Trump displays evidence of serious illness.

Yahoo is a prestigious and well respected provider of information. We'll just accept as fact whatever they claim.
Really....anything. Doesn't have to be backed up or corroborated by anyone else. If Yahoo says it, that should be good enough for anyone!
Trump has an excuse. He’s mentally ill. His cult followers can look at news report said know the truth. But they choose to follow a mentally ill individual. It’s on the GOP.
LOL...the irony of commenting on mental illness. It must be very frustrating to slander and lie constantly about someone with no discernible effect at all. How does it feel?
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You know, it seems like we go through a week where Trump couldn't act any stranger, but then the conservatives gloss it all over and say it's nothing.

Then, a week later, he sees if he can out do his craziness, it gets glossed over by the GOP.

It's a self repeating cycle, and the more you conservatives let Trump get away with saying crazy crap, the more he's gonna say it.
I thought that the speech about taking the revolutionary airports, and Ft. McHenry standing through a siege from 1776 to 1814 would embarrass his supporters, but they are immune to embarrassment. Now that Trump has announced that he is the chosen one, and the second coming of god, there does not seem to be anything left that could possibly make them blush. Suggesting that he is mentally ill is actually a reasonable excuse for all of this.
Are we talking about dementia? Mini strokes? Psychosis? Alzheimer's?

Read the entire article. This is NOT a well person!

Trump struggles to pronounce various words during rambling speech to veterans
When all attempts to bring down President Trump fail, fall back to the old “mental incompetence” narrative.

How true.

The only president that showed serious signs of mental illness was Barack Obama. His many gaffes prove he had lost touch with reality. He said the U.S. Constitution was 20 centuries old proving he has no concept of time; he claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico thus displaying a diminished mental state that goes well beyond mere ignorance of geography; he claimed Europe was a country; he claimed our ancestors built the intercontinental railroad proving did not know the difference between intercontinental and transcontinental something that almost all adults know; he also claimed that some people wanted to go back to the status quo regarding health care whereas every educated adult knows you cannot return to the status quo (meaning present condition) but to the status quo ante (meaning previous state).

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history. There are many more gaffes, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or homecoming queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the man the media portrayed as one of the most intelligent men on the planet. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.
Are we talking about dementia? Mini strokes? Psychosis? Alzheimer's?

Read the entire article. This is NOT a well person!

Trump struggles to pronounce various words during rambling speech to veterans
When all attempts to bring down President Trump fail, fall back to the old “mental incompetence” narrative.

How true.

The only president that showed serious signs of mental illness was Barack Obama. His many gaffes prove he had lost touch with reality. He said the U.S. Constitution was 20 centuries old proving he has no concept of time; he claimed that Jacksonville, Florida, Savannah, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina, were in the Gulf of Mexico thus displaying a diminished mental state that goes well beyond mere ignorance of geography; he claimed Europe was a country; he claimed our ancestors built the intercontinental railroad proving did not know the difference between intercontinental and transcontinental something that almost all adults know; he also claimed that some people wanted to go back to the status quo regarding health care whereas every educated adult knows you cannot return to the status quo (meaning present condition) but to the status quo ante (meaning previous state).

Obama has said and done more stupid things than any other president in history. There are many more gaffes, but the one thing that should have put the country on notice that something was seriously wrong with the man was when he signed the wrong date in a guest book. On a tour of Westminster Abbey in London, President Obama signed the guest book and added May 24, 2008, as the date. Unfortunately, the correct date was May 24, 2011! One of his advisers told him the month and day but neglected to tell him the year, probably because the adviser knew every normal person is aware of what year it is. Now I have known people to continue to use the old year for a short time after the start of the new year; however, I have never heard of a mentally healthy person getting the wrong date by 3 years. Obama's defenders on USMB said that he put down 2008 because that is the year he become president. Sadly, in order to prove the man was not delusional they proved he was ignorant. When you attend an event, you do not sign the guest book with the date you were elected president or homecoming queen nor the day you lost your virginity, the day your team won the Superbowl or the day you won the lottery. You input the date that you signed the book. It seems that everyone knows that but the man the media portrayed as one of the most intelligent men on the planet. Obama is a prime candidate for a mental institution.

Hate to tell you dude, but Obama is no longer in office, and no longer drives the policy of this country, Trump is. And, yes, I am a bit concerned about how his mental state is, because it appears to be getting worse, not better.
You know, it seems like we go through a week where Trump couldn't act any stranger, but then the conservatives gloss it all over and say it's nothing.

Then, a week later, he sees if he can out do his craziness, it gets glossed over by the GOP.

It's a self repeating cycle, and the more you conservatives let Trump get away with saying crazy crap, the more he's gonna say it.

You assholes glossed over a whole eight years with Obama you fucking hypocrite
When you’re a cult member, the leader of the cult always looks like the most well person. Because that’s the person you idolize. The very definition of cult leader.

It is? LMAO. I never ever heard that. Stop making shit up.
When you’re a cult member, the leader of the cult always looks like the most well person. Because that’s the person you idolize. The very definition of cult leader.

Kind of like the way you view the fax machine in the basement.
"Donald Trump is the oldest man ever to be sworn in as president, surpassing the record held by Ronald Reagan—who died in 2004 after a battle with Alzheimer’s disease. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, people who have a parent, brother or sister with Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop the disease.

At the time of his death in 1999, Fred Trump—the father of Donald Trump—had suffered from Alzheimer’s for six years."

The Root

And yet our President stops and talks to the press and speaks to them honestly, unlike your beloved Hussein who rarely ever spoke without his teleprompter giving him his instructions from his handlers.
You're right...I forgot about that!!!
Obama was quite rightly criticised by conservatives for using a teleprompter and playing golf!!!
It's great that those days are gone.

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