Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

I’m damning a crowd who stormed our capital based on lies for exactly what they did. Don’t see what’s controversial about that. The larger National gang as you call them has nothing to do with whether it’s appropriate or not to condemn what happened on 1/6
Except now we know the left egaged in gaslighting, and suppressing free speech, including the FBI obstructing Justice.
It was a protest of the killing of a drug dealer, and user, who was on drugs, who had previously threratened to shoot a pregnant woma in the stomach while his friends robbed her you. You guys have got some wonderful heroes!
Was Floyd arrested because of assumption of being a drug dealer? Of using drugs at the time he was arrested? Of threatening a pregnant woman at the time of being arrested?

George Floyd was arrested for a fake dollar bill. $10 dollars or $20, it does not matter.

What caused the protest was his MURDER by a racist cop who sat his knee on Floyd's neck until he died, while people nearby kept telling that cop to get off of him. AND the other three officers did not see fit to go against him and became accomplices in his murder. Now, all are in prison, for the right reason.

Manslaughter is a very serious thing, it does not matter who the victim is.
Except now we know the left egaged in gaslighting, and suppressing free speech, including the FBI obstructing Justice.
Interesting how do we know that? Can you show the proof and be specific so I know what you’re talking about
The inflation is Global. Accept that. It is a result of the Pandemic, plus distribution issues, plus Russia war on Ukraine.

Accept it and wait for it to get resolved GLOBALLY.
Well I would say my brother that American leadership could’ve prevented this entire thing. You Talk about a global situation well proper American leadership could’ve confronted that issue just like we did in World War II. And in other global situations.

Also what does that have to do with the hypocrisy of the far left. So there still remain the issue of people on the left accusing Donald Trump of being immoral…. but yet BLM is racist you have all these Democrats who are proposing racist ideas who are proposing divisive ideas Instead of arguing for mutual respect. So take me the American voter I would never vote for some pro BLM Democrat who is trying to convince me about how awful Donald Trump is ….when our economy is terrible. I want Democrats and gop to bring forth solutions and stop complaining about a global situation… this is bc proper American leadership confronts those situations. That’s the whole point you see when we have a problem it takes strong work, teamwork positivity to confront the problems. What slows down or even stops the healing process are groups like BLM, race dividers, weak white people weak Black people, people who are not about mutual respect that leads to problems.

What do you think the working man feels when he hear somebody complained about how bad Donald Trump is? Bc on the other side of the equation our economy is struggling . You have invented racial issues in America that were brought to us by the media and politicians.

The American people are great….otoh our politicians again democrat and republican have dropped the ball. I hope in going forward that things can improve. My criticism is for both Democrats and Republicans.
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Well I would say my brother that American leadership could’ve prevented this entire thing. You Talk about a global situation well proper American leadership could’ve confronted that issue just like we did in World War II. And in other global situations.

Also what does that have to do with the hypocrisy of the far left. So there still remain the issue of people on the left accusing Donald Trump of being immoral…. but yet BLM is racist you have all these Democrats who are proposing racist ideas who are proposing divisive ideas Instead of arguing for mutual respect. So take me the American voter I would never vote for some pro BLM Democrat who is trying to convince me about how awful Donald Trump is ….when our economy is terrible. I want Democrats and gop to bring forth solutions and stop complaining about a global situation… this is bc proper American leadership confronts those situations. That’s the whole point you see when we have a problem it takes strong work, teamwork positivity to confront the problems. What slows down or even stops the healing process are groups like BLM, race dividers, weak white people weak Black people, people who are not about mutual respect that leads to problems.

What do you think the working man feels when he hear somebody complained about how bad Donald Trump is? Bc on the other side of the equation our economy is struggling . You have invented racial issues in America that were brought to us by the media and politicians.

The American people are great….otoh our politicians again democrat and republican have dropped the ball. I hope in going forward that things can improve. My criticism is for both Democrats and Republicans.
Nonsense. NO government in the world has been able to prevent their inflation because it is a chain issue. One place affects another, which affects another.

It took how many years to get things to normal after WWI and WWII ?

And you show allegations of racism, but no proof.

Republicans do not have a leadership anymore. They are waiting on Trump to tell them what to do.

Donald Trump is not a god. He is a human being. A flawed human being who has had flawed issues with the law since the 1980s.. It did not start in 2016 or when he took office.

Things are improving under this administration. You may not be seeing it yet as it ,as always, take time to take effect.

Give credit where credit is due, to all the things the Biden Administration has done in the past two years to make people's lives better, the economy better. If you are not aware of them, all you may end up doing is complaining about what you cannot see.
Every American should be condemning what trump said, here you're twisting it, trying to make it a political thing and talking about other scenarios. It's a stupid tactic, please try to stay on subject. trump is a serious threat to our national security now. Maybe the biggest threat. We are better than this.

You dumb fuck, the subject is what Trump said, no actually, the subject is spin on what Trump said. The quote I read didn't contain the words "suspend the Constitution". But since journalism died more than a decade ago, I guess accurate, concise reporting is too much to expect.

Now you commies come here and try to amplify the lies of the media. Do I agree with the quote I read, not particularly. But what's wrong with expecting to discuss facts and not media spin?

And you're wrong, the greatest threat to the country is the national security apparatus interfering with our elections. Every one of the 52 treasonous bastards that signed that letter concerning the Hunter laptop, should lose their security clearances and be barred from using their former job titles in TV interviews forever.

Of course you'll probably disagree with this common sense approach because all the spin and lies advantaged you commies, but what happens when the pendulum swings the other way? And it will. Think about that for a while.

The People, as the original Constitution intended. Individuals who are willing to offer their services to their fellows for a limited period of time, not as a career.

That must explain why they omitted term limits.
You are correct, Trump did not say suspend……He said TERMINATE

Is that all he said, or was that just a snippet taken out of context and amplified? Ya never know with the dishonest media. Of course you're paid to spew propaganda, I never expect you to demonstrate any intellectual honesty. The country and the facts be damned.

Is that all he said, or was that just a snippet taken out of context and amplified?
Hey, that’s my line!!!! You know how many times I’ve used that on y’all who claim Biden said you won’t catch COVID if you get vaxxed?!
True, he just wants to terminate all the rules in it.

So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great “Founders” did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!

Wow, someone actually provides the full quote and still lies about it. See post 451 for my full response.


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