Trump erupts: Macron said that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the US

Hey France, next time you're attacked, go suck a bag of dicks
Dumb ass ....france helped the US be what it is now....also your stupid ass master complained that Europeans needs to take care of themselves, now that they wanna do he is crying foul. How long you gonna be following his dick blindly?
Yeah, almost turned US into a 3rd world nation, because Obama in his Fundamental Transformation of America, wanted US to use the European model for everything. Thank God , the US citizens woke the fuck up, voted to keep the sick bitch who was falling down all the time from again, her "dynasty"...

I hate to break it to you, but a lot of Europeans see it the EXACT OPPOSITE.

We see the "American model" Balkanizing Europe.
It's truly the "Cheap labor Capitalist model"
Simple, Europe was relatively homogeneous until relatively recently.

Because America allowed in a ton of Black slaves, then a bunch of German, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish immigrants, before allowing in a bunch of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans etc.
well allowing in everybody in at least small amounts, basically.
Hey France, next time you're attacked, go suck a bag of dicks
Dumb ass ....france helped the US be what it is now....also your stupid ass master complained that Europeans needs to take care of themselves, now that they wanna do he is crying foul. How long you gonna be following his dick blindly?
Yeah, almost turned US into a 3rd world nation, because Obama in his Fundamental Transformation of America, wanted US to use the European model for everything. Thank God , the US citizens woke the fuck up, voted to keep the sick bitch who was falling down all the time from again, her "dynasty"...

I hate to break it to you, but a lot of Europeans see it the EXACT OPPOSITE.

We see the "American model" Balkanizing Europe.
It's truly the "Cheap labor Capitalist model"
Simple, Europe was relatively homogeneous until relatively recently.

Because America allowed in a ton of Black slaves, then a bunch of German, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish immigrants, before allowing in a bunch of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans etc.
well allowing in everybody in at least small amounts, basically.
Once again, we dont give a fucking shit what you assholes think about US. Just because Obama, sucked all the dicks of other world leaders, Merkel's too, we got really fed up with his apology tour, because he was spinelessness, not representing We the People.
Hey France, next time you're attacked, go suck a bag of dicks
Dumb ass ....france helped the US be what it is now....also your stupid ass master complained that Europeans needs to take care of themselves, now that they wanna do he is crying foul. How long you gonna be following his dick blindly?
Yeah, almost turned US into a 3rd world nation, because Obama in his Fundamental Transformation of America, wanted US to use the European model for everything. Thank God , the US citizens woke the fuck up, voted to keep the sick bitch who was falling down all the time from again, her "dynasty"...

I hate to break it to you, but a lot of Europeans see it the EXACT OPPOSITE.

We see the "American model" Balkanizing Europe.
It's truly the "Cheap labor Capitalist model"
Simple, Europe was relatively homogeneous until relatively recently.

Because America allowed in a ton of Black slaves, then a bunch of German, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish immigrants, before allowing in a bunch of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans etc.
well allowing in everybody in at least small amounts, basically.

Europe was never fucking homogeneous. Who writes this stupid stuff for you?
I say disband NATO and let the Europeans defend themselves.

This way if a war does ever break out in Europe, we can stay out of it. Let the Russians & Europeans nuke the shit out of each other. We'll stand by and watch!

Hell, I don't want to get incinerated because we have an obligation to defend Poland!
"President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!"
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

i call it World War Trump!
/---/ Well for the Eurotrash - they will have to slash their precious Socialist programs to pay for the military. Bye bye to the cradle to grave nanny state.

No they don't and no they won't.

Why is the only solution that Americans think is reasonable is for everyone to spend more money on the military? Oh yeah, because arms and munitions are the #1 American export to the world. There is absolutely no reason for western governments to ramp up an expensive and pointless arms race.

If Americans don't want to bear the burden of being the world's policeman, then stop spending all your money on military equipment. If all of the money you've spent on wars over the past 40 years had been invested in infrastructure, education and healthcare for your people, your country would be much better off.

All of the wars against communism, all of the wars against Islam, all of the wars to protect oil flowing from the Middle East. The USA is the most dangerous country in the world, in terms of attacking other countries, starting wars, and destroying nations. Just stop.
"President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!"
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

i call it World War Trump!
/---/ Well for the Eurotrash - they will have to slash their precious Socialist programs to pay for the military. Bye bye to the cradle to grave nanny state.

No they don't and no they won't.

Why is the only solution that Americans think is reasonable is for everyone to spend more money on the military? Oh yeah, because arms and munitions are the #1 American export to the world. There is absolutely no reason for western governments to ramp up an expensive and pointless arms race.

If Americans don't want to bear the burden of being the world's policeman, then stop spending all your money on military equipment. If all of the money you've spent on wars over the past 40 years had been invested in infrastructure, education and healthcare for your people, your country would be much better off.

