Trump doesn't know what he's talking about

Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
Hindsight hit posting....
Blind indifference to any issue not reflecting positively on Trump's 2020 prospects:

"15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe
The president has lambasted the WHO for accepting Beijing’s assurances about the outbreak, but he repeated them, as well."

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

Since Trump is a pathological liar, why would you believe anything he says?

You whine when he says positive things, you whine when he says negative things.

You're just a whiney twat.

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

Was he lying about that too?
Hindsight hit posting....

Seven days later Trump put on the China Travel Ban and Democrats/Sedition News promoted crowds of American citizens to go party, ride the subways, go to Chinatown celebrations (spread the virus) because who cares .. Trump is always wrong and just a racist..

Sooo the reality .. Death by TDS media bias and dimwit (totally unprepared) Democrat leadership (State & Federal)

trump didn't put a travel ban on Ghina.

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

- Facts


Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

- Facts

View attachment 332054

Nice two white guys laughing about "facts".....nice.

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

- Facts

View attachment 332054

Nice two white guys laughing about "facts".....nice.

That was just pathetic. Try harder.

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

- Facts

View attachment 332054

Nice two white guys laughing about "facts".....nice.

That was just pathetic. Try harder.

Polly want a cracker?
Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group! The United States could splash their entire navy in about 72-96 hours time.... China's only source of real power resides within its monetary control of the United States democratic party and its leadership, Hollywood which communist China clearly owns, and every American business Clinton, Bush, and Obama sent to them..... Militarily China would be an absolute laugher, of course the democratic party and its supporters would fight for China, the party leadership because they have no choice, the party faithful because they were and remain stupid enough to actually have bought into the utopian fantasy.....
Especially when you can sprint to the defense of communist China, who just killed 65,000 Americans and likely will tally up 135,000 dead Americans before dust settles, and their shill CNN! The only good democrat is a covid-19 infected democra
It is worth mentioning China didn't become a superpower until it embraced state capitalism, an economic system modeled on a cancer cell now being undone by a virus and a corrupt crony-capitalist posing as POTUS.

As far as US deaths are concerned, place the blame where it belongs:

15 times Trump praised China as coronavirus was spreading across the globe

"Jan. 24, Twitter:

"'China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!'"
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group! The United States could splash their entire navy in about 72-96 hours time.... China's only source of real power resides within its monetary control of the United States democratic party and its leadership, Hollywood which communist China clearly owns, and every American business Clinton, Bush, and Obama sent to them..... Militarily China would be an absolute laugher, of course the democratic party and its supporters would fight for China, the party leadership because they have no choice, the party faithful because they were and remain stupid enough to actually have bought into the utopian fantasy.....

So an adolescent wingnut thinks Ghina obtained nuclear weapons from Bill & Hillary Clinton?

So in 1964 an 18 year old Bill Clinton....

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!
The story changes every 3 hours so this story must be true!

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

Whatever China’s malfeasance, it in no manner mitigates Trump’s failure to address the outbreak.

Finally, we are getting facts, and not biased, blame diverting conjecture from Trump and his ally Pompeo. Trump is intent on blaming China and not taking responsibility for his delaying actions that are costing American lies. He knows that his re-election chances are in the dumper, and he is throwing anything he can against the wall to see what sticks.

He is pathetic!

Whatever China’s malfeasance, it in no manner mitigates Trump’s failure to address the outbreak.

It should have been contained in China ..

China failed and you suck-hole them over your own (obviously detested) country .. then promote biased hate speech and embrace sedition... :pout:

You should move to where you belong...
China isn't a superpower, it simply has nukes courtesy of Bill & Hillary Clinton..... They have exactly one support/supply ship for their entire navy, which includes one functional Russian supplied carrier, and one future Chinese produced carrier, the USN has at least two such ships for every battle group!
Which country is currently building the most ships?

Blue Water Navy Time: How China Is Close to Overtaking America

"Key point: Beijing is building warships at a faster rate than Washington can.

"The question is whether America can match China or if the U.S. navy will become overshadowed.

"The breakneck pace of Chinese naval construction makes the People’s Liberation Army Navy a force to watch.

