Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die'

It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

You falsely claim that they did.

That's not a counter argument. That's a statement that means nothing. Try again.

Why? You'll just lie.

Is your new avatar the lampshade you wear every time you come around here? :D
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

You falsely claim that they did.

That's not a counter argument. That's a statement that means nothing. Try again.

Why? You'll just lie.

Is your new avatar the lampshade you wear every time you come around here? :D

No, I wear these:
The head of FEMA explained that you could have an accidental death as a construction worker repairing damage by Maria and they counted it as a "hurricane related" death even though it happened 6 months after the hurricane.

That's how they came up with the inflated number.

Nonsense :link:

Even if true, how many construction/ other workers have died .. TEN maybe?
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

You falsely claim that they did.

That's not a counter argument. That's a statement that means nothing. Try again.

Why? You'll just lie.

Is your new avatar the lampshade you wear every time you come around here? :D

No, I wear these:

Yep - Those work in the age of Trump
These are also effective

These Moon Bats are bad about lying about Trump. It is a symptom of that mental illness known as TDS.
Then explain how this isn't a mental illness. Trump claims PR was a success, but blames Democrats for the disaster. You want to unpack that "mental illness" analogy for us?
Trump had ALL the supplies needed in PR, seems millions of gallons of water were hid from the people by the DemonRATS government!. Seems to me you're the one mentally ill!
"Seems millions of gallons of water were hid"? "Seems" is worth teats on a male Gorilla. If That were the case, then how was it a success, as Trump claims? Trump can't have it both ways. That is what is so mental about his and your argument.
He had NO CONTROL over it when a fucking, corrupt DEMONRAT GOVERNMENT gets all the food and material needed AND asked for. And then REFUSES to give the material out....have you seen the huge airport runway covered with UNUSED 5 gallon jugs of water...of course you have!
Your explanation makes no sense. Are you saying that the Democrats controlled the whole relief operation? Wow, that's news to me. When were the Democrats all of a sudden in charge of the Hurricane relief effort? "The Democrats get all the food and material needed and asked for"? Lol! And why weren't the Republicans doing anything? I thought they were in charge? Boss, you make no sense at all. Get out of here with your stupid posts.
May I say, DemonRAT, socialist that you lie like Obuma, and have the morality of ISIS you care NOT to hear the truth, only what your little subversive mind wants things to be.

Armed Federal Agents Enter Warehouse in Puerto Rico to Seize Hoarded Electric Equipment
The Intercept

Jan 10, 2018 · The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority had an uninvited ... The federal government “began distributing [supplies] to ... under the control of the [PREPA] transmission division and has ...

Aid Is Getting to Puerto Rico. Distributing It Remains a Challenge.
The New York Times

Oct 3, 2017 · Two weeks after Hurricane Maria split apart Puerto Rico, basic aid is ... The death toll from the hurricane rose to 34, Gov. ... out kinks that have prevented the distribution of relief supplies ...

Containers of Hurricane Donations Found Rotting in Puerto Rico Parking Lot - The New York ...
The New York Times › puerto-ri...

Aug 10, 2018 · The Puerto Rico elections commission offices had been used as a ... of water, which was also in short supply at times after the storm.
Missing: control ‎| ‎Must include: ‎control
In Puerto Rico, Containers Full Of Goods Sit Undistributed At Ports : The Two-Way : NPR
NPR › sections › thetwo-way › 2017/09/28

Sep 28, 2017 · More than a week after Hurricane Maria devastated the island, major ... It's one thing to get supplies to Puerto Rico. ... that the government is working with the truck driver's union to find a solution for ...
Missing: control ‎| ‎Must include: ‎control


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It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

More Fake News from the lying left. The death toll is 64. These fake news stories are sighting “studies” using “prediction models” based off surveys, not actual body counts. It’s a complete fabrication by the MSM and left wing lunatics.

The death toll stands at 64, period.

Fact Check: Trump is Right About Puerto Rico, Critics Manipulating Hurricane Maria Death 'Estimates' | Breitbart

Nope! The models are based on deaths during and after the storm, just like the rest of the storms before Maria.

