Trump: Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren running against me would be "a dream"

Why would anyone vote for the hot headed clown, Elizabeth Warren.

She's an example of what's wrong with this country... A democrat who is a republican hater, instead of just respecting the views of the other party. She's just as embarrassing as Trump is on Twitter.

Actually she was a Republican, for what it's worth. Yep, she's seen it from both sides and found it expedient to switch. Like Hillary. Like Rump. In Warren's case it had to do with how each party handles economics and disparity. Guess it wasn't working out over there.

She lies about being a Native American.

Zat right.
Your evidence then?

The only thing I like about her is her hatred for H.R Clinton.

Whether real or imagined I'm shocked yoú'd turn out to be an advocate of hate after reading the above.
Shocked I tell you.

Elizabeth Nativeface Warren sold out by backing Hitlery over Bernie. I doubt the Bernie Bros will forget her betrayal if she does run.
Elizabeth Nativeface Warren sold out by backing Hitlery over Bernie. I doubt the Bernie Bros will forget her betrayal if she does run.

Who the fuck are "the Bernie Bros"?

Did Warren drop Sanders for Clinton at some point? Wasn't aware of that. Perhaps you have a link.

I do understand we're still waiting on the challenge in post 24. I think he ran away, so you go ahead.
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Why would anyone vote for the hot headed clown, Elizabeth Warren.

She's an example of what's wrong with this country... A democrat who is a republican hater, instead of just respecting the views of the other party. She's just as embarrassing as Trump is on Twitter.

That woman actually supports Obamacare... It must be she's ignorant to the costs of the plans underneath the law.

She lies about being a Native American.

She would like to raise corporate taxes... By a lot... Obviously she hasn't looked at what happens when businesses have to or "should" pay higher taxes.

The only thing I like about her is her hatred for H.R Clinton.

Because many in America want our country turned into a European-style socialist state. They hate America - Warren hates America. These Leftists want to advance the idea of globalism.

I like both but in a different style.

Yeah I think public college education should be "free" because it cripples our society. Colleges are on a high horse and think they can charge these outrageous rates and brainwash students with these lefty thoughts or kick them out if they think otherwise. The government should place a cap on these so-called "non profits," by only giving the college a check for what they deserve to get, based on how good the education is from that institution, which would be a hell of a lot less than they're scamming students with now

On the other side? Tight business regulations? Nope. We've seen what that does between banking and health insurance. If it's illegal for a college to charge student's any out of pocket money, then there's no way a college can try to collect additional profits on top of what the government says they can have, or else they'll be shut down.

You have to have some globalism, but you can definitely take it too far... Our credit cards aren't even 100% compatible overseas, nor is out measurement system. Imagine if FAA regulations didn't have "English" as the primary language people had to speak in every other country's airport air traffic control centers.
Why would anyone vote for the hot headed clown, Elizabeth Warren.

She's an example of what's wrong with this country... A democrat who is a republican hater, instead of just respecting the views of the other party. She's just as embarrassing as Trump is on Twitter.

That woman actually supports Obamacare... It must be she's ignorant to the costs of the plans underneath the law.

She lies about being a Native American.

She would like to raise corporate taxes... By a lot... Obviously she hasn't looked at what happens when businesses have to or "should" pay higher taxes.

The only thing I like about her is her hatred for H.R Clinton.

Because many in America want our country turned into a European-style socialist state. They hate America - Warren hates America. These Leftists want to advance the idea of globalism.

I like both but in a different style.

Yeah I think public college education should be "free" because it cripples our society. Colleges are on a high horse and think they can charge these outrageous rates and brainwash students with these lefty thoughts or kick them out if they think otherwise. The government should place a cap on these so-called "non profits," by only giving the college a check for what they deserve to get, based on how good the education is from that institution, which would be a hell of a lot less than they're scamming students with now

On the other side? Tight business regulations? Nope. We've seen what that does between banking and health insurance. If it's illegal for a college to charge student's any out of pocket money, then there's no way a college can try to collect additional profits on top of what the government says they can have, or else they'll be shut down.

You have to have some globalism, but you can definitely take it too far... Our credit cards aren't even 100% compatible overseas, nor is out measurement system. Imagine if FAA regulations didn't have "English" as the primary language people had to speak in every other country's airport air traffic control centers.
951. New plot on 3/15? (3/10/2017)

For the 2/19/2017 framed case, Trump administration sent a China most wanted fugitive back to China. (see #947)

Yesterday they did it again which may mean the FBI hurriedly organize another plot.

One of China's "most-wanted" fugitives returns from U.S. to surrender

Reuters Reuters March 9, 2017

BEIJING (Reuters) - A former employee of a state-owned newspaper who figured among China's 100 "most-wanted" fugitives has returned from the United States to turn himself in, the top anti-graft body said on Thursday, as China mapped out its strategy on fugitives in 2017.

One of China's "most-wanted" fugitives returns from U.S. to surrender

The new plot likely would happen on 3/14 or 3/15 when The Federal Reserve plans to raise rates "if the economy cooperates". Since the FBI used to prepare a big event to distract public attention, they can develop a financial storm by poping up the balloon of stock market and housing market with that rising interest rate.

