Trump Fails As Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid Applications Tumble

All you proved is what worthless lying scum the Right is.

First you said OBAMA use the term "new normal" to describe a GDP of 1.5%, he never did, so that was a lie.
Then to muddy the waters of your first lie you found Jack Lew talking about GDP, but at a little above 2%, but Lew said nothing about a "new normal," the dishonest CON$ervative author of the article inserted "new normal." So that was also a lie.
So them you lied about Yellen claiming she used "new normal" when it was the dishonest CON$ervative Moore who used the term.
Now you try to claim the Dems have been using the term "new normal" when it is the worthless lying scum Right who are obsessed with the term.

So it is the lying scum Right who abuse the words "new normal." Obama did ONCE use the words "new normal" but not in the way the lying scum Right abuse the words. What the worthless lying scum Right ALWAYS do is quote one or two words and then surround those words with THEIR OWN words which have absolutely nothing to do with the context of the original user and then pass off their FAKE QUOTE off as the original.

Obama warned that without additional government action to spur hiring, he fears the U.S. economy could enter a "new normal" in which corporate profits are high but the number of new jobs is too low to reduce the nation's unemployment rate to pre-recession levels. So what he was saying was the GOP obstruction of government action to stimulate hiring would create a "new normal." In no way did he ever say we had to get used to a "new normal" like the worthless lying scum Right said he said!!!
/——/ How about the new norm for the economy? Or are you gonna squirm out of this one too?
2010- President Barack Obama warned in an interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes about the danger of a “new normal” taking hold of the economy – an environment in which businesses become accustomed to fewer employees and the U.S. job market never regains its footing.
Again we see how the worthless lying scum Right just keep lying when confronted by the truth.
So your own SUMMARY, and not a direct quote except for two words "new normal" shows that Obama was warning AGAINST a "new normal" and not telling us TO GET USED TO a "new normal" as the worthless lying scum America-hating Right claim.

Here is the actual quote, "What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high. People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits. But they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the 8 million jobs that were lost."
/----/ Yes Obozo warned about a new norm. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.
And the lies continue, when the worthless lying scum Right can no longer defend their lies, they pretend they never said them and you now agree with them. Obama never said the jobs were never coming back, and never specified "manufacturing jobs," and said nothing about GDP, he warned that it MIGHT happen as long as business was content with its higher profits from its increased production from less workers. Obama was arguing for the NEED for government to step in and stimulate job creation and not for accepting things as the "new normal" as the worthless lying scum Right falsely claim.

Obozo said the lost manufacturing jobs were never coming back and 1.5% GDP growth was the new norm. Yet you libtards give him credit for Trump’s work.
/---/ I gave you a direct quote and still you deny it. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

THAT is why he is known as edtheliar.
natural and individual rights, what a concept, right, right wingers.

Understanding what words and phrases mean; what a concept, right Communists? :dunno:

We libertarians like to play a little mental game called "if I were stranded on desert island."

Imagine you were alone on an island with plenty of plants and animals.

If I were stranded on a desert island, would I be able to speak freely? If so, it is a natural right.

If I were stranded on a desert island, would I be allowed to arm myself for protection of myself and property? If so, it is a natural right.

If I were stranded on a desert island, would I be provided medical care with no effort on my part? If so, it is a natural right.

If I were stranded on a desert island, would I be provided food by others? If so, it is a natural right.
The federal doctrine has no provision for excuses, Only results. Providing for the general welfare, is a general power. Natural rights are recognized and secured in our State Constitutions and available, via Due Process.

Natural rights are for sovereignty purposes when dealing with the public sector; all political power is inherent in (Persons of) the People, not Government.

And, if you want to quibble, the power to provide for the common Defense, is not the power to provide for the common Offense nor the general Warfare.
If it happens under a President's "watch", the President gets credit or blame.
Please stfu with this brainless idiocy. There are impressionable kids around.
I can understand how a hardcore partisan ideologue would be angered by the mirror.

If you don't like it, tough shit.

You don't need to be partisan to KNOW that not everything in the world is run by a president. You just have to have two fucking braincells.
let us know when your second one comes in.
The country is now near or at Full Employment. Trump's on a roll. :thup:
Another disaster for the left! Too many people working and not enough dependent on government.

Yeah, near or at Full Unemployment is bad news for Communists/Democrats. They need more folks poor, angry, and helpless. They need more Americans to be fully dependent on Government. So this is very bad news for them. But it's great news for the rest of America. Trump's gettin it done. :thup:
The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.
Actually a trend that started under Obama.
Obama actively instituted numerous policies that damaged the US economy. And some of that damage can never be undone. He very purposefully and permanently destroyed $billions worth of material wealth.

The huge difference now is that we have a president with a very deep understanding of economics. Trump would never attack the working class the way Obama did.
The federal doctrine has no provision for excuses, Only results. Providing for the general welfare, is a general power. Natural rights are recognized and secured in our State Constitutions and available, via Due Process.

Natural rights are for sovereignty purposes when dealing with the public sector; all political power is inherent in (Persons of) the People, not Government.

And, if you want to quibble, the power to provide for the common Defense, is not the power to provide for the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

With an acute dullness only found in dopers, you entirely ignore the knowledge imparted to you.

Free food and medical care are not natural rights Cheech.
The federal doctrine has no provision for excuses, Only results. Providing for the general welfare, is a general power. Natural rights are recognized and secured in our State Constitutions and available, via Due Process.

Natural rights are for sovereignty purposes when dealing with the public sector; all political power is inherent in (Persons of) the People, not Government.

And, if you want to quibble, the power to provide for the common Defense, is not the power to provide for the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

With an acute dullness only found in dopers, you entirely ignore the knowledge imparted to you.

Free food and medical care are not natural rights Cheech.
get rid of our, "free" wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they are not, natural rights, "drugless wonders".
Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million. View attachment 191840

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,
With the New boarder crossers the welfare will increase and so will crime.
View attachment 191842
Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million. View attachment 191840

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,
With the New boarder crossers the welfare will increase and so will crime.
All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. to ensure lawful participation in the markets of our Union.

A market friendly fee or fine, can ensure that on a permanent basis. Only the right wing prefers to eschew applied capitalism, for their socialism on a national basis.
"Donald Trump is a billionaire and the President of the United States and these people act like he doesn’t know how to get anything done"

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