Bullshit. No death tolls have ever been based off of bogus models based on surveys and statistics about the population from previous years. These “death tolls” of 1000, 2000, or even 3000 aren’t based on anyone actually dying. It’s pure bullshit and you leftwing lunatics are swallowing it whole.
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?

That's because this is all just another big progressive anti-Trump lie. I just watched an interview with an expert about this on television the other night, and the figure, more like 2900 which getting rounded UP to 3000 is a totally hypothetical projected figure based on estimates of people who died in PR SIX MONTHS OUT from the hurricane whose cause of deaths can be loosely or any way connected back to being somehow indirectly related to something with the hurricane impact! So once again, TRUMP WAS RIGHT. His exact numbers might be wrong, a very small number of people, far less than a hundred were actually killed during or soon after the hurricane. The other 95% resulted from an entire island nation being pummeled, PR being totally unprepared to deal with it, massive corruption and theft in the aid that was sent there, and the fact that these people are out in the middle of the ocean and it occurred right after two other YUGE hurricanes had just hit right before.
The fact that this is even happening—that we’re arguing over the number of deaths from a hurricane bc the press wants to blame ‘em all on Trump makes me fucking SICK. If foreigners are indeed laughing at us, it’s bc of this type of crap.
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

Turn PR over to the bond holders, they make the island the Macau of the Caribbean
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?

Do you think death certificates would convince Trump of anything? He huffed absurd Obama birth certificate conspiracies for nearly half a decade.
Forget Trump! Don’t ewe wonder what they took an entire year to go from a report of 64 to 3000?

Not so much.
Those that died must be relieved to find that they didnt.
That twat Obama never had the balls to get into the resurrection game. And as for Hillary..........................................
If Obama had been president the number of deaths would still be at 64 but the anti-Trumpers will NEVER understand this.
might be wrong , they might be dead but they may vote again eh ??
This folks is about as low as it gets right here.
I can't get lower than you!

Fact Check: Trump is Right About Puerto Rico, Critics Manipulating Hurricane Maria Death ‘Estimates’

Democrats and the media have been pounding President Donald Trump over the past few days, as Hurricane Florence nears the Carolinas, over his alleged insensitivity to deaths in Puerto Rico last year from Hurricane Maria. On Thursday morning, President Trump pushed back on Twitter, alleging that Democrats had inflated the death toll “in order to make me look as bad as possible.”

That led to more criticism, with the Associated Press accusing Trump of making claims “without evidence.”

But Trump is correct.

His opponents — including the media — have strained for more than a year to turn Hurricane Maria into his version of Hurricane Katrina, the devastating 2005 storm that prompted criticism of President George W. Bush’s response — even though state and local authorities had been far worse — and foreshadowed a Democratic takeover of Congress in 2006.

Leading the charge was CNN, which made a special effort to link Hurricane Maria in 2017 to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and made a temporary media sensation of San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz, who accused the Trump administration of neglect.

However, the media’s effort at the time was frustrated by several factors. First, experts praised the federal government’s response to Hurricane Maria, which posed special challenges because Puerto Rico is so far from the mainland U.S.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

You’re wasting your time posting an article from Breitbart...
Trump gave them the water through FEMA but the sorry ass 'Ricans couldn't even distribute what was provided to them.

Massive stockpile of bottled water found in Puerto Rico a year after Maria

Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport — nearly a year after the deadly storm, according to a report.

A photo showing the bottles in boxes and covered in a blue tarp on a runway in Ceiba was shared widely on social media Tuesday evening.

“Although you don’t believe it… almost a million boxes of water that were never delivered to the villages,” posted Abdiel Santana, a photographer working for a Puerto Rican state police agency who took the pictures. “Is there anyone who can explain this?”

FEMA acknowledged to CBS News on Wednesday that the bottles were brought inland in 2017 in the wake of the hurricane and that they were turned

Trump’s fault!
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Trump is correct. 3000 people did not die due to the hurricane or the response. Let democrats lie enough and they will be claiming more deaths up to present day and counting.

Kind of like the Bush hating Moon Bats blaming 1.5 million deaths in Iraq.

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