Trump Divides the Democrats

Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Public sector unions are the issue num nuts..........private sector unions have to actually negotiate with the other side...if they don't, the business closes and their union members lose jobs....the public sector unions.....launder money for the democrat politicians......the democrats increase union wages, the unions get union dues, and then give that money to the democat politicians...there is no check on how much the democrats will give to the unions..there is nothing checking that dynamic.....that is why the public sector unions are bankrupting state after state...
Lol the dumb rube pretends republicans like private sector unions

Actually the two of US have said that, but you have to generalize to ignore the real point being made.

Private sector unions are no problem, as long as corporations believe right or wrong, they are going to get hosed with a tax if they try and import their products in. The problem with the scenario is always "cost to the consumer."

The problem lies here------------> Neither party has ever tried to fix the schools, until now, because of the teachers unions.

So what does that have to do with unions, and blue collar workers you say?

Let me explain!

-----------> As technological advancements move ahead, it is going to take specific, and advanced education to keep our citizens employed. We do not have that right now, we just do not! Our government, our states, our schools, and yes...the NEA has let our American population down big time! We have to many people who do NOT have the skillz to compete in the economy over the horizon, if we do not bring back as many places for them to work as possible.

And so, the attack must be 2 prong-------->

1. Fix the education association at all costs by injecting competition for students with vouchers to the parents. I can not think of ANY instance where competition has been injected into any service or product, where the price was not lowered, and the quality raised. This is a win-win for all parents and students.

2. Keep the manufacturing sector alive for those without college educations so as we do not create a permanent underclass, while the education side is being addressed for the next generation. We also need to go back to creating plumbers, and electricians, etc....because our future economy is going to need these people.

IN ESSENCE---------> Our manufacturing sector was thought to be irrelevant 20 years ago, but our politicians did NOT have the intestinal fortitude to address the education system to make it so. Basically, they gave away the hamburger for dinner, before they secured the steak to replace it!

And so, what many intellectuals feel are nasty jobs, have got to remain, like it or not! We can not let them go to other places to do our dirty work, while we work on our robots, pools, automatic everything, and import in all the things that are nasty to build.

We have about 15 years left of these types of jobs, maybe 20, that is it! The next generation better be educated, or our country WILL produce a permanent underclass! And so, if we plan and plot as a country for the near, and long term future..........we MUST do this, like it or not! I know, leftists don't want it! They are willing to take these people's dignity away from them, and make them wards of the state! Problem is...........because of massive spending, the state can NOT support them any longer, and for America to have a chance, they need these people working....paying into the tax base, and not taking out!

Like I said-----------> We need these jobs, and we need them here yesterday! Trump knows this, I know this, and now I hope you agree, and you know this!
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

You know pulling out of TPP will cost jobs... Next time look at the fine print...
Bullshit. It will save jobs. President Trump will seek to form bilateral trade agreements with countries that can benefit the US economy and avoid those that will cost us jobs. It would have made sense for the US to have a free trade agreement with Canada but it was a mistake to have one with Mexico. If you had been paying attention during the election, you would know Clinton also opposed TPP along with most members of Congress.
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images

I cant believe you actually posted this.:lmao:
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

You know pulling out of TPP will cost jobs... Next time look at the fine print...
Bullshit. It will save jobs. President Trump will seek to form bilateral trade agreements with countries that can benefit the US economy and avoid those that will cost us jobs. It would have made sense for the US to have a free trade agreement with Canada but it was a mistake to have one with Mexico. If you had been paying attention during the election, you would know Clinton also opposed TPP along with most members of Congress.
Clinton was either for or against TPP depending on the polls numbers that day.
People saw right through her bullshit!
I'm saying an extra daily prayer the bitch will run for mayor of NYC and win!
I HATE that fucking hellhole. Thanks to de Blasio everytime you walk downtown you are going to be accosted by mentally ill people and fucking negro thugs!
If Hillary is mayor the entire city will devolve into a fucking nightmare.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Many of us have not had an issue with private unions, as long as they don't get "closed shop" government protection. It's public unions that are an issue, and maybe Trump will be the one to fix the current situation with at least the federal civil service.

