Trump downturn report weak, hiring slows down

The economy is doing great...unemployment at record numbers for all demographics....when you are nearly at full employment there is only so many jobs available to add to the economy....Obama would have creamed his mom jeans to have this jobs report and this GDP and this level of citizen confidence in the economy....Trump downturn....LMFAO....
when you are nearly at full employment there is only so many jobs available to add to the economy..
Yet the experts expected better numbers.
What experts?....LOL...
Right, experts don't know things. I forgot, this is Murrica.

You know you some, er wut?
Well, since the advent of the telegram, I dont have to go door to door. ;)
Obama would have creamed his mom jeans to have this jobs report
Jobs were added a at a faster pace in the last two years of the obama presidency than since trump took office.
Not this BS again....Obama had lost so many jobs he had more to add...and the people were still not working on their careers....they were living with mom and dad and flipping try and say the people were happier with their personal lives under Obama is foolish at best....we have good paying jobs right now and more added every quarter....people are saving again....paying off debt...and feeling confident enough to shop and spend and invest....and all this good news even with a trade war going on...just think about when we win it.....
when you are nearly at full employment there is only so many jobs available to add to the economy..
Yet the experts expected better numbers.
What experts?....LOL...
Right, experts don't know things. I forgot, this is Murrica.

You know you some, er wut?
Well, since the advent of the telegram, I dont have to go door to door. ;)

You know exactly Jack Shit, punk.
Record number of people with jobs.
Record low unemployment for blacks.
Average wages increased yet again.

Funny how regressives can find doom and gloom in all this.
Come to Canada. If you like service jobs, temporary, part-time, contract. If you are one of the Loyalists, you get to work for the government.
Obama would have creamed his mom jeans to have this jobs report
Jobs were added a at a faster pace in the last two years of the obama presidency than since trump took office.

the Fed lowered Interest rates for Obama 8 times during his tenure, and they have mostly raised it for Trump. Yet the federal reserve chairman is saying the economy is strong and they see no recession in sight, despite the trade conflict with China... so i would say we are doing ok regardless of the doomers and gloomers from the left
And the jobs added were added during a trade war with to be doom and gloomers on CNN....
All the help from the fed Obama enjoyed and he still couldn't get the economy going like Trump has done....

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