Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

Democrats have been attacking the Constitution for years and wanting to change it.
This is a lie.

Using the Constitution and its case law to defend the right to vote, the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and the rights of Americans of color from racist, bigoted conservatives is not to ‘attack’ the Constitution – indeed, it’s defending the Constitution.
I’m Williston throw the entire Constitution out and start over from scratch. Unfortunately we as a society have proven an absolute inability to properly govern ourselves, so we have to try something else. Democracy, the Republic, all of it is a FAILURE, pure and simple.

They’re not MY stand. They existed for eons before I was ever born. They’re the basis for pretty much every society in the world prior to this one. This FAILED society.

They’re fools of the highest order. The only pro with their countries is the reliance on religion as a motivating factor rather than Morality and Right/Wrong.

It’s the essence of understanding that Right and Wrong cannot be the basis for a society if freedom and choice are present. I choose Right/Wring over freedom every time.
Russia sounds more to your liking.
Josh Hawley, A MAGA member of the Congress.

Amazing how none of these documents has really been introduced in Congress or any Committee for investigation, but are only being shown on his site.

SO, when does he say he is going to make it official?
It is more nonsense coming out of him, but he has been the king of getting a lot of things from his followers but stating things which may never be capable of coming true.

His followers do not know the Constitution or what the laws of the US really are.

He says something, it become the law to them.

Nothing funny about an ex President wanting his voters to keep a Presidential certification from taking place, as he is not the one being certified, invading the Capitol during that time and causing damage, injuries and death.

Nothing funny about any and all the allegations he makes which all of his followers believe in, and too many have acted on with threats online, and in person to people in office.
Democrats should have secured the Capitol so that could not happen. They dropped the ball and let it happen.
This is a lie.

Using the Constitution and its case law to defend the right to vote, the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and the rights of Americans of color from racist, bigoted conservatives is not to ‘attack’ the Constitution – indeed, it’s defending the Constitution.
Of course those are all lies! But, it is the very thing Democrats use to divide us every election cycle! You are being paid to much by the DNC to post this drivel, because it is so transparent you are doing so!
The old GOP said much the same thing when he responded to the question about accepting defeat in either 2016 or 2020. He's just owning the libs, he really can't do that,,,,,, guardrails will contain his semi-fascist dreams......then they became the Neo-GOP!

When the fuck are they going to stand up for America? Ever?
I'm sorry. Although I dabble in a couple of different languages other than English, I do not understand gobbledygook.
Oh WAIT. !!!!!

This is Hawley and Grassley being upset that there was a need to COMBAT disinformation which is rampant on Tweeter, Facebook, radio, tv, etc??????

You are AGAINST combating Disinformation?????

I do not have to ask or wonder why, now do I ????
This is a lie.

Using the Constitution and its case law to defend the right to vote, the rights of gay and transgender Americans, and the rights of Americans of color from racist, bigoted conservatives is not to ‘attack’ the Constitution – indeed, it’s defending the Constitution.
Democrats tried their best to overtake all government. Thank God Manchin and Sinema were able to stop them.
Oh WAIT. !!!!!

This is Hawley and Grassley being upset that there was a need to COMBAT disinformation which is rampant on Tweeter, Facebook, radio, tv, etc??????

You are AGAINST combating Disinformation?????

I do not have to ask or wonder why, now do I ????
2 whole people!
Why? He can't do what he said. And, Democrats have been wanting to change the Constitution for years.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

Seeking to amendment Constitution via the amendment process reflecting the will of the people is perfectly lawful and indeed Constitutional.

Trump wants to destroy the Constitution by elevating himself as despot and dictator, which is unlawful, treasonous, contrary to the will of the people, and un-Constitutional.
SCOTUS will decide what is Constitutional not posters on a message board
Right. So that is how much you “respect the Constitution,” you don’t know its contents, it doesn’t matter what it says, and SCOTUS is always right…

Oh… except for when it isn’t, of course. Let’s not accuse of even having that as a principle. You people don’t do standards or principles.

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