Trump didn't know about porn star payment

I'm here so my supporters can teach some real morality to their children, folks! Cheating on your wife is okay now. From God's mouth to my dick. Or is it the other way around? I forget. I'm not perfect. Just don't bake a cake for a queer, okayyyyyy? That's against the ten commandments Jesus wrote down. Queers eating cake offends God, believe me.

Thank God I'm here, right?
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oh wait, - he settled it - scratch that, HE DIDN'T, his lawyer did - Trump just signed the settlement - BUT he had no idea what he signed - yada yada yada bla bla bla LIE LIE LIE AFTER LIE ...


Lie through your teeth everyday and if you dont remember ecactly what you say sooner or later you end up trapping yourself .....
Back in the 1990s when Donald Trump was a Democrat, why didn't this come out then like it did with the blue dress of Bill Clinton, that you leftards so blindly avoided?
When you’re painted into a corner start shouting BILL CLINTON. That works every time ( for no one)

Its an age old trick...

Too bad she didn't film the encounters with Trump.
They'd both be porn stars, at least they'd be equals!
Seeing Trump would be a horror movie.

Allegedly, Stormy has dick pics. How will we know it's him and not a cheeto?
IF so, she way undersold for 130K.

She, like everyone including Cheeto Dick himself, didn't think he'd win.
Could be.
I'm here so my supporters can teach some real morality to their children, folks! Cheating on your wife is okay now. From God's mouth to my dick. Or is it the other way around?
Thank God I'm here, right?
There must have been a rush for that ID name. You had to spell Dennison with two "S"'s

BTW: Next time, sign the agreement ;)
I'm here so my supporters can teach some real morality to their children, folks! Cheating on your wife is okay now. From God's mouth to my dick. Or is it the other way around?
Thank God I'm here, right?
There must have been a rush for that ID name. You had to spell Dennison with two "S"'s

BTW: Next time, sign the agreement ;)
I have the best spelling.
oh wait, - he settled it - scratch that, HE DIDN'T, his lawyer did - Trump just signed the settlement - BUT he had no idea what he signed - yada yada yada bla bla bla LIE LIE LIE AFTER LIE ...
Lie through your teeth everyday and if you dont remember ecactly what you say sooner or later you end up trapping yourself .....

  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.

I'll go out on a limb and guess - because he's a sorry son of a bitch who has as much moral fiber as a monkey turd ?
Donald Trump was just doing what his president Bill Clinton was doing all along....You know, the meaning of "IS"?
So you’re saying it’s all good? Ok for bill ok for trump? Is that your logic?
I am saying is that Donald Trump in 1990's was a Democrat and the leftards didn't say shit about it. What changed?
What changed?! Are you kidding? Well he went from a pop icon, sleazy businessman, reality show star, to the president of our country. Did I really need to explain that?
So he became like Bill Clinton, but not his party? Why the hypocrisy?
Trump is doing some great things. If he keeps this up he can have a congo line of hookers and porn stars coming out of the White House stretching back to Baltimore and I won't give a shit.
Trump is doing some great things. If he keeps this up he can have a congo line of hookers and porn stars coming out of the White House stretching back to Baltimore and I won't give a shit.
Yeah, and Bill Clinton will be lobbying to be allowed back in to check out those porn stars.
For all those outraged by immorality, I’m waiting for you to hire a detective to report on your investment manager.

I have known my investment manager since 2003. We were friends and golfing partners before I choose him to handle my portfolio. He has been married to the same woman for 27 years and has two wonderful grown children.

Try again...

Sent from my iPhone using
For all those outraged by immorality, I’m waiting for you to hire a detective to report on your investment manager.

I have known my investment manager since 2003. We were friends and golfing partners before I choose him to handle my portfolio. He has been married to the same woman for 27 years and has two wonderful grown children.

Try again...

Sent from my iPhone using
I’m impressed...
2 whole people here have Investment Managers who aren’t scumbags...not bad.
I'm here so my supporters can teach some real morality to their children, folks! Cheating on your wife is okay now. From God's mouth to my dick. Or is it the other way around? I forget. I'm not perfect. Just don't bake a cake for a queer, okayyyyyy? That's against the ten commandments Jesus wrote down. Queers eating cake offends God, believe me.

Thank God I'm here, right?

That's about right David Dennisson
Everyone who yells and points the finger at others
ends up implicating ourselves with the same criticisms.

We should learn from politics and what we see in the media.
It's a kitchen full of too many chefs, surrounded by overboiling
pots and kettles all calling the other black. Or white racists.
Or whatever blows the most hot air and steam to relieve the pressures.

