Trump: "DeSanctimonious"

Trump was backstabbed by damn near everyone.


He was an outsider.


He was an existential threat.

Yes. Still is.

It's amazing what all he accomplished policy wise.

He has balls, I'll give him that much

DeSantis is a Deep State mole hidden in plain sight pretending he's a conservative. He's actually a Bush and Paul Ryan toadie.

Don't know much about deSantis yet.

I'm kinda focused on what's in front of me.

They're about to elect a Scientologist as mayor of Los Angeles and that would not be a good thing. A dimtard Scientologist, imagine that.
Why exactly are Trumpsters in love with DeSantis anyway?

Seems like Trump and DeSantis don’t like each other. DeSantis will probably play nice with Trump in order to try to get Trump’s voters. If DeSantis would actually speak his mind, he would probably be a Never Trumper, which would make him a RINO by current standards.

So why the love for him? Before Trump changed the Republican party, DeSantis seems like what used to be considered a pretty standard Republican. Conservative values, polished responses to say what people want to hear rather than speaking his mind. Kind of like a George W Bush or Mike Pence.
There was some talk a while back that Trump would be satisfied to remain as the party kingmaker, but he lacks the maturity for that. He's going to attack anyone who threatens him in any way, as he always has. He doesn't know how to rise above a situation, because he's always been about himself only. He never grew up.
His ego is part and parcel with his personality, it's part of the package. Far from ideal I agree, but, when it comes to getting sh*% done, he has proven himself able and willing to succeed for his country.

There is no doubt in my mind that a few intelligent, patriotic people have grudgingly realized that what Trump brought was an approach to global and domestic issues that focused on common sense for America. He did what most wouldn't do and it had America in an envious position.

There is a suspicion in me that even Biden doesn't enjoy some of the bad policies being proposed to him, but he feels he needs to unite the alt-left with the old guard against his better judgement.

He's not a negotiator. He gives away the farm and gets nothing in return.

Every Republican who doesn’t kiss Trump’s ass is a RINO according to YOU guys.

Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger, John McCain, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Mike Pence, etc.

DeSantis seems to be the only one who fits that mold yet hasn’t received the RINO label yet. Maybe it’s just a matter of time? Hence why I find it weird that Trump supporters like him.

Weird but definitely an improvement. I’ll take it.
Well, he's very aggressive and combative with signs of authoritarianism, far more so than any other challenger. A De Santis/Lake ticket would fire them up dang near as much as Trump would. Those two would do the same thing Trump did, and that's speak directly and exclusively to the base in their language, 24/7/365, like it's a non-stop radio talk show. That's the #1 priority.
Women love DeSantis because when the whole world went insane over Covid--remember that?--he kept schools open, work places and churches open. I follow a lot of "open schools" moms on Twitter. Former Dems who almost to a woman profess they would "walk over hot coals" to vote for DeSantis for president.

The Democrats messed with people's kids. Bad. Big time. People don't forget that.

Democrats didn't mess with kids. That's some hysterical propaganda.
This is definitely eye opening.

Ryan and Jeb are either sucking up looking for cabinet posts or Desantis is too close to the 911 crowd.

FLA has a lot of Israel supporters.

DeSantis needs to tell us at some point which is which.

Any significant sucking up to the 911 crowd would disqualify him from my support.
Yeah, no good, and just before the Midterms. It's obvious Trump is threatened by DeSantis and he SHOULD be. At this point I think Trump would probably lose at least Florida to DeSantis in a primary.

I hope DeSantis takes the high road through all of this...I think he will. He just might win.

I'm always amused when Republicans are shocked when Trump acts like... Trump.

He's been engaging in this kind of behavior for the last 7 years... and now you are just noticing it, Islamophobic Twat?
Actually I find it all quite amusing. Frankly EITHER would win in 2024 so it's just a matter of agreeing with each of their policies...and frankly there is no difference as far as I can tell. Good show to both; I'm all for baptisms by fire. DeSantis has to EARN his place like Trump did; let the fight begin!!! .....on Wednesday.

