Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

Pelosi knows the Law and would never go against the Constitution.
Oh fuck you.

This statement is insanity.

This statement is bait. Well okay, I’ll take the bait. Nancy spat on the Constitution nearly every day of her political career. If she ever knew the law, then all that means is that her actions were malicious and flagrant tyranny and not just incompetence and stupidity.
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How is he going to terminate the Constitution? He can't do it. It's just more shit coming out of his mouth. He loves to say things like that and then sit back and watch the libs all run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Trump does that all the time and the libs fall for it every single time. It's rather funny to watch. Seems like if it happened to you 100 times you wouldn't fall for it again but they still do - every time.

The old GOP said much the same thing when he responded to the question about accepting defeat in either 2016 or 2020. He's just owning the libs, he really can't do that,,,,,, guardrails will contain his semi-fascist dreams......then they became the Neo-GOP!

When the fuck are they going to stand up for America? Ever?
She went against the Constitution every time she proposed or supported unconstitutional legislation, which she did COUNTLESSLY.

I’m sorry you can’t read and respond on point due to your mental handicap.
SCOTUS will decide what is Constitutional not posters on a message board
She went against the Constitution every time she proposed or supported unconstitutional legislation, which she did COUNTLESSLY.

I’m sorry you can’t read and respond on point due to your mental handicap.
Your link to such is missing. And this thread isn't about me...............tho I understand your trying to deflect.

BTW....if you really knew how Constitutional government works....ANYTHING can be submitted to the legislature and voted on.....if it goes against the Constitution, either it gets voted down (Constitutional), it gets veto'd (Constitutional) or gets shot down by the courts (Constitutional).

Where has Speaker Pelosi ever suggested "the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution"?
Not the Biden Campaign, as they are not connected to the Govt. But yes, the WH and FBI doing it 100% violates the 1st

Neither the WH nor the FBI ‘colluded’ with Twitter, that’s a lie.

And in order for there to be a First Amendment violation, government must limit or preempt speech by means of penalty or punishment.

Should twitter voluntarily edit content based on information provided by the government that the content is false or misleading, there is no First Amendment violation.

The link below is an example of government action in violation of the First Amendment, where DeSantis and Florida Republicans sought to silence social media with the threat of lawsuits from Florida’s attorney general.

And you're willing to suspend the Constitution and install a dictator to make that happen. What you're talking about is turning the USA into Iran, or really, any Muslim ruled country. You want people to live by YOUR standards and you're prepared to do WHAT exactly to enforce it?
I’m willing to throw the entire Constitution out and start over from scratch. Unfortunately we as a society have proven an absolute inability to properly govern ourselves, so we have to try something else. Democracy, the Republic, all of it is a FAILURE, pure and simple.

They’re not MY standards. They existed for eons before I was ever born. They’re the basis for pretty much every society in the world prior to this one. This FAILED society.
Morality, values, and the rule of law are paramount, and women know their place. No, alcohol, drugs. Homosexuals and "wanton" women are murdered with impunity. And yet in every dictatorship, they're riotiing for democracy
They’re fools of the highest order. The only pro with their countries is the reliance on religion as a motivating factor rather than Morality and Right/Wrong.
For someone who advocates for "common sense", you don't seem to have any of it yourself. Just an overarching belief that you're right and everyone else should live like you believe is proper. This is the absolute essence of white male privilege
It’s the essence of understanding that Right and Wrong cannot be the basis for a society if freedom and choice are present. I choose Right/Wring over freedom every time.
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I realize Trump is your evil other, your bogeyman, the target of your Orwellian Two Minutes Hate stretched ad infinum into your 24/7 participation in a howling mass of insanity.

And I also realize that if it wasn't him, it would be someone else, because ultimately you all just hate anyone who isn't part of your collective group think - FFS, do you think you assholes didn't give this away when you treated RINO squishes like McCain or Romney much the same way? If it wasn't Trump, the next guy would also be oh teh noes super mega ultra Hitler, because that is what you delusional leftoids DO.
All you have to do is look at his history to learn the truth.
Democrats have adopted the ideas of those who tore down and demolished the monuments to the brilliant and educated men who wrote the Constitution. They are called homophobic slave owners. Thomas Jefferson's name has been removed from the University he founded. It has been proposed that Monticello be stripped of its historical meaning and repurposed as a slavery museum. The names of the founders have been removed from schools and any other place of honor. There has been questions raised as to whether the founding documents such as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence should even be displayed at all. They are triggering and devoid of diversity.

So don't tell us Democrats respect the Constitution. We are just soooo over it.
Democrats respect the Constitution; Trump supporters – not.

Neither the WH nor the FBI ‘colluded’ with Twitter, that’s a lie.

And in order for there to be a First Amendment violation, government must limit or preempt speech by means of penalty or punishment.

Should twitter voluntarily edit content based on information provided by the government that the content is false or misleading, there is no First Amendment violation.

The Govt should not be telling private companies what is false or misleading.

The DNC is a private entity, not government.

No First Amendment violations.
The implications of these documents becomes more serious once the Biden campaign became the Biden administration. These documents show a back channel existed with President Biden’s campaign officials, but those same back channels appear to have continued to be used by Biden administration officials. If so, that would be when Twitter may have gone from a campaign ally to a surrogate for state censorship. As I have previously written, the administration cannot censor critics and cannot use agents for that purpose under the First Amendment.
I’m Williston throw the entire Constitution out and start over from scratch. Unfortunately we as a society have proven an absolute inability to properly govern ourselves, so we have to try something else. Democracy, the Republic, all of it is a FAILURE, pure and simple.

They’re not MY stand. They existed for eons before I was ever born. They’re the basis for pretty much every society in the world prior to this one. This FAILED society.

They’re fools of the highest order. The only pro with their countries is the reliance on religion as a motivating factor rather than Morality and Right/Wrong.

It’s the essence of understanding that Right and Wrong cannot be the basis for a society if freedom and choice are present. I choose Right/Wring over freedom every time.
My advice for your pain:

Move to a country where the laws agree with you.

Your wishes are never going to come true in this country.

Many people do it on a daily basis.
The implications of these documents becomes more serious once the Biden campaign became the Biden administration. These documents show a back channel existed with President Biden’s campaign officials, but those same back channels appear to have continued to be used by Biden administration officials. If so, that would be when Twitter may have gone from a campaign ally to a surrogate for state censorship. As I have previously written, the administration cannot censor critics and cannot use agents for that purpose under the First Amendment.
What documents? Show the source.

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