This week, W.S. came to my house twice at night.She talked with my wife at doorway in darkness. I allege W.S. is an agent of Chinese secret police (see #668, #669 and #724. Frame a case of Chinese intelligence link) Her presence always link to some attempt framed case. So be this time.

see #668,#669 and #724 at: How the Feds persecute people - Page 3

952. A big terror attack planed on 3/15 (3/19/2017)

I think the Feds(D.O.D. and D.O.J.) planed a nuclear attack at New York on 3/15 to distract the elimination case of Kat Sung. The similar attempts played several times in previous time. See #683. The rare seen natural disasters aim at New York (8/26/2011) and #763. Why select New York? (3/18/2013)

I alleged the Feds(D.O.D.and D.O.J.) had brought down WTC buildings with mini nukes. A lot of rescue workers died of cancers there after. To blame the increasing cancer patients rate for other cause, they need a nuclear disaster. But how to avoid a big casualty(to avoid pressure of compensation)? A disaster to lock people at home and keep travelers coming to New York.

New York had a warm January and "Mega-warm February 2017 will make Central NY winter one of warmest ever"(2/28 news reported) Then there was a dramatical turn around.

Winter Storm Stella is going to slam New York City

By Yaron Steinbuch and Lia Eustachewich March 13, 2017

Get out now while you still have the chance!

A blizzard warning has been issued for New York City and much of the tri-state area beginning at midnight Tuesday as Winter Storm Stella threatens to dump as much as 18 inches of snow.

Whiteout conditions are expected to make travel extremely dangerous and power outages are likely amid crippling wind gusts of 20 to 40 mph, according to AccuWeather senior meteorologist Tom Kines.

Winter Storm Stella is going to slam New York City | New York Post

The 3/15 plot cancelled because my revelation "951. New plot on 3/15? (3/10/2017)", I think. For a terrorist attack, (Trump's Sweden terrorist attack) they could stop operation immediately. But it's hard to change weather in minutes or hours. To change weather they need days long to spreading chemical to alter the area temperature. So
"National Weather Service accused of knowingly misleading public

March 16, 2017,

the agency forecasted up to a foot and a half of snow in New York, but only 7.6 inches fell.

National Weather Service accused of knowingly misleading public

763. Why select New York? (3/18/2013)

Several years after 911 attack, people were rattled by unusual cancer case among first responders of ground zero. They started to think the WTC were pulled down by mini nukes.

"35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC
Thursday, July 02, 2009

1) heat generation at ground zero for six months (china syndrome)

World Trade Center Demolition: 35 Reasons for Many Small Fission Nukes at the WTC"

"China Syndrome at the WTC

The China Syndrome"

Then cancer caused death rapidly rose. 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

"9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale?

April 4, 2011 By Daily Mail Reporter

A seven-year study by the New York Fire Department has claimed that there are ‘unusual rises?in the number of cancer cases among firefighters who worked in the aftermath of 9/11.

Dr. David Prezant, the Fire Department’s chief medical officer, has reportedly said that cancer cases across ‘all ranks?of the FDNY who worked at Ground Zero are ‘up significantly?

It is thought that the report ?due to be officially disclosed in time for the 10th anniversary of the terror attacks in September ?cites unusual rises in leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

‘It’s a fact that New York City firefighters are dying of cancer in record numbers.

‘We have buried 10 firefighters in just the last 15 weeks, seven with cancer. On Sept. 10, 2001, they were young, healthy firefighters.?

The New York state Health Department has confirmed that 345 Ground Zero workers have died of various cancers as of June 2010.

9/11 NUKE DEMOLITION PROOF: Firefighters Radiation Cancers “Off the Scale” | Veterans Today"

Now you should understand why Eric Holder announced to put "911 mastermind K.S.Mohammed " on trial in New York" in 2009. It was used to justify an "Al Qaida revenge attack for trial of their leader". The planned attack was a nuclear one, so they could blame the cancer were caused by Al Qaida terror attack. The purpose is to cover up the truth that in 911 attack, mini nukes were used. The similar tactic has been tried in 2007, when a B-52 flied over US continental with 6 loaded nuke missiles. New York must have been the target of these nuclear missiles. Of course, mainstream media beat the drum on 911 Master-mind trial but rarely report the unusual cancer deaths of the first responders of ground zero. Because that would expose who was the real Master-mind of 911 ?Al Qaida has no nuclear bomb.
in my opinion, he would easily beat Pocahontas. but if Crazy Joe Biden were his opponent, it would be a close election

Trump: Elizabeth Warren running against me would be 'a dream'

“I think she’d lose so badly," Trump said during an interview on Fox News' "Watters' World."

"I think she hurt Hillary Clinton very badly," Trump said. "I watched those speeches – the anger, the hatred, in her heart – and I said, 'Ya know, she’s really bad for Hillary.'"

"Pocahontas would not be proud of her as her representative, believe me," Trump continued, resurfacing his campaign trail nickname for the Democratic senator.
Dear Donald Dumb......the only reason you won was because of Hillary Clinton....Nobody liked her, nobody was inspired to vote for her and we lost. But please if you do anything in your sick life, please don't ever believe you'll get a second term. I don't even think your gonna make it to 2 years let alone 8. Stop drinking the redneck kool aid. If anything, you and your nazi followers have taught us all.....NOT VOTING IS NO LONGER AN OPTION!!

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