Trump Despicable Political Speech to Boy Scouts Slammed by Former Scouts and Parents


It was a phenomenal speech. Trump had incredible support. The gist was how they can become successful.

A must see!

Here is the full speech.

Boy Scouts are being called Nazi youth. Trump is being criticized be treating the Boy Scouts as if they were. He politicized a -non-political non-partisan event.

Those boys are responsible Americans.. Much more responsible than those inner city ghetto shitheads whose parents are mostly despicable Democrats.

Those boys are capable of thinking for themselves unlike the welfare queen children who are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

As you have pointed out: Trump never misses a chance to honor vets.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Trump has really surprised me.

He is an egotistical New York billionaire. You would think that he would be an asshole like that Crooked Hillary bitch, who is not liked by hardly anybody.

However, I am pleasantly surprise that almost every time he speaks he honors our veterans and gives honor to the people that he is speaking to. Who would have thunk that an egotistical New York billionaire would be so gracious and show honor to many other people? No wonder he has such a strong following.

Going to the Boy Scout Jamboree was a very classy thing to do. Obama never did that.

Yes. The Youngstown, Ohio crowd yesterday was emblematic of the support he has.

He does the opposite of submit to the enormous social pressures exerted on him.

He impresses me more and more. Has the Cartel in abject panic.

Almost mob like. They want to lunch him so bad.

Which is good. He's cutting into bone and set to go far deeper and they know they MUST destroy him.

Good to see you old chum.
Trump was floating a Trump Youth movement idea that Bannon and he came up with tailored after the Youth movement in Germany in the 1930s by Adolph.


You really didn't know? LOL Allllrighty then.

In other words, your source is either non-existent, hallucinogenic, or laughable.

smarter than all presidents since lincoln? Billy aren't you fed up yet with this pos in our WH ?

Hmm? Did I say something about Lincoln?

Please make sense so that I can respond.

no you didnt But seeing you here infrequently I thought I'd ask you a question Guess you found it hard to say yes or no?
If the average American, hypotheticaly those such as the Boy Scouts and their families, like Trump so much, why do his approval ratings remain so low?
Boy Scouts are being called Nazi youth. Trump is being criticized be treating the Boy Scouts as if they were. He politicized a -non-political non-partisan event.

Those boys are responsible Americans.. Much more responsible than those inner city ghetto shitheads whose parents are mostly despicable Democrats.

Those boys are capable of thinking for themselves unlike the welfare queen children who are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

As you have pointed out: Trump never misses a chance to honor vets.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Trump has really surprised me.

He is an egotistical New York billionaire. You would think that he would be an asshole like that Crooked Hillary bitch, who is not liked by hardly anybody.

However, I am pleasantly surprise that almost every time he speaks he honors our veterans and gives honor to the people that he is speaking to. Who would have thunk that an egotistical New York billionaire would be so gracious and show honor to many other people? No wonder he has such a strong following.

Going to the Boy Scout Jamboree was a very classy thing to do. Obama never did that.
what surprises me flash is your propensity for believing that trump bullshit Honoring our vets our servicemen ?? He could care fn less as his PAST records show Think when his tax returns become public they'll show that he just gave lip service to our soldiers?

Flash Is a decorated war hero. You are lecturing him and insulting his intelligence ?

Flash is 100% on the money. Something Rush also observed about Trump on the stump.

His humility and priority to not just give lip service as Obama did and the Clintons did to vets. As well as active service members --

He thanks them and honors them at every opportunity and that is enough. Just as evangelicals did. They didn't confuse Trump for a person of faith and virtue as their pastor --but as a sincere ADVOCATE and defender for and of their realm.

When I thank a vet for his service ? They don't think of who I am. They appreciate the respectful gesture.

They don't spit on it as you. You insult Flash and all Trump's vet followers with your patronizing condescension. I'd wager you never listened to a single solitary full Trump stump speech.
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Boy Scouts are being called Nazi youth. Trump is being criticized be treating the Boy Scouts as if they were. He politicized a -non-political non-partisan event.

Those boys are responsible Americans.. Much more responsible than those inner city ghetto shitheads whose parents are mostly despicable Democrats.

Those boys are capable of thinking for themselves unlike the welfare queen children who are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

As you have pointed out: Trump never misses a chance to honor vets.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Trump has really surprised me.