All of the wars against communism, all of the wars against Islam, all of the wars to protect oil flowing from the Middle East. The USA is the most dangerous country in the world, in terms of attacking other countries, starting wars, and destroying nations. Just stop.

But then what would happen to the American socio-economic order?
"President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!"
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

i call it World War Trump!
/---/ Well for the Eurotrash - they will have to slash their precious Socialist programs to pay for the military. Bye bye to the cradle to grave nanny state.

No they don't and no they won't.

Why is the only solution that Americans think is reasonable is for everyone to spend more money on the military? Oh yeah, because arms and munitions are the #1 American export to the world. There is absolutely no reason for western governments to ramp up an expensive and pointless arms race.

If Americans don't want to bear the burden of being the world's policeman, then stop spending all your money on military equipment. If all of the money you've spent on wars over the past 40 years had been invested in infrastructure, education and healthcare for your people, your country would be much better off.

All of the wars against communism, all of the wars against Islam, all of the wars to protect oil flowing from the Middle East. The USA is the most dangerous country in the world, in terms of attacking other countries, starting wars, and destroying nations. Just stop.

But then what would happen to the American socio-economic order?

Maybe it would rely on providing goods and services to its people who are paid a living wage, and living a better life, instread of obsessing whether that minority family down street is just raising their grandkids to get them into a better school than their parents can "qualify" for.

Every year, more people fall out of the middle class and back into poverty than make it out of the middle class into the wealthy class. Soon there will be no middle class at all. And when that happens, America will be the biggest banana republic in the world. Trump is doing his best work to get you there as quickly as possible. It won't be too long now.
Trump is taking advantage of a general comment to stir the pot (again). For some inexplicable reason, there is a residue of dislike for America's oldest ally, France. Any reason is a good one to insult and belittle that nation and people. Even if Macron truly represent France and the French (a dubious assumption), the comment did not at all indicate military preparations for confrontation, merely the realization that in the present atmosphere, America's good will cannot be counted upon. If anything, it was much more an economic than a military reference.
Exaggerating the situation for ill defined goals does nothing but give the ignorant another rant.

Really? Why didn't you include the quote of what Macron said, because it contradicts every single word you just posted?
Trump is taking advantage of a general comment to stir the pot (again). For some inexplicable reason, there is a residue of dislike for America's oldest ally, France. Any reason is a good one to insult and belittle that nation and people. Even if Macron truly represent France and the French (a dubious assumption), the comment did not at all indicate military preparations for confrontation, merely the realization that in the present atmosphere, America's good will cannot be counted upon. If anything, it was much more an economic than a military reference.
Exaggerating the situation for ill defined goals does nothing but give the ignorant another rant.

Really? Why didn't you include the quote of what Macron said, because it contradicts every single word you just posted?
Listening to his radio interview clearly shows the context in which he spoke. Many sources and types of threats to France were mentioned. As America's ambivalent and often even hostile attitudes toward France are clear, require protective steps are necessary. European armed forces were discussed after this point.
Trump: “The World War I soldiers are being so disrespectful to me. If they wanted me to honor their deaths on a rainy day they should have been considerate enough to die on one of my golf courses. So unfair!”

I see you have added your alter ego to your avatar. You definitely are Flake-type flake!
Trump is taking advantage of a general comment to stir the pot (again). For some inexplicable reason, there is a residue of dislike for America's oldest ally, France. Any reason is a good one to insult and belittle that nation and people. Even if Macron truly represent France and the French (a dubious assumption), the comment did not at all indicate military preparations for confrontation, merely the realization that in the present atmosphere, America's good will cannot be counted upon. If anything, it was much more an economic than a military reference.
Exaggerating the situation for ill defined goals does nothing but give the ignorant another rant.

Really? Why didn't you include the quote of what Macron said, because it contradicts every single word you just posted?
Listening to his radio interview clearly shows the context in which he spoke. Many sources and types of threats to France were mentioned. The known and demonstrated hostility of America to France has ramifications which require protective steps as well. European armed forces were discussed after this point.

Post the quote along with your comments so we can all see how screwed up your mind really is!
"President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!"
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

i call it World War Trump!
/---/ Well for the Eurotrash - they will have to slash their precious Socialist programs to pay for the military. Bye bye to the cradle to grave nanny state.

No they don't and no they won't.

Why is the only solution that Americans think is reasonable is for everyone to spend more money on the military? Oh yeah, because arms and munitions are the #1 American export to the world. There is absolutely no reason for western governments to ramp up an expensive and pointless arms race.

If Americans don't want to bear the burden of being the world's policeman, then stop spending all your money on military equipment. If all of the money you've spent on wars over the past 40 years had been invested in infrastructure, education and healthcare for your people, your country would be much better off.

