Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

Was Floyd arrested because of assumption of being a drug dealer? Of using drugs at the time he was arrested? Of threatening a pregnant woman at the time of being arrested?

George Floyd was arrested for a fake dollar bill. $10 dollars or $20, it does not matter.

What caused the protest was his MURDER by a racist cop who sat his knee on Floyd's neck until he died, while people nearby kept telling that cop to get off of him. AND the other three officers did not see fit to go against him and became accomplices in his murder. Now, all are in prison, for the right reason.

Manslaughter is a very serious thing, it does not matter who the victim is.
He was a thug, and a drug dealing drug user, and the earth is better off without him! He was having trouble breathing, before the cop put his knee on his throat. His death was not worth the ammount of pain it caused thousands of people, and business owners, as well as tax payers who had to pay for the damage done to federal buildings.
Wow, someone actually provides the full quote and still lies about it. See post 451 for my full response.


Post 451 does not respond to a thing that I said. Trump said he wants to terminate the rules of the Constitution. This is right there for everyone to see.

No matter what Trump believes to be true, this is never, ever, ever the right answer. But you will defend your god till your dying breath.
Post 451 does not respond to a thing that I said. Trump said he wants to terminate the rules of the Constitution. This is right there for everyone to see.

No matter what Trump believes to be true, this is never, ever, ever the right answer. But you will defend your god till your dying breath.
Does Trump have the power to do any of this? Yes or no, blowhole?
Does Trump have the power to do any of this? Yes or no, blowhole?

He does not, but that is not really the point. The point is he thinks it should be done.

It is not unlike Biden saying guns should be banned. He does not have the power to do that, but we all condemn him for saying it anyhow.

But you are not allowed to do that to your god.
He was a thug, and a drug dealing drug user, and the earth is better off without him! He was having trouble breathing, before the cop put his knee on his throat. His death was not worth the ammount of pain it caused thousands of people, and business owners, as well as tax payers who had to pay for the damage done to federal buildings.
You are a MAGA venomous worthless human to the end.

Let the venom take full control of you. Keep at it.
He does not, but that is not really the point. The point is he thinks it should be done.

It is not unlike Biden saying guns should be banned. He does not have the power to do that, but we all condemn him for saying it anyhow.

But you are not allowed to do that to your god.
What do you have on Trump that will shut him up? The answer is nothing and we still have a 1st amendment under all of the shit you traitors have piled on top of it.
He does not, but that is not really the point. The point is he thinks it should be done.

It is not unlike Biden saying guns should be banned. He does not have the power to do that, but we all condemn him for saying it anyhow.

But you are not allowed to do that to your god.
Biden has a dirty diaper, but Heil Shitler to the Dirty Diaper god, EmperorShitzHizPantz.
No matter how many times he sells America out, you continue to grovel at his feet like he was some kind of demented senile deity!
Go away or get someone with a little intelligence to post for you.
Cool, found somebody, her name is Wanda and she is super intelligent. I'll have her take over this discussion so you can speak to somebody with some intelligence. Ok so now y'all can go! Lastamender, why don't you start by explaining what you think Musk proved in this twitter dump...
What do you have on Trump that will shut him up? The answer is nothing and we still have a 1st amendment under all of the shit you traitors have piled on top of it.

You are correct, Trump is allowed to call for the rules of the Constitution to be terminated. And you are allowed to bow down and kiss his big fat ass for wanting to do so.

Ain't freedom great.
‘True’ conservatives would be actual, consistent advocates of small government, less government.

True conservatives would oppose laws banning abortion.

True conservatives would oppose laws banning same-sex marriage.

True conservatives would oppose voter ID laws.

True conservatives would oppose the Christo-fascist right’s attempts to conjoin church and state.

True conservatives would oppose government penalizing social media because of how they edit their content.

True, actual, consistent conservatives would understand that small government, less government is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.

There are no ‘true’ conservatives; there haven’t been true conservatives for well over 50 years.
As a public service, to educate those whose grasp on the topic is as weak as Adam_Clayton’s is, I share a more meaningful basis to comprehend what conservatism is versus what it’s not. I make use, of course, of the words of a gentleman whose vast education and wisdom is denied by liberals. But his wisdom stands despite their ignorance. The man is Mark Levin who tried to express the notion of what conservatism is in words which most liberals reflexively deny. His words invoke the American Declaration of Independence and the philosophy that the Declaration was built upon. Conservatism is rooted in natural rights.

“These natural rights are bigger than man, and as so many great philosophers have written, we figure them out through human reason, human reason. Cicero called it ‘right reason’ – proper reasoning.

. . . .

“So when people say, ‘We’ve tried conservatism, and it didn’t work. We’ve tried conservatism, and the Republicans turned on us. We’ve tried … .’ You understand, this notion of conservatism, which embraces the Declaration of Independence and all that’s gone before, that undergirds mankind, is bigger than one election cycle, and it’s bigger than one ten-year period.

“It’s absolutely absurd to say conservatism has been tried. You either live it or you don’t, but it doesn’t go away. Unalienable rights don’t go away because current-day politicians are deceitful, and shameless liars, and unconscionable about the way they campaign. That doesn’t mean your natural rights or unalienable rights disappear because of them.

“They’re God-given. No man can give them. No man can take them away. No government can give them. No government can take them away.”
Excerpted from: Levin: Conservatism Is Not an Ideology – It’s Bigger Than Man
Is that all he said, or was that just a snippet taken out of context and amplified? Ya never know with the dishonest media. Of course you're paid to spew propaganda, I never expect you to demonstrate any intellectual honesty. The country and the facts be damned.

No that is not all he said

He was in his usual Crybaby Loser rant about how the election was stolen from him and we needed to get rid of all those pesky rules and regulations including the Constitution
That way the election could be invalidated and he would be declared President

What could be wrong with that?
You are correct, Trump is allowed to call for the rules of the Constitution to be terminated. And you are allowed to bow down and kiss his big fat ass for wanting to do so.

Ain't freedom great.
And the members of Congreess who violated their oath of office should be thrown out of politics for good. You can't have it both ways.
I posted the facts. You prefer to do as Trump does. Blame all others.

Still the need to blame Nancy Pelosi for anything wrong which happened during those 4 years. :)
Hell, Pelosi's home was supposedly being monitored when her husband was attacked but, alas, no one was home - at their station watching the monitors. She can't even protect her own husband, let alone the Capitol.
LOL. You could just say you got nuttin.
And the lies keep on coming…

Democrats have not tried to ‘take over’ the government, whatever that’s supposed to mean.

And whatever it means, it’s a lie.

You should be bothered by your incessant lying and dishonesty, as lying about Democrats is yet anther attempt to deflect from the thread topic.
Democrats wanted to eliminate the senate filibuster, which would have given them limitless power with the House and the Presidency. They wanted to add blue states to the union and seats to the Supreme Court to give them ultimate power. That's just one example. They also tried to control the media and filter out whatever they personally determined to me "misinformation" and are always trying to eliminate free speech whenever it is from the opposing side, not even counting their never ending attacks on the second amendment. Thank God for Manchin and Sinema for not letting Democrats seize total control of the government in a coup. Their insurrection was stopped.

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