Trump Divides the Democrats

The other question is, do the Democrats want it back?
Yeah, try winning without the union vote.

Tough for them, but after 2016, I am really unsure about how the voting blocs will align in the future.
Trump won Michigan.

This time. It all depends on Trump delivering the goods. My concern is that he doesn't, and even if the Dems don't try to get them back, some 3rd party person may actually grab them in 2020.
The Democrats are doubling down on identity politics instead of dealing with bread and butter issues, so I think there is little chance the will do well in 2020, and third party candidates tout ideology instead of issues like jobs and security so I don't see any threat to Republicans holding on to the Mid West in 2020.

If Trump is smart he will try all the stuff he promised, and when congress stops him, go to the people and say " I need people elected to congress who agree with me to give you what you want".

The question is will the Republican Party allow itself to be used this way, or will he have to get 3rd party people involved.
Trump already stole the blue collar wing of the Democratic Party Monday when Union leaders sang praises for him at their meeting, now this.
Correction, he didn't steal the "blue collar wing of the Democratic Party", he borrowed it and if he wants to keep it through the 2020 election he's going to have to make good on a whole lot of promises.

The other question is, do the Democrats want it back?
Yeah, try winning without the union vote.

Trump already stole the blue collar wing of the Democratic Party Monday when Union leaders sang praises for him at their meeting, now this.
Correction, he didn't steal the "blue collar wing of the Democratic Party", he borrowed it and if he wants to keep it through the 2020 election he's going to have to make good on a whole lot of promises.

The other question is, do the Democrats want it back?
Yeah, try winning without the union vote.

Tough for them, but after 2016, I am really unsure about how the voting blocs will align in the future.

Here is the deal--------> How ever anyone feels about Trump, his detractors have been fed by the MSM. He had no governmental victories, because he was never in government. Anything he did as a private citizen that was good/exceptional was always met with a "yeah but" by the left and media. Basically, Trump got elected on a promise; a promise that those who voted for him believed he would deliver, and those that didn't were either against his ideas, or believed he would NOT deliver.....or could NOT deliver the things he was promising.

So, I know he comes in low rated, and that is because of what I said in the previous paragraph. Let us see how is favorability ratings look in 3 or 6 months if he keeps delivering. And lets all remember this--------> what he is doing economically, is delivering for places like Penn, Ohio, and Mich. If he gets those states in his corner in big numbers, the Democrat might as well stay home in 2020!

And what if the Democrats try and block his tax agenda and corporations balk? Well, let Democrats explain that to those 3 states, I certainly would not want to be them, especially up for election in 18 or 20.

In any case------> I thought Trump had good economic ideas, but was a political duffus. Not any longer. He is either the luckiest duffus politically I have ever seen, or is very shrewd and played "Columbo" for the Democrats. Trust me when I say--------> You know this voting investigation? Unless they can't find 350,000 questionable votes in a, this investigation is going to lead to voter ID, free for those poor Americans who do not have one.

Now I do not know about all of you, but if there really is voter fraud leaning heavily in one direction, I would say that COULD be a massive problem for that party! By the way, did I say shrewd-)
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Public sector unions are the issue num nuts..........private sector unions have to actually negotiate with the other side...if they don't, the business closes and their union members lose jobs....the public sector unions.....launder money for the democrat politicians......the democrats increase union wages, the unions get union dues, and then give that money to the democat politicians...there is no check on how much the democrats will give to the unions..there is nothing checking that dynamic.....that is why the public sector unions are bankrupting state after state...
Trump already stole the blue collar wing of the Democratic Party Monday when Union leaders sang praises for him at their meeting, now this.
Correction, he didn't steal the "blue collar wing of the Democratic Party", he borrowed it and if he wants to keep it through the 2020 election he's going to have to make good on a whole lot of promises.
President Trump is off to a hell of a start already!
That must be making your eyes water.
On day three Obama had already got in two rounds of golf.
Yeah, try winning without the union vote.

Tough for them, but after 2016, I am really unsure about how the voting blocs will align in the future.
Trump won Michigan.