All of the wars against communism, all of the wars against Islam, all of the wars to protect oil flowing from the Middle East. The USA is the most dangerous country in the world, in terms of attacking other countries, starting wars, and destroying nations. Just stop.
Yeah, that War on Poverty went really well, didnt it?

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Even after 8 years of Obama, that war, cost US even more and guess what? Obama put more into poverty. Time to shut it down, take the 1 trillion dollars spent and put it to the deficit. In 20 years no debt, no more welfare queens, because either they have found a job, or been shot for trying to steal from armed citizens...
"President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!"
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

i call it World War Trump!
/---/ Well for the Eurotrash - they will have to slash their precious Socialist programs to pay for the military. Bye bye to the cradle to grave nanny state.

No they don't and no they won't.

Why is the only solution that Americans think is reasonable is for everyone to spend more money on the military? Oh yeah, because arms and munitions are the #1 American export to the world. There is absolutely no reason for western governments to ramp up an expensive and pointless arms race.

If Americans don't want to bear the burden of being the world's policeman, then stop spending all your money on military equipment. If all of the money you've spent on wars over the past 40 years had been invested in infrastructure, education and healthcare for your people, your country would be much better off.

All of the wars against communism, all of the wars against Islam, all of the wars to protect oil flowing from the Middle East. The USA is the most dangerous country in the world, in terms of attacking other countries, starting wars, and destroying nations. Just stop.
Yeah, that War on Poverty went really well, didnt it?

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Even after 8 years of Obama, that war, cost US even more and guess what? Obama put more into poverty. Time to shut it down, take the 1 trillion dollars spent and put it to the deficit. In 20 years no debt, no more welfare queens, because either they have found a job, or been shot for trying to steal from armed citizens...

Reagan ended it in 1982, when he declared war on unions and welfare queens. He said that when the unions were gone, the workers would get raises. That and trickle down economics are the two great lies Republicans keep telling workers.

Problem is there were no welfare queens. That was a Republican lie. The workers are still waiting for those raises, and "trickle down" was a misnomer. It was actually "trickle up". Reagan's tax code started the great Transfer of Wealth from the working and middle class to the wealthy, that continues unabated to this day.
"President Macron of France has just suggested that Europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the U.S., China and Russia. Very insulting, but perhaps Europe should first pay its fair share of NATO, which the U.S. subsidizes greatly!"
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) | Twitter

i call it World War Trump!
/---/ Well for the Eurotrash - they will have to slash their precious Socialist programs to pay for the military. Bye bye to the cradle to grave nanny state.

No they don't and no they won't.

Why is the only solution that Americans think is reasonable is for everyone to spend more money on the military? Oh yeah, because arms and munitions are the #1 American export to the world. There is absolutely no reason for western governments to ramp up an expensive and pointless arms race.

If Americans don't want to bear the burden of being the world's policeman, then stop spending all your money on military equipment. If all of the money you've spent on wars over the past 40 years had been invested in infrastructure, education and healthcare for your people, your country would be much better off.

All of the wars against communism, all of the wars against Islam, all of the wars to protect oil flowing from the Middle East. The USA is the most dangerous country in the world, in terms of attacking other countries, starting wars, and destroying nations. Just stop.
Yeah, that War on Poverty went really well, didnt it?

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Even after 8 years of Obama, that war, cost US even more and guess what? Obama put more into poverty. Time to shut it down, take the 1 trillion dollars spent and put it to the deficit. In 20 years no debt, no more welfare queens, because either they have found a job, or been shot for trying to steal from armed citizens...

Reagan ended it in 1982, when he declared war on unions and welfare queens. He said that when the unions were gone, the workers would get raises. That and trickle down economics are the two great lies Republicans keep telling workers.
It was LBJ who said "with this the Ni ers will be voting for Us for the next 100 years". Even after 40 years more blacks voted for President Trump than did any other Republican since Nixon... Again abolish the welfare war, pay down the debt, those that dont work, can starve for all I care, those, because that is their CHOICE...
"i'd been drawn to banking since it required analytical capacities, was more free than a career in real estate. money isn't the alpha & omega. i dont make a fetish out of money nor have a hypocritical relationship with it. its not scandalous to earn it" - Macron, in a big rebuke of Trump

"at Rothschild's, you learn the art of negotiation, how to communicate, tell a story. one learns here, the techniques of how should i put it, not the manipulation of opinion but sort of. its like being a prostitute. seduction is the job" - Macron
Winston Churchill's grandson calls Trump 'pathetic' and 'not fit' after skipping WWI cemetery visit

Winston Churchill's Grandson Calls Trump 'Pathetic' and 'Not Fit' After Skipping WWI Cemetery Visit
British MP Nicholas Soames adds that Trump is 'not fit to represent his great country,' after U.S. president skips a WWI memorial in France due to rain

British Conservative MP Nicholas Soames, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's grandson, ripped U.S. President Donald Trump on Saturday for canceling a planned visit to a World War I commemoration event in France due to bad weather.

