Trump Erasure Continues: Obamacare Alive And Well

Trump is the reason Obamacare is still alive.

Actually, the tard herd bleeving Trump, and never holding him to account, is why Obamacare is still alive. That I can tell you...

Actually, the tard herd bleeving the GOP for the past 11 years, and never holding them to account, is why Obamacare is still alive after all this time.
I see it differently......The Maverick! And the Compromised Supreme Court Chief Justice!
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have. It did allow us to keep both our twin sons on our family plans through their college years. We didn't need it, but had I been forced to relocate to find employment after the Bush crash, my wife could have gotten more insurance though she was a less than 10 year cancer survivor. They could not get the votes to kill it in Congress nor prove their contentions enough to kill it in the courts. If you do not want it. Don't sign up for it.
If you don't want it don't sign up for it wasn't an option for many people. We small business owners had all of our choices taken from us. We were not allowed to buy Obamacare compliant policies outside of the exchange and were fined if we didn't have compliant policies. People who weren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies saw their policy prices triple with 100% of deductible having to be met before insurance paid a dime. My spouse and mine's final Obamacare compliant policy came to $15,600 per year BEFORE deductible.

You need single payer. Reduce the role of private insurance to "supplemental" things the basic insurance doesn't cover. Like the rest of the first world. Drop your administration costs to 5% from the current 30+% - no pre-approvals, no copays, no paperwork. Photo ID Electronic swipe cards for all.

This will RUIN healthcare in the US and frankly, the world. We are the leading inivator in the world with the best specialsists. If the US goes single payer, which country will take over the lead in these areas? How much will we all suffer from less innovation and having the best and the brightest going into the medical field? Having the government completely control healthcare is pure idiocy.

Here's a clue Dumb Butthead American: Healthcare in the USA has isn't that great right now. You're the only first world country with a consistently DECLINING life expectancy. The rest of the world is seeing their life expectancy increase - steadily.

Look at the rate of sickness and death from corona virus. Part of your rates of sickness and death are due to your healthcare system. Ours is linked, shares information, supplies and data, both with other health care providers and the government. Yours is competitive, secretive, and profit oriented. You don't buy what you aren't using, and hospitals, clinics and care providers compete for customers.

Our government sent out a broadcast email to check PPE, and supplies, and advise of requirements. Hospitals immediately sent the information to the provinces who passed it on to the Feds, and Trudeau went shopping - in January.

On a per capita basis, we have 1/20th the cases, 1/3 of the deaths, and our economy hasn't collapsed. While you keep talking about the numbers of deaths, you ignore the costs of testing and treating the sick. The loss of GDP, the loss of income, and the costs of medical treatment for the 25 million people who have gotten sick, are bankrupting your nation.

Until you get the pandemic under control, and stop flushing your entire GDP down the sink hole of medical treatment costs, your economy cannot come back.

Yours is competitive, secretive, and profit oriented. You don't buy what you aren't using, and hospitals, clinics and care providers compete for customers.

Yes, it is competitive. It should be MORE competitive. The rest of the world relies on us for new drugs and treatments because of this competition. You seem to think the government inherently loves you. You are a drain on them. They would love nothing more than for you to die if they are having to foot the bill for a non-productive member of society. You obviously trust the government to do the right thing. Sorry, that doesn't happen in the US.

Your assumption that I think the government "cares" about me is utterly false. But they do care about my vote, and that of my those of my peers. Canadians have a proud history of punishing those who forget the people who elected them. Just ask Brian Mulroney, or Paul Martin. American voters keeping rolling over for the parties that lie to them, and abuse their trust.

I'm hardly "non-productive". How typically conservative male of you to value people on the basis of money. And how foolish. At this stage of my life, I have lots of time to volunteer. I teach classes at the local library. Help out neighbours who need help with shopping, or errands. I have a small crafting business, and I provide child care for my children. Not to mention I pay rent, patronize local restaurants and businesses, as well as community events.

I live in a "retirment community" - a small town which has provides a high quality of life and services to retired Boomers. Providing personal care, support and assistance for elders in independent living is an industry where I live, and our county has been named as one of the top places in the places in Canada to retire. There are beaches and resorts, golf courses, marinas, provincial parks, and lots of fresh healthy food. Our air and water quality is very high.

All driven by the "non-productive" citizens. Providing jobs to the younger generations.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.

Actually the ACA was a mistake that should have never been made into law and those that still champion this trash law are only doing so because, well I have no damn clue why you think the law was so great when it benefit the insurance companies while punishing the consumer with higher rates and horrible plans...

So I wouldn’t applaud the ACA ever and Trump mistake ( which are many ) was he never offered a real plan to help repeal and replace the ACA with...
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.

Actually the ACA was a mistake that should have never been made into law and those that still champion this trash law are only doing so because, well I have no damn clue why you think the law was so great when it benefit the insurance companies while punishing the consumer with higher rates and horrible plans...

So I wouldn’t applaud the ACA ever and Trump mistake ( which are many ) was he never offered a real plan to help repeal and replace the ACA with...
That's because the real Republican to have no plan. Real healthcare reform would deal the insurance companies out and regulate prices....and that is just not going to happen.
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.

