Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

There are no ‘true’ conservatives; there haven’t been true conservatives for well over 50 years.

The ignorance, fear, racism, bigotry, hate, anti-democratic illiberalism, authoritarianism, and anti-immigrant nativism is what conservatism is – conservativism is white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Trump is merely a product of the GOP and conservatism.
Oh do explain please
You are still making things political where your Orange Deity can do no wrong no matter how destructive that becomes.

This is just how far you are down the rabbit hole. I am not a leftie. I am Fiscal Conservative and was a card carrying Republican before it went down the rabbit hole with you along with it.
He hasn't been destructive. However, lefty riots happened nonstop all summer long a couple of years ago and the left did nothing to stop those. In fact, they deliberately told law enforcement to step back and let the riots happen.
Is there anything Trump can say or do that IS a Deal Breaker to Republicans?

But Stephanopoulos pressed further, and Joyce ultimately said that Trump's comment should be taken "in context" but that it wouldn't prevent him from supporting Trump if he ends up winning the nomination.

You can't come out against someone who's for suspending the Constitution?" Stephanopoulos pushed back once again.

"He says a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that it's ever going to happen. So you got to [separate] fact from fantasy
There was no desire to suspend The Constitution. Don't forget Zipper Head.... I get your talking points before George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Obama Bin Lying ever send them to you.

Democracy in Peril!


The FBI and CIA interfered in our Elections by knowingly engaging in The Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP and lying about Hunter Biden's laptop and ordering Social Media to ban and censor anyone who dared talk about it.

But you don't actually care about Free Speech or Fair Elections do you little 666 New World Order DemNazi, do you?
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Right. Pelosi was in charge.
Pelosi has the job of security? I did not know that.

But I do now this:

As Capitol Hill geared up for the first hearing of a special committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, some conservatives claimed Nancy Pelosi has a conflict of interest.

A July 22 Facebook post asserts Pelosi, who created the committee, is using her role as speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives to skirt responsibility for security failures on Jan. 6.

“So let me get this straight…Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on Jan. 6. They were understaffed and underprepared. But now she gets to be in charge of the investigation of...herself?!” reads text in the post from Dan Carr, a Mississippi pastor with more than 30,000 followers on Facebook.

The post is a screenshot of a post originally published July 21 by Rogan O’Handley, a conservative influencer, on Gettr. The social media site was recently launched by Jason Miller, previously an adviser to former President Donald Trump

Fact check:Post falsely claims Pelosi is blocking Capitol Police officers from testifying

The claim that Pelosi was in charge of the U.S. Capitol Police during the insurrection has circulated both online and offline for months. On July 21 , U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, floated the claim after Pelosi rejected his appointment to the Jan. 6 special committee.

"Why wasn't there a proper security presence at the Capitol that day?" Jordan asked at a news conference. "Only one person can answer that question. Only one. The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives."

But a look at the Capitol Police’s chain of command shows that Pelosi wasn't in charge of the law enforcement agency on Jan. 6. USA TODAY previously rated a similar claim false, and other independent fact-checking organizations have reached similar conclusions.

Pelosi not ‘in charge’ of Capitol Police​

In response to USA TODAY's request for comment, Carr reiterated the claim in his Facebook post.

"The Speaker Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the police officers on Capitol Hill!!" Carr said in an email. "On January 6th they was understaffed due to her lack of over site (sic). With the lack of personnel, the United States capitol was breached which should have never happened. Now she is in charge of the investigation of what happened on January 6th."

But that's wrong. The Capitol Police are overseen by a number of entities and individuals, none of whom are Pelosi.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.

You got your "truth" from a person on Facebook.
Enough said

Now you know !!!!
The only "tards" are the idiots who are so blue pilled that they still believe people tried to HANG Pence, in December 2022!!!

You should be embarrassed.

But you're too clueless.

