Trump Doesn't Need This Crap....


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
When the Wall is funded, he'll have done everything he set out to do, promised us he'd do. So why keep doing it? Sooner our later these commie turds will get something on him or one of his kids, or Melania....maybe try to murder him or a family member. Don't think they don't fantasize about killing a Trump....the hatred runs that deep. So the other day in an interview he said pretty much the same thing...he'll have fulfilled his campaign promises with the Wall. And he complained a little about how much being President has cost him financially. Are his sons making the company the money he'd be making? Probably not....few could. So taking everything into consideration, adding in he could be defeated by the crooked Rat cheaters in 2020, I'm hoping he decides, at age 74, to go back to building skyscrapers, playing golf, and enjoying the next and last chapter. He enjoys being President but I believe he could decide to say "see ya", and step down in the summer of 2020.

Funny.....the Cons here don't want to think about Trump leaving office in 2 years, but the Rats REALLY don't want to think about it....hating him is the party platform for's all they got! :lol:
When the Wall is funded, he'll have done everything he set out to do, promised us he'd do. So why keep doing it? Sooner our later these commie turds will get something on him or one of his kids, or Melania....maybe try to murder him or a family member. Don't think they don't fantasize about killing a Trump....the hatred runs that deep. So the other day in an interview he said pretty much the same thing...he'll have fulfilled his campaign promises with the Wall. And he complained a little about how much being President has cost him financially. Are his sons making the company the money he'd be making? Probably not....few could. So taking everything into consideration, adding in he could be defeated by the crooked Rat cheaters in 2020, I'm hoping he decides, at age 74, to go back to building skyscrapers, playing golf, and enjoying the next and last chapter. He enjoys being President but I believe he could decide to say "see ya", and step down in the summer of 2020.

Lol, dude. I think you're confused.
"commie turds"

You mean the First Slut's mom and dad? Sneaked into the US by using chain migration.
Lol, dude. I think you're confused.

Well Creeptits....that's what you're good at....thinking. Never even considered he'd leave so soon did ya....your commissars are SCREWED if he does and you know it. :lol:
Funny.....the Cons here don't want to think about Trump leaving office in 2 years, but the Rats REALLY don't want to think about it....hating him is the party platform for's all they got! :lol:
All the Dems and snowflakes CAN do is think .... And dream, eat, sleep ... About Trump leaving office. :p

Pelosi has such little faith in any Democrat that will win to win against Trump on their own that she was willing to stand with human trafficking and cop killing illegals against Americans to obstruct Trump, keep the border open, and shutdown the US govt in hopes of hurting his 2020 re-election chances.

Democrats / snowflakes won't say so out loud, but they are scared to death that she is right, that Dems can't beat him, especially now that they're Nation-wide illegal voting scam has been exposed (Broward county, California, Texas...) and is being shut down.

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Lol, dude. I think you're confused.

Well Creeptits....that's what you're good at....thinking. Never even considered he'd leave so soon did ya....your commissars are SCREWED if he does and you know it. :lol:
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.
Best POTUS since Reagan, possibly better, though Reagan had more class. That said our society as a whole has far less class than we once did. We're lucky to have him.
Best POTUS since Reagan, possibly better, though Reagan had more class. That said our society as a whole has far less class than we once did. We're lucky to have him.

True, but Dutch wasn't the same President his second term and his aides took advantage of him being a little foggy. I was thinking about Reagan and how his legacy was decided in the first term. If Trump hands it off to Pence, we'll be fine.
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.

"Insulting you"? I thought that's how your name translated into American....if I've caused you anguish I apologize. Oh, you'd be giddy at first and then slowly, but surely, the image of Mike Pence smiling down at you would send you screaming for a pipe of hashish.....Count your blessings.
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.

"Insulting you"? I thought that's how your name translated into American....if I've caused you anguish I apologize. Oh, you'd be giddy at first and then slowly, but surely, the image of Mike Pence smiling down at you would send you screaming for a pipe of hashish.....Count your blessings.

Translated into American? What language do you think we are speaking?

Pence would probably get offed, he's just that offensive.

Note, this is not a threat, I have no intention of doing anything to anyone much less the *VP*. It is merely my prediction of what would happen.
Lol, dude. I think you're confused.

Well Creeptits....that's what you're good at....thinking. Never even considered he'd leave so soon did ya....your commissars are SCREWED if he does and you know it. [emoji38]
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.
Who are you trying to kid?

