Trump Desperation

Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
Trump's Neanderthal base will be most affected? Who is the Party of foodstamps, eh genius?
Chicken shit Trump ass said his 'deal' with China was gonna be DONE fucking 9 fucking months ago; well shit, here we are NOW 9 fucking months later & Trump is still playing his fucking GAMES like some chicken shit third fucking grader.

Does it get any more fucking ridiculous?

How many fucking trading hostages is this chicken shit Trump pussy gonna hold hostage while Trump & his tiny brain of ass holes gonna hold the fucking planet hostage to his delusional day dream shit?

This could (theoretically) go on for fucking ever.

what a bunch of fucking bull shit ..............

When you said this could go on for fucking ever, I thought you meant your silly rant.

Actually, chickenshit Trump is the ONE that is dragging this China trade war fucking shit out 'for fucking ever'

Not me ..............

Alright! Alright! Don't shit in your hat.

Trump attempted to convince a bunch of brain dead assholes that he understands how to play chess, when Trump doesn't even know how to play checkers.

Maybe Trump can dig those 'Chinese checkers' outta his ass in a few years?

Trump could lay golden eggs outta his ass and y'all would find fault.

It's free golden eggs!

Are they from "a very wonderful place in his ass"?
When you said this could go on for fucking ever, I thought you meant your silly rant.

Actually, chickenshit Trump is the ONE that is dragging this China trade war fucking shit out 'for fucking ever'

Not me ..............

Alright! Alright! Don't shit in your hat.

Trump attempted to convince a bunch of brain dead assholes that he understands how to play chess, when Trump doesn't even know how to play checkers.

Maybe Trump can dig those 'Chinese checkers' outta his ass in a few years?

Trump could lay golden eggs outta his ass and y'all would find fault.

It's free golden eggs!

well, it has been the better part of a YEAR & Trump has NOT DELIVERED on his bull shit in regard to HIS China Trade War..
so, Fuck Him ...............
Oooh,oooh look at you you don't like Trump. Aaah isn't it toooo bad.
China may have been hoping that they could hold out until some dem became president then they could get back to screwing the Americans. I think they have realized that they can't hold out until the law does not allow Trump a third term.
With a population of 370 million, 42 million poor is a very small number. They just like committing crimes out of their proportion.

Last I checked it was 327 million.
There was a TV mini series made in the 1980's called Amerikka. It was the Soviet Union takeover of our nation. Capitalism it was stated can give 85%/90% a living with the remainder impoverished. The Soviet Communist system gave 4% a good living with the rest not living well. Poverty will always be with us. Only we kept it moving from a low tax environment to a high tax environment with socialist policies supposedly designed to end it enacted.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
The reason so many of the world's poor want to come here is because even our poor can afford cellphones.
Most of the poor around the world make roughly $2 / day or less.
That's the world that Democrats love......and want to turn America into.
They risk drowning in the Rio Grande or dying in the desert to get a cell phone. Good one :)
Poor people in the world try to get into countries where there are better opportunities and it`s been this way for centuries dumbass.
Then come legally America hater!
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
Trump's Neanderthal base will be most affected? Who is the Party of foodstamps, eh genius?
The party of food stamps. Ohhh mmmm. The blacks and hispanics shitting in the streets on skid row. Or do they be the party of democrat supplied needles and obamaphones?
Actually, chickenshit Trump is the ONE that is dragging this China trade war fucking shit out 'for fucking ever'

Not me ..............

Alright! Alright! Don't shit in your hat.

Trump attempted to convince a bunch of brain dead assholes that he understands how to play chess, when Trump doesn't even know how to play checkers.

Maybe Trump can dig those 'Chinese checkers' outta his ass in a few years?

Trump could lay golden eggs outta his ass and y'all would find fault.

It's free golden eggs!

well, it has been the better part of a YEAR & Trump has NOT DELIVERED on his bull shit in regard to HIS China Trade War..
so, Fuck Him ...............
Oooh,oooh look at you you don't like Trump. Aaah isn't it toooo bad.
China may have been hoping that they could hold out until some dem became president then they could get back to screwing the Americans. I think they have realized that they can't hold out until the law does not allow Trump a third term.