We should be cooking up a feast, a banquet big and diverse enough
to serve all the masses. But we are too busy fighting over control of the kitchen.

So all these games really amount to correcting
our own faults first BEFORE we try to "help" our neighbors.
If we did this in perspective, we'd be equals and address each other
with equal respect knowing we are just as flawed with holes in our
arguments and backgrounds like anyone else has.

The Democrats also try to cover their flaws by projecting onto others.
It's unbelievable to me they can't see it.
How Democrats flipped on the ACA mandates that went against prochoice
and started dictating and penalizing choices by govt regulation of private decisions
in health care.
And now Conservatives support lawsuits against businesses that don't believe in selling certain guns to certain people (which is the flipside of the cake baking lawsuits) blindly backing Trump on the tariffs (while Liberals are siding with the Constitutionalists and Economists on the right arguing this only adds costs to the consumers and businesses affected if it isn't set up where enough US companies are set up to replace the millions if not billions in steel supply needed).
So the Conservatives sound like Liberals and the Liberals sound like Conservatives.

I guess I can still them apart when it comes to gun rights and abortion rights.
The right still blames the left as hypocrites for wanting minors to have abortion rights where freedom of choice matters more than how many babies are killed; and the left blames the right for not caring about children but wanting gun rights more even if it costs innocent people their lives when guns are abused to kill.

But they both blame the media for being racist for only publicizing when mass shootings or white people are involved, and don't address the black on black shootings or murder rates in urban neighborhoods. The content of the argument is the same, but you can tell who's liberal because they argue that white racists are to blame and the conservatives blame the liberal media for being biased and hypocritical.

This is getting too much! Obama and Trump really brought out the very worst in people when they meant to bring out positive change and the best in America. I guess we need to clean out our messes first, before we can be great again!
Trump is doing some great things. If he keeps this up he can have a congo line of hookers and porn stars coming out of the White House stretching back to Baltimore and I won't give a shit.

Dear PredFan
I'd certainly care if I were Melania Trump and their son. You may not care politically but personally this does affect people and their relationships, feelings and health. The health risks to his wife are something any woman or man should think about, and Trump could use this to teach and promote that awareness in the media instead of glossing this over.

I ended up preaching to a friend of mine against the casual approach to having multiple partners because of HPV risks and passing this on to future partners. He had no clue that it increases the risk of cervical cancer in women.

So people do need to start caring and taking this seriously.
Instead of abusing sex, women, rape and relationships and/or to make political points for partisan hackery and bullying, without taking the social problems seriously and teaching real consequences of this reckless behavior.

It shouldn't be addressed as political ammo to attack opponents for points in the media, but for sustainable health and healthy relations.

If you want to get into health care costs with it, maybe we should have this discussion about abusing sex, drugs, etc. and how that type of irresponsible behavior affects health care costs and why we can't afford universal care without addressing good health habits to start!
Trump is doing some great things. If he keeps this up he can have a congo line of hookers and porn stars coming out of the White House stretching back to Baltimore and I won't give a shit.

Dear PredFan
I'd certainly care if I were Melania Trump and their son. You may not care politically but personally this does affect people and their relationships, feelings and health. The health risks to his wife are something any woman or man should think about, and Trump could use this to teach and promote that awareness in the media instead of glossing this over.

I ended up preaching to a friend of mine against the casual approach to having multiple partners because of HPV risks and passing this on to future partners. He had no clue that it increases the risk of cervical cancer in women.

So people do need to start caring and taking this seriously.
Instead of abusing sex, women, rape and relationships and/or to make political points for partisan hackery and bullying, without taking the social problems seriously and teaching real consequences of this reckless behavior.

It shouldn't be addressed as political ammo to attack opponents for points in the media, but for sustainable health and healthy relations.

If you want to get into health care costs with it, maybe we should have this discussion about abusing sex, drugs, etc. and how that type of irresponsible behavior affects health care costs and why we can't afford universal care without addressing good health habits to start!
Back in the day when Conservative REAL men would cherish and honor their women, people like Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein and Anthony Weiner(Carlos Danger) would abuse, cheat or rape other women, and their wives just looked away as long as the $$$$ were coming in. This jealously infuriated the liberal women because they too wanted REAL men but ended up with shitter. Now with #METOO, you see the desperation of the leftards and their regrets...

  • Why did a veritable newlywed with a "bun in the oven," so to speak, take up with a porn star?
  • Why does a man who did such a thing not be a man about it and own up to having done so? If one is "bad" enough to do the deed, then one must be "bad" enough to own having done it. To do otherwise is cowardly.
Trump is a born coward ,,as well as liar

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