Trump Erasure Continues: Obamacare Alive And Well

Buy who's ranking? Certainly not by mine. The RNC and DNC think they're doing great with our education system. "No Child Left Behind" and "Every Child Succeeds" was a good thing by them.

......and, of course, they both fail for the same reason. Education is reduced to a "one size fits all" approach that holds back the bright students as it is all tailored to the dull.
Hard solve really...public education. Cater to the smarter and disenfranchise the average? Aim for the average and bore the smart?

Focus on the needy...knowing that their contributions to society will be minimal?

Maybe start by raising teachers pay? A lot.

That's just academics....nevermind socialization....with many parents wanting the free babysitting, but not the liberal indoctrination.

Homeschooling can be great, if the parents put in the immense effort and investment in time...most don't.
I think it is possible to do both, myself. Just teach to ability instead of age, and segregate instead of mainstreaming. As it is, kids with severe emotional problems are being foisted on the teachers, their hands are tied by bureaucracies that force all the square pegs into little round holes and it all serves nobody at all.
These other countries don't have a broken down system.
Those other countries don't have a better health care system either. They have a more affordable one for everybody, I'll give you that. But I have a lot more metrics to go by than just that one.
These other countries don't have a broken down system.
Those other countries don't have a better health care system either.

These other countries don't have millions going to the ER for their health care needs.

They have a more affordable one for everybody, I'll give you that. But I have a lot more metrics to go by than just that one.

That's because we allow Wall Street to run the country.
Get a job moochers buy your own damn health insurance and stop mooching off the rest of us.

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