Actually the ACA was a mistake that should have never been made into law and those that still champion this trash law are only doing so because, well I have no damn clue why you think the law was so great when it benefit the insurance companies while punishing the consumer with higher rates and horrible plans...

So I wouldn’t applaud the ACA ever and Trump mistake ( which are many ) was he never offered a real plan to help repeal and replace the ACA with...
That's because the real Republican to have no plan. Real healthcare reform would deal the insurance companies out and regulate prices....and that is just not going to happen.

From either party.
I do not care. It did me no harm as I always have had insurance. Many of the people that bitch the loudest always have.

It hiked up premiums for a lot people. That may not have happened to you. It didn't for me, actually, but I know a lot of people who did see big increases the year after it became law. It also punished poor people who couldn't afford to purchase on the exchanges, most of which went bankrupt within the first two years. It was a poorly written law and never came close to do doing what they claimed it would, which I said it wouldn't from Day One. I'm truly astonished at the stupidity of people who continue to support that legislation.

It worked out very well. Saved the lives of millions of people. If you are poor and went bankrupt from a healthcare policy that is fully subsidized for your position, then it wasn’t the healthcare policy that made you bankrupt. Now that’s stupidity. Which would also explain your position. The law itself was very well written, and would have worked out even better but for Republican obstruction. Anything a Republican touches turned into shit. It is why they crash economies, and Democrats have to fix them. The original law provided for a public option, which was shot down by Republicans, which the overwhelming majority of Americans want. If your concern is about insurance companies, the solution is an easy one. Support a national healthcare system, like every other industrialized nation on the planet has.

The law was never well written and to utter the nonsense you just did shows your ignorance as usual...

Also the law was copied from Massachusetts Healthcare Law that was put into place by a REPUBLICAN named Mitt Romney, so according to you everything Republicans touch turn into shit , so the ACA is also shit by your standards!
"Today, I'm about to sign two executive orders that basically, the best way to describe them, to undo the damage Trump has done," Biden said. "There's nothing new that we are doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care Act and restoring Medicaid to the way it was before Trump became president."

Trump dead. Obamacare alive. I'm sure there's no butt hurt out there anywhere among the magamites.

Actually the ACA was a mistake that should have never been made into law and those that still champion this trash law are only doing so because, well I have no damn clue why you think the law was so great when it benefit the insurance companies while punishing the consumer with higher rates and horrible plans...

So I wouldn’t applaud the ACA ever and Trump mistake ( which are many ) was he never offered a real plan to help repeal and replace the ACA with...
That's because the real Republican to have no plan. Real healthcare reform would deal the insurance companies out and regulate prices....and that is just not going to happen.

The Democrats at the time ( Pelosi, Reid and Obama ) were also in bed with the Insurance companies and let be factual the reality is getting a real healthcare plan passed by either side will never happen because it would take money from those that hold stocks in healthcare companies and those are also the big donors for both major political parties...
Since the USA ranks 37th, its already worse.
By who's ranking? Certainly not by mine. The RNC and DNC think they're doing great with our education system. "No Child Left Behind" and "Every Child Succeeds" was a good thing by them.

But the metrics they use show how things got better under those directions.

Oh no... Certainly not by mine.
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Buy who's ranking? Certainly not by mine. The RNC and DNC think they're doing great with our education system. "No Child Left Behind" and "Every Child Succeeds" was a good thing by them.

......and, of course, they both fail for the same reason. Education is reduced to a "one size fits all" approach that holds back the bright students as it is all tailored to the dull.
Buy who's ranking? Certainly not by mine. The RNC and DNC think they're doing great with our education system. "No Child Left Behind" and "Every Child Succeeds" was a good thing by them.

......and, of course, they both fail for the same reason. Education is reduced to a "one size fits all" approach that holds back the bright students as it is all tailored to the dull.
Hard solve really...public education. Cater to the smarter and disenfranchise the average? Aim for the average and bore the smart?

Focus on the needy...knowing that their contributions to society will be minimal?

Maybe start by raising teachers pay? A lot.

That's just academics....nevermind socialization....with many parents wanting the free babysitting, but not the liberal indoctrination.

Homeschooling can be great, if the parents put in the immense effort and investment in time...most don't.
It's evil for people to be able to afford health care isn't it?
No... In fact I'm not AGAINST a single payer health care system. I don't care if America adopts one or not. However doing it the same way others have, it's not better.

I care about how it's implemented and ran, not if it's actually there at all.
It's evil for people to be able to afford health care isn't it?
No... In fact I'm not AGAINST a single payer health care system. I don't care if America adopts one or not. However doing it the same way others have, it's not better.

I care about how it's implemented and ran, not if it's actually there at all.

Did you forget what you said?

Making it work doesn't necessarily make it better. So... yeah.

"Making it work"......................
Did you forget what you said?

Making it work doesn't necessarily make it better. So... yeah.

"Making it work"......................
I didn't forget what I said... That poster said that 32 countries made it work. Making it work does not mean they made it better.

If I get a old rusted up car that doesn't run and make it drivable again... Doesn't mean it's better than my less than 2k miles brand new car.
Did you forget what you said?

Making it work doesn't necessarily make it better. So... yeah.

"Making it work"......................
I didn't forget what I said... That poster said that 32 countries made it work. Making it work does not mean they made it better.

I can't quite wrap my head around something working not being better than not.

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