Trump: "DeSanctimonious"


Most people don't want to go back to the hellscape that was 2020.

The fact that many Republicans are promoting DeSatan tells me your side knows the gig is up.

And here in lies the problem. The grown-ups in the GOP know that Trump is a disaster for their party and for the party's historical legacy.

The reason why the GOP has managed to survive this long is their ability to cut off diseased appendages like McCarthy or Nixon once they cross certain moral lines.

They are unable to do this with Trump. His legacy of racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc. will stick around long after he's gone.


Your credibility is zero, Mossad.

All of trump's black friends are still his friends

Don King

Who are traitor Joe's black friends?

HomO and Michael Robinson

Joe voted FOUR times for

Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops

Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd

To be DEMOCRAT senate leader


It is proven that most of the people who LEGITIMATELY died of Covid--not had advanced cancer, were in hospice anyway, and then died WITH Covid (but really from cancer)--is very, very, very low. They were all almost exclusively either very old, very sick, or both.

Death is always a shame, but you DO NOT ASK young people to sacrifice two years of their lives to preserve the lives of very ill 85 year olds. We only did that because we lost our minds. No one is yet talking about how badly we lost our minds. That will come--but first, people are going to vote on Tuesday in a Red Bloodbath against all the people who caused the mental illness around Covid.

Two days.

All of fauci's first answers were accurate

Will the mask stop it? NO

Will it come and go like a normal seasonal flu? YES

Covid was the spring 2020 flu, nothing more.

Fall flu 2020 diagnosed at 3% of normal, because the other 97% were lied to and told they had Covid.

Japan, which has an honest health dept, put its own Covid deaths at precisely that of a normal flu

Covid was about stealing an election and mass murdering Americans with Murderous Fraud Vax MFV

Your credibility is zero, Mossad.

All of trump's black friends are still his friends

Don King

Who are traitor Joe's black friends?

HomO and Michael Robinson

Joe voted FOUR times for

Ku klux klan enchanted cyclops

Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd

To be DEMOCRAT senate leader


Nobody actually likes Trump.
If Tuesday doesn't wake you up nothing will.

Both Democrat and Republican insiders are calling it an incoming "Bloodbath"

True, but all of the apparatus used to cheat in 2020 is still there.

An honest PA senate election should be called for OZ no later than 1hour after polls close. Watch that one.

If fetterman overcomes a huge deficit with late night ballot spikes....
Trump is putting his ego ahead of the good of the country. . .Even our champions of America's goodness and prosperity can have a great fall. . DeSantis is the far better choice at this time in history, but the future is going be chaotic, fearful and filled with suffering, no matter what republican wins or if the left steals another one.

Shows how DeSantis can never be President as long as Trump is around.
He cannot stand anyone else in the spotlight.
He will demean Republican candidates and turn MAGA against them
Shows how DeSantis can never be President as long as Trump is around.
He cannot stand anyone else in the spotlight.
He will demean Republican candidates and turn MAGA against them

I voted for Trump twice, and so did my husband. That's MAGA right? We would both happily vote for DeSantis.
Why exactly are Trumpsters in love with DeSantis anyway?

Seems like Trump and DeSantis don’t like each other. DeSantis will probably play nice with Trump in order to try to get Trump’s voters. If DeSantis would actually speak his mind, he would probably be a Never Trumper, which would make him a RINO by current standards.

So why the love for him? Before Trump changed the Republican party, DeSantis seems like what used to be considered a pretty standard Republican. Conservative values, polished responses to say what people want to hear rather than speaking his mind. Kind of like a George W Bush or Mike Pence.

Dubya and conservative shouldn't even be mentioned together. They're all the same, the shrubs, the juans, the romneys, mcconnels. They're a disgrace to the country.
Many Republicans held their noses and voted for Trump
Does not make them MAGA

So you just said that people who "held their noses and voted for Trump" cannot be swayed by DeSantis because....Trump will somehow magically convince these same nose-holders to only vote for him? Or "turn the base" against DeSantis?

Dude Trump broke your brain lol
Yeah, no good, and just before the Midterms. It's obvious Trump is threatened by DeSantis and he SHOULD be. At this point I think Trump would probably lose at least Florida to DeSantis in a primary.

I hope DeSantis takes the high road through all of this...I think he will. He just might win.

Trump will lose far more support by mocking DeSantis than he will gain.

He has a great message but he needs to keep his mouth shut about DeSantis.
So you just said that people who "held their noses and voted for Trump" cannot be swayed by DeSantis because....Trump will somehow magically convince these same nose-holders to only vote for him? Or "turn the base" against DeSantis?

Dude Trump broke your brain lol

Trump will do what he did in 2016
He will use his 30-40 percent of Republicans who are MAGA to beat off challengers
If traditional Republicans would quickly unite behind one candidate, they could defeat Trump
That is how Biden was elected
Trump will lose far more support by mocking DeSantis than he will gain.

He has a great message but he needs to keep his mouth shut about DeSantis.

Trump can’t help himself…..that is what he does
Attack anyone who competes for the spotlight
Trump will do what he did in 2016
He will use his 30-40 percent of Republicans who are MAGA to beat off challengers
If traditional Republicans would quickly unite behind one candidate, they could defeat Trump
That is how Biden was elected

I won't be looking to Biden for anything other than how to avert a disaster.

If you don't believe that, wait for Tuesday
Agree here too. He was a good president. Very good. I didn't always love his personality but was willing to put it aside for results. That's what matters.

However, now he has to win another election. Ron DeSantis is formidable. Trump is on the injured list already.

Curious does TRUMP's name calling really bother you, or do you think it's not a good move strategically? If it bothers you are you equally or more bothered by the never-maga politicians name calling of the voter base?

While I like DeSantis his palling around with the vowed never-maga crowd gives me a sharp pause.

We all know TRUMP makes bad decisions in who he trusts, in some cases I think he is hoping to win over their support, but when he doesn't he has no issue with calling them out. Can we trust DeSantis to do the same?
Shows how DeSantis can never be President as long as Trump is around.
He cannot stand anyone else in the spotlight.
He will demean Republican candidates and turn MAGA against them

I won't be looking to Biden for anything other than how to avert a disaster.

If you don't believe that, wait for Tuesday

Biden will once again be an alternative to Trump
84 million voted against Trump in 2020 and he has done nothing to change their minds.

I don’t think Biden would beat DeSantis.
But I doubt Republicans have the intelligence to nominate him
Curious does TRUMP's name calling really bother you, or do you think it's not a good move strategically? If it bothers you are you equally or more bothered by the never-maga politicians name calling of the voter base?

While I like DeSantis his palling around with the vowed never-maga crowd gives me a sharp pause.

We all know TRUMP makes bad decisions in who he trusts, in some cases I think he is hoping to win over their support, but when he doesn't he has no issue with calling them out. Can we trust DeSantis to do the same?

It doesn't offend me personally. But I know what we could win without it--I think even Trump would have a fighting chance if he came out and said, "I'm going to run a clean campaign. No name-calling; no mean tweets. I'm going to focus on the issues you loved during my presidency: a good economy, lots of jobs, low inflation."

He seems incapable of that and yes, that's bad strategically.
Biden will once again be an alternative to Trump
84 million voted against Trump in 2020 and he has done nothing to change their minds.

I don’t think Biden would beat DeSantis.
But I doubt Republicans have the intelligence to nominate him

At this point, Biden won't last his OWN presidency.

The long knives in your own party will be coming for him after Tuesday. Watch.

Once and always: the Left is mesmerized by his "bad behavior".

It gave them Biden, it's destroying their party and they STILL can't stop. Heh

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