Trump doesn't plan to show up for the 2nd Fox debate.

Unmanly Trump is going to put on his best makeup, spend 2 hours having his hair done up in the best birds nest, to go hang out with real men who work at auto plants?

They don't want him because they know he's a fraud.

I could not agree more with Mr. Trump,,,,,,I LIVE NEXT TO FORD ROUGE AND FORD WORLD HQ in the Detroit area. I grew up with these illiterate, entitled , privileged autoworkers. Most are crude, arrogant and could care less about the COMMON working man that did not HAVE A CONTACT THAT COULD HELP THEM GET A UNION JOB. Without a UNION JOB, you were basically condemned to a shitty life as you could not afford a home, decent car OR A DECENT WOMEN ; basically, you were a second class citizen. ( I have degrees in comp sci , electronics, psych/ premed and an MD degree and I still could not get anything decent) Med school was a waste of time as residencies are controlled by ethnic groups and do not take Americans. I had to use Public Service Loan forgiveness to pay back my giant loans.

I think Trump is correct in not attending any media circus that is going to use innuendo, allegations and take his words out of context in order to slander him; why would anybody go to their own roast ?

For all of the Anti-TRUMP people out there ; DO YOU REALLY THINK THE DEEP STATE IS GOING TO ELECT SOME MESSIAH THAT IS GOING TO SERVE THE PEOPLE AND NOT AGENDA 2030 and OPEN BORDERS ???? You are delusional if you think so.
He has nothing to gain by showing up it’s really not that hard to figure out.

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