Trump: DeSantis has Zero Chance

Desantis graduated from Yale & Harvard Law School. He served in high ranking positions as an attorney in the Navy.

Me thinks that he is not the idiot that he pretends to be.

He's just figured out what Trump already knew: IDIOTS VOTE

He's just trying to out-idiot Trump and everyone else.
But he's not smart enough to keep a mouse from cleaning his clock.
I believe Trump when he says this.

Why? Because if Trump loses to DeSantis, he’ll whine about being “cheated” and the election being “rigged.” And he’ll sandbag DeSantis as enough of his supporters stay home.

Trump can never lose. If he loses, it’s always because the other guy cheated.

Go Desantis!
Yeah, just like he said Cruz didn't beat him in that primary. Just like he said the freaking EMMYS were rigged against him. And the rubes still believe him.

DeSantis is running on (a) Trump can't get re-elected and (b) the hope/expectation that Trump will be in legal trouble up to his eyeballs. Or, of course, both.
It's very exciting, in a 'can't look away from the trainwreck' sort of way.
Wrong again. While it's entertaining to watch desantis get his ass kicked by a mouse, Nobody is more hated than trump.

"get his ass kicked by a mouse"


This is how disconnected you are from reality.

Not even a halfway cute analogy.

DeSantis is not getting his ass kicked by anyone and one might say he is doing an admiral job of disabling a large corporation that wants to rape children

But this is America. You are allowed to go on living in your delusional world of tiny rodents "kicking the ass" of grown men.

It must be a refreshing change from making poor quality edited photos to try to disgrace people who are socially and financially far higher up on the scale than you'll ever be.

Desantis graduated from Yale & Harvard Law School. He served in high ranking positions as an attorney in the Navy.

Me thinks that he is not the idiot that he pretends to be.

He's just figured out what Trump already knew: IDIOTS VOTE

He's just trying to out-idiot Trump and everyone else.
I would hardly call a lieutenant a high ranking officer. They are a dime a dozen.
I am looking forward to see how DeSanits handles the attacks from Trump.

He is not charismatic enough to go toe-to-toe with Trump.

This will be fun to watch, that is for sure.

The only down fall is knowing one of these two could end up as POTUS
Casey is really running things.

I think DeSantis would win the next election if Trump got out of his way and endorsed him.'s Trump. So that's not going to happen.
I have heard about that. I wonder if she is a match for Trump since we know Ron is not
I really doubt she is a match for Trump, I believe he'll tear her up. There is one local republican legislature that has said that when in a meeting with Ron he will agree on one thing excuse himself, go talk to Casey and come back to meeting and change his mind.
If Democrats actually wanted to win (I'm not convinced they do), they'd spend less time worrying about Trump versus DeSantis and instead focus on nominating someone worth voting for.
DeSantis is not getting his ass kicked by anyone and one might say he is doing an admiral job of disabling a large corporation that wants to rape children
So you're not sane, and you're so proud to say so.

This is what cult devotion does to formally normal human beings. The cultists self-lobotomize themselves in order to fit in with the cult.

The real problem with pissing off Disney? They maintain the DeSantis animatronic. It eventually runs down and breaks without the attention of Disney technicians. We've already seen the glitches starting to occur.

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