He is an egotistical New York billionaire. You would think that he would be an asshole like that Crooked Hillary bitch, who is not liked by hardly anybody.

However, I am pleasantly surprise that almost every time he speaks he honors our veterans and gives honor to the people that he is speaking to. Who would have thunk that an egotistical New York billionaire would be so gracious and show honor to many other people? No wonder he has such a strong following.

Going to the Boy Scout Jamboree was a very classy thing to do. Obama never did that.
what surprises me flash is your propensity for believing that trump bullshit Honoring our vets our servicemen ?? He could care fn less as his PAST records show Think when his tax returns become public they'll show that he just gave lip service to our soldiers?
Everytime I have seen our president board Marine 1, I have seen him salute the marine.

Would Obama ever do that? Hillary would certainly not do that.

I am proud, that President Trump, is our president.
If the average American, hypotheticaly those such as the Boy Scouts and their families, like Trump so much, why do his approval ratings remain so low?
Because the FAKE NEWS has been making shit up for 9 months, constantly attacking Trump
Trump chose a captured audience to give a despicable speech to Boy Scouts attending a National Scouting event. No, the crowd Trump boasted about did not come to see him or hear his speech. It was an event held every four years by the Scouts and was scheduled long before the election.

Trump gave the young teens a radical rally type speech that included attacks on the media, former Boy Scout and President Obama, and of course, Hillary Clinton. Some are referring to his behavior as a display of massive child abuse. The youngsters cheered and booed on cue from the President at times and the President chose to interpret that as support from the kids and deny the obvious truth that they were a captive and malleable audience easily swayed by a propaganda speech.

Many former Scouts and parents of Scouts have objected to the Scouts being politicized and objected to the usual political misinformation and even lies told by the President. They claim Trump disrespected the values of the Scouts and his speech has shamed the Boy Scout organization.

Trump was floating a Trump Youth movement idea that Bannon and he came up with tailored after the Youth movement in Germany in the 1930s by Adolph.


You really didn't know? LOL Allllrighty then.

In other words, your source is either non-existent, hallucinogenic, or laughable.

Over your head Dobie, don't worry about it you'll hurt yourself.

You really didn't know? LOL Allllrighty then.

In other words, your source is either non-existent, hallucinogenic, or laughable.

smarter than all presidents since lincoln? Billy aren't you fed up yet with this pos in our WH ?

Hmm? Did I say something about Lincoln?

Please make sense so that I can respond.
It was our POS president who said that about himself, re: Lincoln.

Keep up.

Only a truly great Leader can command the adulation of the Youth.

Hitler was a "truly great leader," but that is completely separate from the fact that he was also the worlds most hated killer.

You must adore him since you were compelled to post a video of him.

Hell, that video was probably part of his private collection. He sits around all day and wanks it to videos of Hitler.

How disgusting is that?

You are the ones who want to use the Justice Department to go after Trump's political enemies. That is Hitler-esque.

and using th IRS to go after your political opponents ISNT?

You are using bad behavior to excuse bad behavior. No one was targeted for prosecution so using the DOJ to jail your political opponents is much worse.

Im not excusing anything....I'm pointing out hypocrisy
using the governments guns to silence opposition is always wrong.
Boy Scouts are being called Nazi youth. Trump is being criticized be treating the Boy Scouts as if they were. He politicized a -non-political non-partisan event.

Those boys are responsible Americans.. Much more responsible than those inner city ghetto shitheads whose parents are mostly despicable Democrats.

Those boys are capable of thinking for themselves unlike the welfare queen children who are the core constituency of the filthy Democrat Party.

As you have pointed out: Trump never misses a chance to honor vets.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Trump has really surprised me.

He is an egotistical New York billionaire. You would think that he would be an asshole like that Crooked Hillary bitch, who is not liked by hardly anybody.

However, I am pleasantly surprise that almost every time he speaks he honors our veterans and gives honor to the people that he is speaking to. Who would have thunk that an egotistical New York billionaire would be so gracious and show honor to many other people? No wonder he has such a strong following.

Going to the Boy Scout Jamboree was a very classy thing to do. Obama never did that.
what surprises me flash is your propensity for believing that trump bullshit Honoring our vets our servicemen ?? He could care fn less as his PAST records show Think when his tax returns become public they'll show that he just gave lip service to our soldiers?