Good job.
I know! What are these people thinking?!. The mob that was chanting to hang Mike Pence were just doing so symbolically and after they were invited to break windows and stampede through the capital it’s absurd for anybody to blame them for doing anything inappropriate. Biden should be arrested because we all know he planned it all
I know! What are these people thinking?!. The mob that was chanting to hang Mike Pence were just doing so symbolically and after they were invited to break windows and stampede through the capital it’s absurd for anybody to blame them for doing anything inappropriate. Biden should be arrested because we all know he planned it all
Comparing 1 day and a mob of 300 to a whole year of destruction.
Not very becoming of you.
You can try and rephrase it but remember, I don't understand goobledygook.
Yes I fully understand your disability with words and their meaning. I'm glad to see you accept that certain concepts are beyond your cognitive abilities. I the future I'll remember dumb it down for you. "We've heard that before".
Right they are representatives. So next, how is the country run without anybody in charge?
The people are in charge to recall the elected official who does not following through with the stated platform.
We need election recalls.
Yes I fully understand your disability with words and their meaning. I'm glad to see you accept that certain concepts are beyond your cognitive abilities. I the future I'll remember dumb it down for you. "We've heard that before".
Political Corruption For Dummies:
Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP
Hunter Biden's Laptop
Pelosi has the job of security? I did not know that.

But I do now this:

As Capitol Hill geared up for the first hearing of a special committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, some conservatives claimed Nancy Pelosi has a conflict of interest.

A July 22 Facebook post asserts Pelosi, who created the committee, is using her role as speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives to skirt responsibility for security failures on Jan. 6.

“So let me get this straight…Nancy Pelosi was in charge of Capitol Police on Jan. 6. They were understaffed and underprepared. But now she gets to be in charge of the investigation of...herself?!” reads text in the post from Dan Carr, a Mississippi pastor with more than 30,000 followers on Facebook.

The post is a screenshot of a post originally published July 21 by Rogan O’Handley, a conservative influencer, on Gettr. The social media site was recently launched by Jason Miller, previously an adviser to former President Donald Trump

Fact check:Post falsely claims Pelosi is blocking Capitol Police officers from testifying

The claim that Pelosi was in charge of the U.S. Capitol Police during the insurrection has circulated both online and offline for months. On July 21 , U.S. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, floated the claim after Pelosi rejected his appointment to the Jan. 6 special committee.

"Why wasn't there a proper security presence at the Capitol that day?" Jordan asked at a news conference. "Only one person can answer that question. Only one. The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives."

But a look at the Capitol Police’s chain of command shows that Pelosi wasn't in charge of the law enforcement agency on Jan. 6. USA TODAY previously rated a similar claim false, and other independent fact-checking organizations have reached similar conclusions.

Pelosi not ‘in charge’ of Capitol Police​

In response to USA TODAY's request for comment, Carr reiterated the claim in his Facebook post.

"The Speaker Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the police officers on Capitol Hill!!" Carr said in an email. "On January 6th they was understaffed due to her lack of over site (sic). With the lack of personnel, the United States capitol was breached which should have never happened. Now she is in charge of the investigation of what happened on January 6th."

But that's wrong. The Capitol Police are overseen by a number of entities and individuals, none of whom are Pelosi.

The Capitol Police Board is made up of the House and Senate sergeants-at-arms, as well as the Capitol architect. The Capitol Police chief serves in a non-voting capacity on the board, according to the Capitol Police website.

Pelosi was not a chair or administrator of any committee supervising the Capitol Police at the time of the insurrection. She's not listed on any of those committees' websites today, either.

You got your "truth" from a person on Facebook.
Enough said

Now you know !!!!
Can you prove that Trump deliberately downsized the Capitol police force for that day?
Yes I fully understand your disability with words and their meaning. I'm glad to see you accept that certain concepts are beyond your cognitive abilities. I the future I'll remember dumb it down for you. "We've heard that before".
So, you can't rephrase it? Doesn't surprise me.
Right they are representatives. So next, how is the country managed without anybody in charge of running it?
What we see is people forcing their views and agendas on the population. They are Representatives in name only. Also, on the side. Zelensky is supposedly curbing the Eastern Orthodox Church in Ukraine by a report.
Is there anything Trump can say or do that IS a Deal Breaker to Republicans?

But Stephanopoulos pressed further, and Joyce ultimately said that Trump's comment should be taken "in context" but that it wouldn't prevent him from supporting Trump if he ends up winning the nomination.

You can't come out against someone who's for suspending the Constitution?" Stephanopoulos pushed back once again.

"He says a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that it's ever going to happen. So you got to [separate] fact from fantasy

This isn't news.

Trump has already attempted to subvert the Constitution by trying to stop the peaceful and legal transition of power after the 2020 election.

The only people that can't separate fact from fantasy are all the Republicans that continue to support Trump but won't admit that he's a traitorous piece of shit!

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