Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

This is a lie.

Using the Constitution and its case law to defend the right to vote, the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and the rights of Americans of color from racist, bigoted conservatives is not to ‘attack’ the Constitution – indeed, it’s defending the Constitution.
You have the right to take it up the ass with or without the Constitution.
The people are in charge to recall the elected official who does not following through with the stated platform.
We need election recalls.
How do “the people” do that? Especially if they are leaderless and divided
What we see is people forcing their views and agendas on the population. They are Representatives in name only. Also, on the side. Zelensky is supposedly curbing the Eastern Orthodox Church in Ukraine by a report.
I hear more complaints when I’m asking for solutions
Did the Supreme Court rule Trump's tweet to be unconstitutional?
Are you talking about his post on his platform?
No, that is not unconstitutional.

HIs future possible actions to attempt to terminate some or all of the Constitution, may be unconstitutional.
This thread has proved that they're so paranoid they'll even rip up the Constitution.

NEVER has a former or current President said this, and they're just fine with it.

This is a cult.

Compared to what Trump has said and done in the past….this one was fairly mild

POWs…..He prefers those who were not captured
Mocking a handicapped reporter
Bragging about grabbing women by the pussy
Jan 6

Republicans don’t care….Trump is bulletproof
Sure…national protests everywhere and statues destroyed and still rampant violent crime in Blue Cities.
Stick your bull crap up your rear end.
there were 40 million protesters worldwide, 24 million protesters throughout the United States, for the treatment by police against Floyd, and his murder....that were primarily peaceful protests.

come dusk, throughout the whole nation, a group of RIOTERS came out over the two months of protests, who did not give two hoots about the unjust murder of George Floyd, and came out to only cause trouble and hijack the peaceful protesters cause....that were in the thousands across the U.S.

just as there were hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters at the rally at the Ellipse on 1/6, but only a thousand or so rioters that broke in to the Capitol....
Compared to what Trump has said and done in the past….this one was fairly mild

POWs…..He prefers those who were not captured
Mocking a handicapped reporter
Bragging about grabbing women by the pussy
Jan 6

Republicans don’t care….Trump is bulletproof
Crime is good.
When are you moving to a 1/2 Black neighborhood?
Compared to what Trump has said and done in the past….this one was fairly mild

POWs…..He prefers those who were not captured
Mocking a handicapped reporter
Bragging about grabbing women by the pussy
Jan 6

Republicans don’t care….Trump is bulletproof
Jan 6th Protestors are POWs from the War against our Democracy you turds started when you launched the first Salvo chanting "Russian Collusion". Then you went full throttle into the Crossfire Hurricane COUP, and when that failed, you infiltrated a Patriot's Group and tried to get them to kidnap a governor and then did the same with peaceful protestors on Jan 6th..
Masses of Americans want inflation to come down. We want to be able to pursue the American dream and get a house. We want better wages national healthcare. Look at what the politicians and the media continue to bring us all topics that does not help anybody. It’s A lot of race talk , Trump and more about January 6 When masses of Americans can’t afford to live. So we have work to do with this country and I think Republicans and Democrats of today have dropped the ball. Simply put America used to be a great country back in the days…. and we have to concentrate on getting to how we were back in those days.
So big boy, how did the investigation into the investigator of Trumpybear, with Durham go? Catch any Big Fish. Doesn't the FBI have the alleged laptop? What have they said about it?
Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane and you and your pals duplicity in it is all we need to know about the Depth and Width of corruption deep inside our Government. Does George Soros sign you paycheck or The Nazi Klaus Schwab?

Down with the New World Order!

Give us Peanut Butter or give us Death!
has Mr. Trump ever said Jews are born privileged ? has Mr. Trump ever said blacks are born privileged or whites are born privileged?

Some on the left are complaining about Mr. trumps comments on the constitution. Well how about some context here I don’t go by the 10 second bites off the media.

OK I get it some people on the left are complaining about Mr. Trump but they have to complain about BLM but they don’t. So that’s the problem that’s the hypocrisy. Even if Mr. Trump made a comment about the constitution the American left has to own up to its own mistakes.

That republican politician was seemingly right…. Mr. Trump has made a lot of colorful remarks. So we have to compare him to people on the far left. Has Mr. Trump ever urged his supporters to terrorize communities….to destroy statues to attack people wearing BLM hats? That’s what BLM leaders influence. I would want the Americas on the far left show me one single video of say five white Donald Trump supporters beating up a black man wearing a BLM hat ….because the reverse happened so many times over the summer of 2020. So come on now folks.., To my fellow Democrats if you really think Donald Trump and Trump supporters are dangerous what do you say to BLM and the far left?

Just imagine right now how many young frustrated black men and white men are living in this country they see these rich wealthy politicians talking nonstop about race talking nonstop about January 6 of Donald Trump. Meanwhile as for the working man in this country all we can do is look back to the glory days…. and see how horrible our politicians are today. So we have a lot of work to do this country we stay positive we can get the right things done.

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