That is FUNNY SHIT how you blame the Chinese for Trump's lack of track record for TRUMP's trade war. LOFL

You must be in the first fucking grade; oh, sorry. You must be in fucking kindergarten ............. haha .........
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
The reason so many of the world's poor want to come here is because even our poor can afford cellphones.
Most of the poor around the world make roughly $2 / day or less.
That's the world that Democrats love......and want to turn America into.
They risk drowning in the Rio Grande or dying in the desert to get a cell phone. Good one :)
Poor people in the world try to get into countries where there are better opportunities and it`s been this way for centuries dumbass.
Actually, most of these folks are a bit on the chunky side, so they aren't starving....and many of them were carrying they aren't poor. Well, dumbass, it used to be they came legally to find a better life. Now they're just answering ads in the newspapers for free shit.
Now you fuckers want to flood every country with a bunch of freeloaders to crash the their economies.
This is why they want to take our guns.
Are you even dimly aware that if a Neanderthal walked among us, you wouldn't even give him a second look?

Neanderthal DNA positively correlates with higher IQ. They were very successful in northern climates until overrun by hordes from the south. Sound familiar?
Poor people in the world try to get into countries where there are better opportunities and it`s been this way for centuries dumbass.

Do you agree that the American people are obligated to pay the healthcare costs of all people who come to America? All of the Democratic candidates for president believe so. Would you also support requiring the American people to pay the healthcare costs of everyone living in Mexico?
China may have been hoping that they could hold out until some dem became president then they could get back to screwing the Americans. I think they have realized that they can't hold out until the law does not allow Trump a third term.

The reality is that we probably shouldn't be trading with China and neither should any western Democracy.
Alright! Alright! Don't shit in your hat.

Trump attempted to convince a bunch of brain dead assholes that he understands how to play chess, when Trump doesn't even know how to play checkers.

Maybe Trump can dig those 'Chinese checkers' outta his ass in a few years?

Trump could lay golden eggs outta his ass and y'all would find fault.

It's free golden eggs!

well, it has been the better part of a YEAR & Trump has NOT DELIVERED on his bull shit in regard to HIS China Trade War..
so, Fuck Him ...............
Oooh,oooh look at you you don't like Trump. Aaah isn't it toooo bad.
China may have been hoping that they could hold out until some dem became president then they could get back to screwing the Americans. I think they have realized that they can't hold out until the law does not allow Trump a third term.

That is FUNNY SHIT how you blame the Chinese for Trump's lack of track record for TRUMP's trade war. LOFL

You must be in the first fucking grade; oh, sorry. You must be in fucking kindergarten ............. haha .........
You need to have someone read the post to you then explain it in words you can understand. The only one blaming China is you.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.

That's of course all bullshit.

If the price of merchandise goes up, retailers IMMEDIATELY raise prices, they don't wait until they need restocking. That would be too late. Where would the retailer get the money for the new goods if they sold the previous at a discount to the current price

In actuality, the tariffs are coming out of Red China's end and prices are being maintained. They don't want to lose market share, and they don't want idle millions over there.

If Macy's sells a Red Chinese necktie for $25, they aren't going to raise the price to $27.50 for a 10% tariff. They will keep the price at $25 to compete with the Bangladeshi and North Vietnamese neckties also on the table. And if Red China doesn't absorb the increased cost, those Chinese ties will no longer be carried.

Theoretically, the consumer does pay the tariff as that's where the money is coming from. But in actuality, its more complex.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.

Chicken shit Trump ass said his 'deal' with China was gonna be DONE fucking 9 fucking months ago; well shit, here we are NOW 9 fucking months later & Trump is still playing his fucking GAMES like some chicken shit third fucking grader.

Does it get any more fucking ridiculous?

How many fucking trading hostages is this chicken shit Trump pussy gonna hold hostage while Trump & his tiny brain of ass holes gonna hold the fucking planet hostage to his delusional day dream shit?

This could (theoretically) go on for fucking ever.

what a bunch of fucking bull shit ..............
Nothing you loons said would happen because of the tariffs has happened. So shut up.
and your the same retard who wants open border you leftist really need to step back and look at utterly phucking stupid you morons are.
With a population of 370 million, 42 million poor is a very small number. They just like committing crimes out of their proportion.

And again, what does the OP define as "poverty". Today, poor people have cable tv, free healthcare, and air conditioners. Compared to colonial times, todays poor are living pretty good.
This thread should be called “My desperation”.

You leftwing nut cakes have lost it.

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