark my words.

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