It just occurred to me that you LOVE President Trump.

It has been proven with every one of your posts where you call him "tRump."

You have to make an extra effort to type it.

Small t. Then shift and type a capital R and then u-m-p.

A little extra effort.

Because you L-O-V-E him.


Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Lol, dude. I think you're confused.

Well Creeptits....that's what you're good at....thinking. Never even considered he'd leave so soon did ya....your commissars are SCREWED if he does and you know it. [emoji38]
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.
Who are you trying to kid?

It just occurred to me that you LOVE President Trump.

It has been proven with every one of your posts where you call him "tRump."

You have to make an extra effort to type it.

Small t. Then shift and type a capital R and then u-m-p.

A little extra effort.

Because you L-O-V-E him.

View attachment 243790

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Actually the predictive text on my phone does it automatically now. I would have to make an effort to change it. Besides it does convey my opinion of him pretty well.
He'll have trade with China straightened out....he killed NAFTA and replaced it with a deal we can do pretty well in...same with S.Korea and soon the EU. He got rocket-man to cool his tubes and talk about American resorts on his beaches (and at least one and will be a Trump hotel). He sent Iran's plans to one day nuke Israel into a ditch. Getting us out of the ME. Blew off the "Paris Climate Shakedown"....ended Barry-Care, exposed the intel agencies, survived the Mueller coup, tax cuts, best economy in 50 goes on and on and on....all he needs is the Wall....everything after that is just busy work.
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Best POTUS since Reagan, possibly better, though Reagan had more class. That said our society as a whole has far less class than we once did. We're lucky to have him.

Very lucky.

Ted Cruz would have been great, but Trump is like a wrecking ball.

Cruz's skill will be better put to work in the debris that is left after President Trump finishes demolishing and breaking up the established deep state strongholds.

Here he is talking smack to his fellow Senators IN THEIR FACES from the well of the Senate chambers.

Shouldn't this be the standard for what we expect of ALL Senators?

Ted Cruz: The Real Story of What is Happening in Washington, D.C.

Lol, dude. I think you're confused.

Well Creeptits....that's what you're good at....thinking. Never even considered he'd leave so soon did ya....your commissars are SCREWED if he does and you know it. [emoji38]
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.
Who are you trying to kid?

It just occurred to me that you LOVE President Trump.

It has been proven with every one of your posts where you call him "tRump."

You have to make an extra effort to type it.

Small t. Then shift and type a capital R and then u-m-p.

A little extra effort.

Because you L-O-V-E him.

View attachment 243790

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Actually the predictive text on my phone does it automatically now. I would have to make an effort to change it. Besides it does convey my opinion of him pretty well.

U Trump.
Very lucky.

Ted Cruz would have been great, but Trump is like a wrecking ball.

Cruz's skill will be better put to work in the debris that is left after President Trump finishes demolishing and breaking up the established deep state strongholds.

Here he is talking smack to his fellow Senators IN THEIR FACES from the well of the Senate chambers.

Shouldn't this be the standard for what we expect of ALL Senators?

Ted Cruz: The Real Story of What is Happening in Washington, D.C.

Never cared for Cruz....Rubio was my choice before Trump went down to Florida and demolished him....I knew that night what our destiny held. Not that I've given up on Marco....he's the hispanic voice that could swing them away from the Rats....wouldn't it be ironic if suddenly the Dreamers and the rest of them became Republicans because the Rats never did squat for them? Pelosi would be demanding MORE wall, a higher amnesty... So if Trump retires, how about Pence/Rubio?
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Lol, dude. I think you're confused.

Well Creeptits....that's what you're good at....thinking. Never even considered he'd leave so soon did ya....your commissars are SCREWED if he does and you know it. [emoji38]
Lol, you're funny. Also, if you had half a brain you'd realize that my screen name is already self-deprecating beyond your childish attempt at insulting me.

tRump will not leave, he started campaigning on the day of his none record setting inauguration.

But if he did, I certainly would not be upset.
Who are you trying to kid?

It just occurred to me that you LOVE President Trump.

It has been proven with every one of your posts where you call him "tRump."

You have to make an extra effort to type it.

Small t. Then shift and type a capital R and then u-m-p.

A little extra effort.

Because you L-O-V-E him.

View attachment 243790

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
Actually the predictive text on my phone does it automatically now. I would have to make an effort to change it. Besides it does convey my opinion of him pretty well.

U Trump.
I'm sure that means something to you.

Care to enlighten the rest of us?

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