Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

And the members of Congreess who violated their oath of office should be thrown out of politics for good. You can't have it both ways.

I am all for that. Personally I would throw them all out and start fresh if I were king for a day.
The 1st is a limit on what the Govt can do, it has nothing to do with private citizens nor companies.

When political entities and the government collude with private companies to infringe the 1st, that's the same as the government doing it and is a civil rights violation and unconstitutional.

LOL. You could just say you got nuttin.
There was no call to terminate The Constitution, Klaus Schwab. What do you think trying to ban gasoline engines is when not a single legislature votes on it?
Freaking Fascist Globalist Assholes is what you are.

The FBI and The Democrat Party Obama, Biden, Clinton Suspended The Constitution when they launched The Operation Crossfire Hurricane Russian Collusion COUP.

Also, your meme looks like a poster straight out of Nazi Germany. Why don't you call us "Dirty Joos" you DemNazi Fascist Pig?
The DNC is a private entity, not a part of the Government.

Is what Twitter did any worse than FoxNews host getting on stage and opening campaigning with Trump?

Yeah it is, they suppressed factual reporting from one of the nations oldest new papers to interfere with an election. They also suppressed facts about covid at the behest of the NIH and the WH. There's also reports of congresscritters being involved in the suppression of stories.

You can bet there will be new law on campaign finance and the 1st amendment coming out of this debacle. And hopefully it won't screw things up worse than they are.

Hey, that’s my line!!!! You know how many times I’ve used that on y’all who claim Biden said you won’t catch COVID if you get vaxxed?!

xiden and St Fauci both said it. Of course both their stories evolved with time.

Post 451 does not respond to a thing that I said. Trump said he wants to terminate the rules of the Constitution. This is right there for everyone to see.

No matter what Trump believes to be true, this is never, ever, ever the right answer. But you will defend your god till your dying breath.

You obviously didn't really read post 451. Carry on liar.

No that is not all he said

He was in his usual Crybaby Loser rant about how the election was stolen from him and we needed to get rid of all those pesky rules and regulations including the Constitution
That way the election could be invalidated and he would be declared President

What could be wrong with that?

Thanks for not disappointing, your post was everything I expected.

Is there anything Trump can say or do that IS a Deal Breaker to Republicans?

But Stephanopoulos pressed further, and Joyce ultimately said that Trump's comment should be taken "in context" but that it wouldn't prevent him from supporting Trump if he ends up winning the nomination.

You can't come out against someone who's for suspending the Constitution?" Stephanopoulos pushed back once again.

"He says a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that it's ever going to happen. So you got to [separate] fact from fantasy
The right is so weak and worthless, they will support a man who says he wants to rip up the constitution and write something himself., Or just rip up the whole constitution or destroy the parts he doesn't like, The man is pond scum but still they will follow this traitor. He went for a dictatorship by force and that didn't work so now it is a dictatorship by scrapping the constitution. There has never been this level of scum in American politics .The Republican Party of 2022 is a low point in American political history. They simply are this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be treated as such, There are no patriots left in the right wing in America , They are now all democrats.
Thanks for not disappointing, your post was everything I expected.

Trump says the 2020 election should either be redone or he should be declared the rightful winner.

How can either of those be accomplished without terminating rules, regulations or articles in the Constitution?
xiden and St Fauci both said it. Of course both their stories evolved with time.

If by time you mean the next breath then yes... Thats called context and not cherry picking lines. The exact thing you just accused somebody of doing to trump. Welcome to the wheel of partisan hypocrisy and gameplay

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