Trump Desperation

Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
Or you could get a job.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
The reason so many of the world's poor want to come here is because even our poor can afford cellphones.
Most of the poor around the world make roughly $2 / day or less.
That's the world that Democrats love......and want to turn America into.

Seems to me it is you assdfucks that are too stupid to see how Trump will drive those in the middle class into poverty

His tax cuts pour money into the coffers of well off corporations who did not raise their pay rates nor did they lower their prices.

His tariffs raise the prices of goods here in the US while hurting exporters like farmers.

Meanwhile he is making the air & water dirtier & making workplaces more dangerous.

His tax cuts will add 1.5 trillion to the debt.

When the Trump recession hits, Middle Class will be devastated.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
The reason so many of the world's poor want to come here is because even our poor can afford cellphones.
Most of the poor around the world make roughly $2 / day or less.
That's the world that Democrats love......and want to turn America into.

Seems to me it is you assdfucks that are too stupid to see how Trump will drive those in the middle class into poverty

His tax cuts pour money into the coffers of well off corporations who did not raise their pay rates nor did they lower their prices.

His tariffs raise the prices of goods here in the US while hurting exporters like farmers.

Meanwhile he is making the air & water dirtier & making workplaces more dangerous.

His tax cuts will add 1.5 trillion to the debt.

When the Trump recession hits, Middle Class will be devastated.
Notice how this mental patient can never prove any of its madness?
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.

Ever wonder why you Trump haters are the dumbest gawd dam a hole there are...YOU KNOW NO FACTS other than what is parroted to you retreads . you idiots fall for EVERYTHING ANN ANYTHING TRUE OR NOT AS LONG AS IT HATES TRUMP IS AGAINST TRUMP you should see how pathetic the WORD DEMOCRAT is now anyone normal wants nothing to do with being a democratic pos killer whose desensitized beyond humans natural instinct DEMONIC-RATS HAVE NO COMPASSION YOUR DESENSITIZED USELESS..PIGS!!!

LEARN FACT NOT FANTASY CLOWN WORLD VIA TRUMP HATERS THESE STUPID ASSES HAVEN'T A CLUE WTF THEY ARE DOING OH WAIT YES THEY DO they knnow their idiots will follow them no matter who or what they represent.

Don't yah pigs.

and this isnn't even that old dumbasses.

One America News Network | Your Nation. Your News.
One thing I know about the Chinese though is that they are willing to allow a losing opponent to save face even in defeat. So Trump will still toot his horn loudly in a repugnant blare even though nothing was achieved by this gong show but rearranging a favorable deal for China.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.

Um no...chang-dang....China is desperate for a deal. I'm not sure where you go shopping But here in the Northeast chicken, pork and eggs have all nose dived in price. Guess who's managing all of those industries here?
The Chinese you dope.

Later Chink

42 million living in poverty in the US??

That's why they can afford cell phones, air conditioners and have food stamps, section 8 housing and medical and dental care.
We taxpayers pay for it all.

Some poverty.
Trump Desperation
You sure you didn't mean Neiltard Desperation? Humanitarian crisis? Neanderthal base? Are you even dimly aware that if a Neanderthal walked among us, you wouldn't even give him a second look? Not only was he a shrewd, skilled person, but he could KICK YOUR FUCKING ASS up and down the street all day long being far physically superior. This is but one more pathetic desperation thread grabbing at trying to bash the unbashable as a 'feel-good' genuflection to the needy leftard base looking for some sooth.

First you had Trump ridiculed for daring the audacity of thinking he could maneuver Red China into a fair trade deal, then you excoriated him because the resulting tariffs might sting a little for a while until we got some movement. And now that China is feeling the pain and willing to come back to the table realizing that Trump holds the cards and is really willing to sweat them out, now you are trying to make him out as weak and desperate and a beggar?

I so look forward to seeing your sorry, puckered, pantywaist ass whither next year when they call the votes and Trump wins the election AGAIN. Just to make it hurt extra more, I hope he loses the popular vote by 2.8 million again just to rub salt in the wound. HaHa.

Screw you.

Probably a paid hack....

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Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.

Oh btw those 42 million are the ones that send the most money on scratch tickets.

Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.
Rookies should be seen and not heard.
Over 42 Million Americans live in poverty in the U.S. That's more than the entire population of say Canada. Once the store shelves in the U.S. need restocking and the prices of 70% of all consumer goods are increased by Trump's tariffs, there is going to be a humanitarian crisis. Trump's Neanderthal base will probably be the ones most affected. Trump is pretty desperate for a deal with China now. Probably why Trump had to beg and make threats to get Xi to meet with him a the G20.

You are indeed one clueless moron and you haven't a single clue to even begin to make sense.
42 million living in poverty in the US??

That's why they can afford cell phones, air conditioners and have food stamps, section 8 housing and medical and dental care.
We taxpayers pay for it all.

Some poverty.

They also buy 80% of the scratch tickets.


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