This time. It all depends on Trump delivering the goods. My concern is that he doesn't, and even if the Dems don't try to get them back, some 3rd party person may actually grab them in 2020.
The Democrats are doubling down on identity politics instead of dealing with bread and butter issues, so I think there is little chance the will do well in 2020, and third party candidates tout ideology instead of issues like jobs and security so I don't see any threat to Republicans holding on to the Mid West in 2020.

If Trump is smart he will try all the stuff he promised, and when congress stops him, go to the people and say " I need people elected to congress who agree with me to give you what you want".

The question is will the Republican Party allow itself to be used this way, or will he have to get 3rd party people involved.
So far the Republicans in Congress have not challenged him on anything, and I think that's because he was able to bring out so many Republican voters in the election. President Trump continues to speak directly to voters and if Republican voters don't turn against him, I doubt Republican politicians will.
Yeah, try winning without the union vote.

Tough for them, but after 2016, I am really unsure about how the voting blocs will align in the future.
Trump won Michigan.

This time. It all depends on Trump delivering the goods. My concern is that he doesn't, and even if the Dems don't try to get them back, some 3rd party person may actually grab them in 2020.
The Democrats are doubling down on identity politics instead of dealing with bread and butter issues, so I think there is little chance the will do well in 2020, and third party candidates tout ideology instead of issues like jobs and security so I don't see any threat to Republicans holding on to the Mid West in 2020.

If Trump is smart he will try all the stuff he promised, and when congress stops him, go to the people and say " I need people elected to congress who agree with me to give you what you want".

The question is will the Republican Party allow itself to be used this way, or will he have to get 3rd party people involved.
Trump has both parties on notice. And as we have seen, going to war with him is a bad career choice. If Republicans act like DC insiders still, look for him to raise new faces to work with him in 18 and 20.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Public sector unions are the issue num nuts..........private sector unions have to actually negotiate with the other side...if they don't, the business closes and their union members lose jobs....the public sector unions.....launder money for the democrat politicians......the democrats increase union wages, the unions get union dues, and then give that money to the democat politicians...there is no check on how much the democrats will give to the unions..there is nothing checking that dynamic.....that is why the public sector unions are bankrupting state after state...
Lol the dumb rube pretends republicans like private sector unions
Trump already stole the blue collar wing of the Democratic Party Monday when Union leaders sang praises for him at their meeting, now this.

Sanders, joined by Rust Belt Democrats, praises Trump for nixing TPP.

All in two days.

All while Trump has the left are babbling about crowd sizes and Russians.

The left have been bifurcated and they have been caught so unaware they don't even know they lay in pieces on the ground now.
Actually, it seems the Democrats have divided themselves. Trump just happened to be sitting in the chair when the music stopped.

Identity politics does not work as a long term strategy.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor

Public sector unions are the issue num nuts..........private sector unions have to actually negotiate with the other side...if they don't, the business closes and their union members lose jobs....the public sector unions.....launder money for the democrat politicians......the democrats increase union wages, the unions get union dues, and then give that money to the democat politicians...there is no check on how much the democrats will give to the unions..there is nothing checking that dynamic.....that is why the public sector unions are bankrupting state after state...
Lol the dumb rube pretends republicans like private sector unions

Actually the two of US have said that, but you have to generalize to ignore the real point being made.
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
Yeah, try winning without the union vote.

Tough for them, but after 2016, I am really unsure about how the voting blocs will align in the future.
Trump won Michigan.

This time. It all depends on Trump delivering the goods. My concern is that he doesn't, and even if the Dems don't try to get them back, some 3rd party person may actually grab them in 2020.
The Democrats are doubling down on identity politics instead of dealing with bread and butter issues, so I think there is little chance the will do well in 2020, and third party candidates tout ideology instead of issues like jobs and security so I don't see any threat to Republicans holding on to the Mid West in 2020.

If Trump is smart he will try all the stuff he promised, and when congress stops him, go to the people and say " I need people elected to congress who agree with me to give you what you want".