GREAT fighters spar harder than any actual fight!!!

I can't wait!!!


There is a certain segment of the population that are Trump Deranged and will always be Trump Deranged. We know this.

The question is: how many people disliked Trump, voted against him, but have now witnessed what a REALLY terrible president can do? How many of them would vote Trump because of it?
DeSantis is MUCH better than that tribe, except maybe Pence. Excellent is ALWAYS better than just Good. But better than Trump? Let's see how he can knuckle up first. So far he's been sensational but that's only at a State level.


I would say he is very prominent nationally. He hasn't taken what Trump has (nor has anyone) but the Left hates him. In Florida and nationally.
Well, he's very aggressive and combative with signs of authoritarianism, far more so than any other challenger. A De Santis/Lake ticket would fire them up dang near as much as Trump would. Those two would do the same thing Trump did, and that's speak directly and exclusively to the base in their language, 24/7/365, like it's a non-stop radio talk show. That's the #1 priority.

If Tuesday doesn't wake you up nothing will.

Both Democrat and Republican insiders are calling it an incoming "Bloodbath"
Democrats didn't mess with kids. That's some hysterical propaganda.

You have no idea, no idea how personally parents took the closed schools, vaccine mandates and mandated masking.

You are about to find out.

Try to learn the lesson it teaches, though I am sure you won't.
There is a certain segment of the population that are Trump Deranged and will always be Trump Deranged. We know this.

The question is: how many people disliked Trump, voted against him, but have now witnessed what a REALLY terrible president can do? How many of them would vote Trump because of it?


Most people don't want to go back to the hellscape that was 2020.

The fact that many Republicans are promoting DeSatan tells me your side knows the gig is up.

And here in lies the problem. The grown-ups in the GOP know that Trump is a disaster for their party and for the party's historical legacy.

The reason why the GOP has managed to survive this long is their ability to cut off diseased appendages like McCarthy or Nixon once they cross certain moral lines.

They are unable to do this with Trump. His legacy of racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc. will stick around long after he's gone.
Yea, I know that. But is that it?

He’s a Republican and he didn’t buy into vaccines and masks. Isn’t that pretty standard for a Republican?
no, not just republicans---- people that THINK FOR THEMSELVES also
which leaves your sorry ass out in the cold----try thinking 4 yourself, oh wait, you are a SCUM demonRAT that is not allowed to make choices for yourself


Most people don't want to go back to the hellscape that was 2020.

The fact that many Republicans are promoting DeSatan tells me your side knows the gig is up.

And here in lies the problem. The grown-ups in the GOP know that Trump is a disaster for their party and for the party's historical legacy.

The reason why the GOP has managed to survive this long is their ability to cut off diseased appendages like McCarthy or Nixon once they cross certain moral lines.

They are unable to do this with Trump. His legacy of racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc. will stick around long after he's gone.
the REAL PROBLEM, is shit stains like yourself, that want AMERICA to become a third world country----THATS THE PROBLEM

You have no idea, no idea how personally parents took the closed schools, vaccine mandates and mandated masking.

You are about to find out.

Try to learn the lesson it teaches, though I am sure you won't.

Did you know anyone who died of COVID?
Did you know anyone who died of COVID?


It is proven that most of the people who LEGITIMATELY died of Covid--not had advanced cancer, were in hospice anyway, and then died WITH Covid (but really from cancer)--is very, very, very low. They were all almost exclusively either very old, very sick, or both.

Death is always a shame, but you DO NOT ASK young people to sacrifice two years of their lives to preserve the lives of very ill 85 year olds. We only did that because we lost our minds. No one is yet talking about how badly we lost our minds. That will come--but first, people are going to vote on Tuesday in a Red Bloodbath against all the people who caused the mental illness around Covid.

Two days.

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