Flash Is a decorated war hero. You are lecturing him and insulting his intelligence ?

Flash is 100% on the money. Something Rush also observed about Trump on the stump.

His humility and priority to not just give lip service as Obama did and the Clintons did to vets. As well as active service members --

He thanks them and honors them at every opportunity and that is enough. Just as Eva Hicks's did. It confuse Teump for a person of faith and virtue as they --but as a sincere ADVOCATE and defender for and of their realm.

When I thank a vet for his service ? They don't think of who I am. They appreciate the respectful gesture.

They don't spit on it as you. You insult Flash and all Trump's vet followers with your patronizing condescension. I'd wager you never listened to a single solitary full Trump stump speech.
Did rump ever get over that sore heel that kept him from joining all those vets he bullshits about now ?In Bangor Maine one year 48 returning soldiers from afghanistan got breakfast on me I respect anyone in the service but doesn't have to mean I respect their politics
Republicans have two options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn down the entire Republican party in 2018--2020 & beyond.

Been seeing this since Trump announced. You people were delusional then and, with all confidence, I think we can safely ignore your analysis once again.

Relax, Donald Trump Can’t Win

Opinion | Will Donald Trump destroy the Republican brand?

CNBC: Vote for Trump to Destroy the GOP

George Will: Trump nomination would destroy GOP

Rick Perry: Donald Trump will destroy the Republican Party

Here's The Proof That Donald Trump Is Destroying The Republican Party's Chances In 2016

Nominating Donald Trump will end the Republican Party as we know it. So will not nominating him

Trump Can't Win in 2016, So Let's Leave Him to Destroy the Republican Party

All these are from before the election. Predicitions Trump not only couldnt win but would destroy the chances of the rest of the GOP. Here is what actually happened:

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6 months later we're here


Donald Trump eked his way into the White House last fall on the strength of 78,000 votes in three states. He lost the popular vote by about two percentage points, earning the support of just under 46 percent of voters who cast a ballot. Since Nov. 8, polling has consistently shown that an even smaller percentage of the country thinks the president is doing a good job. The most recent weekly approval rating average from Gallup, for example, has Trump at 39 percent approval — seven percentage points lower than the support he got at the ballot box. On Monday, Gallup offered a more detailed set of data. Using interviews conducted over Trump’s first six months in office — during which his approval slipped slightly nationally — Gallup determined the average approval in each of the 50 states.

Unsurprisingly, those states that view Trump positively are also among those that supported him the most during last year’s election. Some states stick out, though: Texas, where Trump is viewed net negatively; and Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the three states that gave him that crucial 78,000-vote margin of victory. If Trump were to win only states where he had at least 50 percent approval in the first six months of this year, he’d end up with 99 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win the presidency. (As we’ve seen so often before, not many people live in the big states Trump won in 2016.) If he won those where he’s at 45 percent or more? He’d snag 154 electoral votes. In the three states that gave Trump his 78,000-vote electoral college victory, he’s at 43 percent (Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) and 42 percent (Michigan) approval. If he hopes to repeat his victories in those states, Trump will need to see much better numbers in three years’ time.
Analysis | In 47 states, a smaller part of the population now approves of Trump than voted for him
Trump Has Lowest Six-Month Approval Rating of Any U.S. President in 70 Years
If the average American, hypotheticaly those such as the Boy Scouts and their families, like Trump so much, why do his approval ratings remain so low?
Because the FAKE NEWS has been making shit up for 9 months, constantly attacking Trump
Trump's speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree to the Boy Scouts is not fake news. It is something that really happened. It was a traditional event Presidents address and have been addressing every for years for the past 80 years. Nothing fake about a President address Boy Scouts at their Jamboree. Parents have voiced objections a protest again this particular Presidents speech. They have called it offensive and inappropriate. Nothing fake about that.
In your cult, anything negative about trump has to be called "fake news" because those are the marching orders your cult leader has given you. Whether it is true or a lie is irrelevant to the cult. They will lie when told to lie. Lying is accepted as morally acceptable if the leader proclaims it as a talking point. The truth is not important.
Obama turned the Scouts down every year he was in office. Never attended a rally. He is the swine not Trump.

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