Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

One problem with that is that Northern States did not participate with slavery other than early returning runaways. The return program was negated as of the Proclamation in 1863. A large part of the reason that the Civil War was fought was the fact that slavery could not be exported to the new Territories or States in the West starting in 1850 by the Free Soil Act.
Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri.

All slave states. Never joined the Confederacy. Emancipation Proclamation had no impact on them.
The evidence is, democrats come up with a story like Trump wants to do away with the Constitution. No one but enemy democrats believes Trump said any such thing or enemy democrats have taken it out of context. This entire thread is evidence.
He posted it on his Truth Social.
It is the only thing that will keep him from going to prison and not becoming President again.

I posted where they showed what he wrote on his platform. Go back and read it.
How is he going to terminate the Constitution? He can't do it.

Correct, he cannot. But the mere fact he wants to should be a problem, but it is not for you.

He loves to say things like that and then sit back and watch the libs all run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Trump does that all the time and the libs fall for it every single time. It's rather funny to watch. Seems like if it happened to you 100 times you wouldn't fall for it again but they still do - every time.

This is the weakest defense of your god I have seen so far. I am actually embarrassed for you.
What is the dnc doing partering with a private company, to supress first amendment rights, it was electioneering it was an attack on the constitution, however I have seen that what you state, would be the defense democrats use to excuse suppressing first amendment rights. So nice talking poijnts

The DNC is a private entity, not government.

No First Amendment violations.
Is there anything Trump can say or do that IS a Deal Breaker to Republicans?

But Stephanopoulos pressed further, and Joyce ultimately said that Trump's comment should be taken "in context" but that it wouldn't prevent him from supporting Trump if he ends up winning the nomination.

You can't come out against someone who's for suspending the Constitution?" Stephanopoulos pushed back once again.

"He says a lot of things, but that doesn't mean that it's ever going to happen. So you got to [separate] fact from fantasy
You'd be all for it if Pelosi said it.
How is he going to terminate the Constitution? He can't do it. It's just more shit coming out of his mouth. He loves to say things like that and then sit back and watch the libs all run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Trump does that all the time and the libs fall for it every single time. It's rather funny to watch. Seems like if it happened to you 100 times you wouldn't fall for it again but they still do - every time.
It is more nonsense coming out of him, but he has been the king of getting a lot of things from his followers but stating things which may never be capable of coming true.

His followers do not know the Constitution or what the laws of the US really are.

He says something, it become the law to them.

Nothing funny about an ex President wanting his voters to keep a Presidential certification from taking place, as he is not the one being certified, invading the Capitol during that time and causing damage, injuries and death.

Nothing funny about any and all the allegations he makes which all of his followers believe in, and too many have acted on with threats online, and in person to people in office.
You'd be all for it if Pelosi said it.
Pelosi knows the Law and would never go against the Constitution. No one on the Democratic, Independent and Republican side who know and respect the Constitution would EVER say anything remotely like it.

Are you going to deal with anything Trump actually says and the consequences, actions on his followers' side?
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How is he going to terminate the Constitution? He can't do it. It's just more shit coming out of his mouth. He loves to say things like that and then sit back and watch the libs all run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Trump does that all the time and the libs fall for it every single time. It's rather funny to watch. Seems like if it happened to you 100 times you wouldn't fall for it again but they still do - every time.

The problem is, the fruitcake well armed "Patriots" react to it with violence. Jan6th was just a warmup.
Oh wow the other talking point they said would be used! Nice to know you are a paid hack for the dnc.
Be that as it may, the DNC isn’t ‘government,’ the First Amendment isn’t being ‘violated.’

Like most on the right you’re a dishonest coward; rather than addressing the topic of Trump calling for the destruction of the Constitution, you instead respond with an ignorant, ridiculous red herring fallacy.

You have no concept of what the First Amendment says.
True, so you agree that when the Biden campaign, and then the WH, as well as the FBI colluding to censor twitter, that violated the 1st amendment
Of course not – this is a lie and another red herring fallacy.

The Biden campaign didn’t ‘collude’ with Twitter, that rightwing lie has long been debunked.
This video shows Trump's post on his platform, for anyone to read it and understand what he wishes to terminate, and exactly why he would want to have them terminated.

At :58 seconds

Pelosi knows the Law and would never go against the Constitution. No one on the Democratic, Independent and Republicans who know and respect the Constitution would EVER say anything remotely like it.

Are you going to her deal with anything Trump actually says and the consequences, actions on his followers' side?
After what Demorats did during the riots of 2020, I don't give a damn. Democrats told the cops to stand down in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and many other cities while blm and antifa ruined small businesses of American citizens. I really don't give a shit what you sleazy nasty fuckers whine about.
One problem with that is that Northern States did not participate with slavery other than early returning runaways. The return program was negated as of the Proclamation in 1863. A large part of the reason that the Civil War was fought was the fact that slavery could not be exported to the new Territories or States in the West starting in 1850 by the Free Soil Act.
Well Lincoln was on record saying whether slavery was made universally legal or illegal, he’d support either as long as it preserved the union
After what Demorats did during the riots of 2020, I don't give a damn. Democrats told the cops to stand down in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and many other cities while blm and antifa ruined small businesses of American citizens. I really don't give a shit what you sleazy nasty fuckers whine about.
I believe that you do not have one iota of proof of any Democrats telling cops to stand down while people were protesting, which thanks to some MAGA people turned into riots and burning of some places.

Show the evidence.

You do care.

You just do not care to show proof, evidence of what you have heard on the Alt Right radio, tv or any other source.

I want PROOF. No proof, no cigar.

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