"They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen," Soames wrote on Twitter.

Soames added Trump is "not fit to represent his great country."
Britian smeared Churchill during his lifetime. Then further besmirched his memory by jailing a man for quoting Churchill.

Paul Weston arrested for quoting Winston Churchill's words on Islam | Daily Mail Online

So grandson is a leftist windbag. It's nothing important.
Hey France, next time you're attacked, go suck a bag of dicks
Dumb ass ....france helped the US be what it is now....also your stupid ass master complained that Europeans needs to take care of themselves, now that they wanna do he is crying foul. How long you gonna be following his dick blindly?
Yeah, almost turned US into a 3rd world nation, because Obama in his Fundamental Transformation of America, wanted US to use the European model for everything. Thank God , the US citizens woke the fuck up, voted to keep the sick bitch who was falling down all the time from again, her "dynasty"...

I hate to break it to you, but a lot of Europeans see it the EXACT OPPOSITE.

We see the "American model" Balkanizing Europe.
It's truly the "Cheap labor Capitalist model"
Simple, Europe was relatively homogeneous until relatively recently.

Because America allowed in a ton of Black slaves, then a bunch of German, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish immigrants, before allowing in a bunch of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans etc.
well allowing in everybody in at least small amounts, basically.
Once again, we dont give a fucking shit what you assholes think about US. Just because Obama, sucked all the dicks of other world leaders, Merkel's too, we got really fed up with his apology tour, because he was spinelessness, not representing We the People.

Not even France is in bad shape demographically as the USA.
Hey France, next time you're attacked, go suck a bag of dicks
Dumb ass ....france helped the US be what it is now....also your stupid ass master complained that Europeans needs to take care of themselves, now that they wanna do he is crying foul. How long you gonna be following his dick blindly?
Yeah, almost turned US into a 3rd world nation, because Obama in his Fundamental Transformation of America, wanted US to use the European model for everything. Thank God , the US citizens woke the fuck up, voted to keep the sick bitch who was falling down all the time from again, her "dynasty"...

I hate to break it to you, but a lot of Europeans see it the EXACT OPPOSITE.

We see the "American model" Balkanizing Europe.
It's truly the "Cheap labor Capitalist model"
Simple, Europe was relatively homogeneous until relatively recently.

Because America allowed in a ton of Black slaves, then a bunch of German, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish immigrants, before allowing in a bunch of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans etc.
well allowing in everybody in at least small amounts, basically.

Europe was never fucking homogeneous. Who writes this stupid stuff for you?

I said relatively, the key word is relatively

France was prob nearly 95% French 60 years ago.
Trump is taking advantage of a general comment to stir the pot (again). For some inexplicable reason, there is a residue of dislike for America's oldest ally, France. Any reason is a good one to insult and belittle that nation and people. Even if Macron truly represent France and the French (a dubious assumption), the comment did not at all indicate military preparations for confrontation, merely the realization that in the present atmosphere, America's good will cannot be counted upon. If anything, it was much more an economic than a military reference.
Exaggerating the situation for ill defined goals does nothing but give the ignorant another rant.

Really? Why didn't you include the quote of what Macron said, because it contradicts every single word you just posted?
Listening to his radio interview clearly shows the context in which he spoke. Many sources and types of threats to France were mentioned. The known and demonstrated hostility of America to France has ramifications which require protective steps as well. European armed forces were discussed after this point.

Post the quote along with your comments so we can all see how screwed up your mind really is!
Here you go. Good luck.

Also, just a question; what tiny ego part is compelled to vomit an insult with almost every one of your posts?
Trump is taking advantage of a general comment to stir the pot (again). For some inexplicable reason, there is a residue of dislike for America's oldest ally, France. Any reason is a good one to insult and belittle that nation and people. Even if Macron truly represent France and the French (a dubious assumption), the comment did not at all indicate military preparations for confrontation, merely the realization that in the present atmosphere, America's good will cannot be counted upon. If anything, it was much more an economic than a military reference.
Exaggerating the situation for ill defined goals does nothing but give the ignorant another rant.

Really? Why didn't you include the quote of what Macron said, because it contradicts every single word you just posted?
Listening to his radio interview clearly shows the context in which he spoke. Many sources and types of threats to France were mentioned. The known and demonstrated hostility of America to France has ramifications which require protective steps as well. European armed forces were discussed after this point.

Post the quote along with your comments so we can all see how screwed up your mind really is!
Here you go. Good luck.

Also, just a question; what tiny ego part is compelled to vomit an insult with almost every one of your posts?

I only insult those who deserve it. Just like some asshole who posts a radio interview in FRENCH!

He could be reading a recipe for vichyssoise for all I know, and likely neither do you!


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