Trump Fails As Food Stamps, Welfare and Medicaid Applications Tumble

Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million.

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,

The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.


It's all TRUMP...
Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million.

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,

The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.

It's the Obama economy stupid.


You liberals are all insane....
Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million.

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,
The tRump *administration* has been kicking people off.

The Trump administration has begun the process of tightening welfare programs. Many conservative states have been waiting for a moment like this for years.

Trump Administration Begins Crackdown on Food Stamps
The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.
Actually a trend that started under Obama.
Na, not really. Obama is and was a shit stain, Stagnation defines his term pretty well
Yes really, SNAP awards alone FELL by 3.5 million Obama's last 3 years.
Quit expecting others to respect the shit stain that is obama. I’m not buying what you are selling.
Of course you aren't, the lying scum Right never buys the truth!

It's you dumb asses on the left that believe

the FAKE NEWS.......
So, no Obama "new normal" quote and the only quote involving GDP was from Jack Lew and he said a little OVER 2%, just like Tramp is producing, not your 1.5% lie.
A perfect example of when the worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, they just keep on lying like the worthless scum they are!!!
/----/ Howsabout Janet Yellen? Do you believe her?
America’s sluggish economic growth the new normal
Stephen Moore - - Sunday, June 19, 2016
The previously bullish Fed finally and openly acknowledged that sluggish growth is the long term new normal for America. Secular stagnation is here to stay. The growth rate has limped out of the 2008-09 recession at a 2 percent pace now for seven years. The Joint Economic Committee of Congress tells us a normal recovery gives us about 3.5 percent growth and the Reagan and JFK booms were closer to 4 percent. So the GDP today thanks to President Obama is about $2 to $3 trillion smaller than it should be. This is roughly the equivalent of losing the entire annual output of every business and worker in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana combined.
So, no Obama "new normal" quote and the only quote involving GDP was from Jack Lew and he said a little OVER 2%, just like Tramp is producing, not your 1.5% lie.
A perfect example of when the worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, they just keep on lying like the worthless scum they are!!!
/----/ Can you Libtards pull some spin out of your bungholes about this?
Sorry, Trump voters: Those factory jobs aren't coming back — because ...
Jan 11, 2017 - Unfortunately for America's struggling working class, the majority of manufacturing jobsthat have disappeared over the past few decades are never coming back, for one simple reason: They no longer exist. This reality is evidenced by a simple trend in manufacturing in America since the end of the Great ..

Manufacturing Jobs Returning to the US - Prince Manufacturing
Manufacturing Jobs Returning to the US - Prince Manufacturing
Jan 3, 2018 - We're all familiar with the negative statistics about the state of employment and manufacturing in the United States. The consensus is that the US doesn't manufacture anymore. But this simply isn't true. US manufacturing is on the rise, and though conservative at present, the number ofmanufacturing jobs ...

The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.

Wrong Moon Bat.

Under Obama we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.

Obama was a failure any way you look at it and Trump is fixing that.

You Moon Bats can't stand it, can you?

Left economics is always a disaster. That asshole Obama was more interested in taking money from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earned it and that does nothing to stimulate an economy. Redistribution of wealth only works until the wealth runs out then everybody is fucked and that is what we saw with Obama. His welfare state was only producing minimal wage jobs. The real jobs were being overseas because of Obama's unfriendly business policies, taxation and regulations. Trump is trying to turn that around and that is why we are seeing record low unemployment and better economy. It will only get better as the real effects of the tax cuts and deregulation kick in.

Only an idiot would vote for a Left Winger.
Last edited:

The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.

Wrong Moon Bat.

Under Obama we had increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth.

Increased poverty, really....

Decreased income...really..
So, no Obama "new normal" quote and the only quote involving GDP was from Jack Lew and he said a little OVER 2%, just like Tramp is producing, not your 1.5% lie.
A perfect example of when the worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, they just keep on lying like the worthless scum they are!!!
/----/ Howsabout Janet Yellen? Do you believe her?
America’s sluggish economic growth the new normal
Stephen Moore - - Sunday, June 19, 2016
The previously bullish Fed finally and openly acknowledged that sluggish growth is the long term new normal for America. Secular stagnation is here to stay. The growth rate has limped out of the 2008-09 recession at a 2 percent pace now for seven years. The Joint Economic Committee of Congress tells us a normal recovery gives us about 3.5 percent growth and the Reagan and JFK booms were closer to 4 percent. So the GDP today thanks to President Obama is about $2 to $3 trillion smaller than it should be. This is roughly the equivalent of losing the entire annual output of every business and worker in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana combined.
And there it is again, the same style lie as before. No quote on GDP from Obama, and also no quote from Yellen, only Lying scum Moore's hearsay on Yellen, and even he says she said 2% GDP, same as Tramp has produced over the last 5 quarters, NOT your original 1.5% LIE!!!!!

So yet again we see when the America-hating worthless lying scum Right get caught lying, they just keep on lying like the lying scum they are.
Here’s the opinion of a black woman who abandoned the democrats after realizing they have nothing positive to offer this country.....

So it wasn't Obama it was the USDA, and it wasn't a "food stamp" party but a social event party to get out INFORMATION to senior Boomers who might not know they are eligible.

Under barry's watch.
Who in the hell encourages people to get on food stamps?

And then you have this little gem right out of the gate....I bet you're proud of it.

"While spending on the food stamp program has increased 100 percent under President Barack Obama"
Is it just a coincidence that attractive women tend to be smart enough to support Trump?
Every liberals nightmare: Less demand for free stuff.

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

Welfare: Earlier this month, the government reported that enrollment in food stamps plunged by nearly 600,000 in one month. Is this part of a broader trend toward greater self-reliance?

The Department of Agriculture, which runs the food stamp program — officially called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — reports that enrollment in January was 40.7 million, the lowest it's been since May 2010.

In the months since President Trump has been in office, the number of people collecting food stamps plunged by nearly 2 million.

The same is true for welfare. Enrollment in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program dropped 12% last year, to reach 2.3 million.

Better still, the number of workers on Social Security Disability Insurance was down to 8.6 million in March — a decline of more than 100,000 since January 2017, and the lowest level since February 2012.

Food Stamps, Disability, Welfare, Medicaid Enrollment Plunges,

The economy's going better, more people have jobs. Nothing to do with Trump, it was a trend that was going to happen even if a monkey got elected to the White House.
Interesting, a monkey did get elected to the Whitehouse & it got worse not better

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