Bingo.....liberals tell us govt is.good, business Is evil, so.govt shouldn't need unions. Viva Scott Walker!!!!
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

You know pulling out of TPP will cost jobs... Next time look at the fine print...
Bullshit. It will save jobs. President Trump will seek to form bilateral trade agreements with countries that can benefit the US economy and avoid those that will cost us jobs. It would have made sense for the US to have a free trade agreement with Canada but it was a mistake to have one with Mexico. If you had been paying attention during the election, you would know Clinton also opposed TPP along with most members of Congress.
Clinton was either for or against TPP depending on the polls numbers that day.
People saw right through her bullshit!
I'm saying an extra daily prayer the bitch will run for mayor of NYC and win!
I HATE that fucking hellhole. Thanks to de Blasio everytime you walk downtown you are going to be accosted by mentally ill people and fucking negro thugs!
If Hillary is mayor the entire city will devolve into a fucking nightmare.
Wrong little bitch:

New York City Had Record-Low Crime Rate in 2016
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.
Bullshit. Clinton lost the election by depending on false claims Trump attacked minorities and immigrants.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.
Bullshit. Clinton lost the election by depending on false claims Trump attacked minorities and immigrants.
She lost because of Comey and the Russians. And still got 3,000,000 more votes.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.

More false narratives and fake news.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.
Bullshit. Clinton lost the election by depending on false claims Trump attacked minorities and immigrants.
She lost because of Comey and the Russians. And still got 3,000,000 more votes.

Lots of excuses....she lost and keep focusing on race.....its working for you guys.......bwahahahahahahaha

Meanwhile Trump is gonna fix inner cities and take blacks away......buh bye democrat party!
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Many of us have not had an issue with private unions, as long as they don't get "closed shop" government protection. It's public unions that are an issue, and maybe Trump will be the one to fix the current situation with at least the federal civil service.
the public union issue is with pensions. Period! Pension programs are losers and not maintainable. They will all fail. Look at Illinois alone. hly fk. 401K is the only solution with a real viability for retirements.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Many of us have not had an issue with private unions, as long as they don't get "closed shop" government protection. It's public unions that are an issue, and maybe Trump will be the one to fix the current situation with at least the federal civil service.
the public union issue is with pensions. Period! Pension programs are losers and not maintainable. They will all fail. Look at Illinois alone. hly fk. 401K is the only solution with a real viability for retirements.

it also extends to work rules, as well as health care costs. One can have civil service protections, or one can have a union, one can't have both.
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images

Dead link, and a photo op isn't the same as a meeting.

The met personally... That was the accusation... Show how fucking dumb ye are...
I think the point of this thread is that Democrats have different view on TPP, by the way so does the GOP.

So the OP is saying because the DEms are not like sheep they can be divided... Sorry thinking for yourself is not a weakness...
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images

Dead link, and a photo op isn't the same as a meeting.

The met personally... That was the accusation... Show how fucking dumb ye are...

Using the definition of "met" meaning being in the same room and saying Hi. Now use the definition of "met" as regarding hold a meeting and discussing things.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.
Bullshit. Clinton lost the election by depending on false claims Trump attacked minorities and immigrants.
She lost because of Comey and the Russians. And still got 3,000,000 more votes.
She lost because she had nothing to offer but fear, hate and divisiveness.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

No shit,.Democrats are obsessed with race, demographics and a bunch of.shit that doesn't matter

Do they look at qualifications, nope, they look at the race of the Cabinet.
All the candidates promised jobs. Trump won the primary and general election by attacking minority groups and immigrants.

No..he won by saying he would secure the border, restore the military, lower taxes and increase jobs........that is how he won. Think that it was racism and Republicans will be in office for the next 20 elections...

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