The question is will the Republican Party allow itself to be used this way, or will he have to get 3rd party people involved.
The real question should be does the REP party REALLY have the best interests of those who voted for President Trump's promises at heart?
You watch. The more President Trump fulfills his promises the more the 'REP' politicians will miraculously have the 'Come To Jesus' moment. Or they can go back to their districts and explain to President Trump's supporters why they aren't supporting President Trump. That will be committing political suicide.
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images
Tough for them, but after 2016, I am really unsure about how the voting blocs will align in the future.
Trump won Michigan.

This time. It all depends on Trump delivering the goods. My concern is that he doesn't, and even if the Dems don't try to get them back, some 3rd party person may actually grab them in 2020.
The Democrats are doubling down on identity politics instead of dealing with bread and butter issues, so I think there is little chance the will do well in 2020, and third party candidates tout ideology instead of issues like jobs and security so I don't see any threat to Republicans holding on to the Mid West in 2020.

If Trump is smart he will try all the stuff he promised, and when congress stops him, go to the people and say " I need people elected to congress who agree with me to give you what you want".

The question is will the Republican Party allow itself to be used this way, or will he have to get 3rd party people involved.
The real question should be does the REP party REALLY have the best interests of those who voted for President Trump's promises at heart?
You watch. The more President Trump fulfills his promises the more the 'REP' politicians will miraculously have the 'Come To Jesus' moment. Or they can go back to their districts and explain to President Trump's supporters why they aren't supporting President Trump. That will be committing political suicide.

Hopefully that is the case. Then all trump needs is to get some of those fence sitting dems in purplish areas to face a "vote party, or vote my voters" moment.
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images
Oh wow, he stood there for a photo op.
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images

Dead link, and a photo op isn't the same as a meeting.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

You know pulling out of TPP will cost jobs... Next time look at the fine print...
Some jobs will be lost but more will be created meaning more money in the economy meaning more businesses will start.
President Trump know a thing or to about doing business with other countries.
You can be 100% guaranteed President Trump WILL have the final upper hand.
Or would you have rathered Mr. Stolen Valor' John Kerry be doing the negotiating with China???????
Fucking GOLD STAR!!!!!!!!!
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images
"Challenged by one Republican senator over the contents of the package, the new president, according to participants, replied: “I won.”

Some meeting.
Glad to see republicans warming up to organized labor
All along Republicans have been saying, jobs, jobs, jobs while Democrats have been saying race, race, race.

You know pulling out of TPP will cost jobs... Next time look at the fine print...
Some jobs will be lost but more will be created meaning more money in the economy meaning more businesses will start.
President Trump know a thing or to about doing business with other countries.
You can be 100% guaranteed President Trump WILL have the final upper hand.
Or would you have rathered Mr. Stolen Valor' John Kerry be doing the negotiating with China???????
Fucking GOLD STAR!!!!!!!!!
Tariffs and subsidies are wealth destroyers
Along with those union leaders Trump invited a bunch of regular working men and asked them how to increase jobs and fix the infrastructure.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.
Imagine if President Trump behaved that way.
Obama had total control of both houses when he took office. The ONLY infrastructure repairs that were done was filling in the potholes on the road leading to his favorite golf course.
Yesterday I heard the phrase from a fucking LIB MSNBC talking head: Ya but Obama isn't the President anymore so there's no point making any comparisons".
We'll hear that excuse a LOT in the years to come.
The fucking creep spent eight years of Obama's presidency 'blaming Bush'.

Now suddenly Schumer is ALL FOR spending a trillion bucks on infrastructure. The ONLY reason no infrastructure bill was passed when BONOBO was president is every time the REPs put up an infrastructure bill the LIBs wanted to tack on a bunch of spending, like twenty million to study why people like bridges which are painted blue best.
Of course the 'study' had to be carried out by a business (major Obama campaign contributor) which also did 'voting trend' studies for the DNC. That's the sort of fucking bullshit the new Sheriff has come to town to end.
In Obama's first year he NEVER ONCE met personally with either Senate or Congress minority leaders.

Obama Joins Congressional Leaders For Tribute To Abraham Lincoln Photos and Images | Getty Images
Both minority leaders have stated they NEVER sat down one-on-one with Obama to discuss fuck all!
I see you still have your tongue up Obama's ass.

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