"The PLAN is not only in the process of modernizing but also expanding, with shipbuilding schedules not seen since the height of the Cold War.

"From carriers to corvettes, the Chinese Navy is expanding faster than any other navy on the planet."
Out of curiosity. Are these the same Intelligence folks who told Clinton that an Aspirin Factory was making WMD’s? When it turned out they were really making Aspirin? Or the folks who assured us that WMD’s were in Iraq? Or the folks who told the President that ISIS would be totally marginalized if we called them Daesh?

Let’s be honest for a moment. Intel folks are wrong more often than they are right if the evidence is to be taken with even a small grain of salt. After all they completely missed the Marathon Bombing in Boston because they got a name wrong on a Typo. Really.

So we are being honest. The Chinese Biological Research Facility is located right next to Wuhan China. We know that China lied going into this disaster. We know they withheld facts and vital information for months and up to today. We know they locked up and threatened Doctors and others who were trying to sound the alarm on this disease. So assuming that the intel briefer actually said we have no intel to show it came from the Biological Research facility that the Chinese use for Biowar weapons would you believe them without reservation knowing the long and disturbing history of their getting it completely wrong?

Oh, but Trump has to listen to the experts. Carter listened to the experts, and launched Desert One, planned and rehearsed by the experts, which failed miserably.

Reagan ignored the experts and found that he was right, the Soviets were teetering on the brink of collapse. Bush Clinton listened to the experts and bombed an Aspirin Factory to the outrage of the world. Bush listened and decided that Iraq had WMD’s. Obama listened and helped facilitate the Civil War in Libya, and Syria, that has led to the Refugee problems in Europe, and a few million dead.

The experts provide you with an educated guess. Sometimes the Magic 8 Ball is right, and sometimes it isn’t. But this is always the way the Intelligence folks were. None of them saw the Korean Invasion in 1950. Later they assured Truman that the Chinese would not come in, right up to the day that the Chinese actually attacked, Truman was being assured by both Military and CIA folks that they had no information that any Chinese troops would become involved.

The Navy told the President that the Submarine K-129 would never survive a trip to the surface. The CIA did it anyway. And it was a colossal and expensive failure. Thanks experts. Glad to hear you had a plan.

The truth is that Intelligence and Airplane designers both have a similar motto. We bet your life we are right.

When something does go wrong, the person who made the decision based upon that information is always blamed. Odd that we never string up the idiots who were wrong. We promote them, because they have a lot of experience and expertise, and then the next poor bastard listens to them, and again we are screwed.

If the CIA told me that the Russians were certainly going to start a Nuclear War, I would nod and then tell the guy with the Football not to go to far, and then tell Cheyenne Mountain that we really do not expect much in the way of Russian Aggression.

Thankfully we aren’t alone there. The other Intelligence Services are not much if any better. The Russians early detection satellite reported a single missile launch. The Russian Generals were screaming that they had to retaliate, and needed Gorbachov to issue the orders to launch. The Experts all said that this was exactly what they had feared of Reagan.

One expert, a lowly Major disagreed. He had studied Reagan. He told the Bosses that Reagan would never launch a single Missile, he would launch every single one if it was his desire to start a Nuclear War. One guy got it right. Dozens of Experts had it wrong, and we are alive because he delayed the launch long enough for Soviet Radar to confirm that no missile was inbound.

Would you blame Gorbachov for ignoring his experts? Would you demand that Gorby fire the missiles to retaliate for the attack? The Experts said he should.

Anyone who knows the history of the CIA and Intelligence in general is probably right now tossing a coin to see if the CIA is wrong or right on their latest assessment.

Then again, regarding COVID, the Experts were all shouting that we had no testing to confirm that UV-C would kill Covid. Despite the fact that we knew how UV killed Virus’ we refused to believe that it would kill Covid until we tested it.

Did we test to see if Covid was affected by Gravity? Odd that the Experts just accepted that this virus particle would be drawn to the earth instead of floating away. Or it is just as likely that they didn’t think of it, and that is why they did not demand testing on it.

The Experts are wrong as often as they are right, and swear they are in the know.

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