Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die'

6 months in........

Six Months After Maria: Progress Made, Work Continues |

FEMA was there before and after the storm.................the entire gird was destroyed and Puerto Rico had not upgraded it for nearly 3 decades.

Most of the deaths they are claiming are due to electricity and lack of medical care and are primarily in the elderly............Patients who were sick or required major medical treatments regularily............

Only about 68 died during the actual storm..........

Massive relief was this is just BS during an election year...........Trying to do the same thing they did to Bush.

Wow, and straight from the FEMA website... yet thousands of people will believe 3000 people died bc Trump didn’t do enough to help save them. “Sickened” doesn’t even come close to describing how I feel about this.
President Trump merely quoted the Puerto Rico governor. Where did George Washington U come up with the figures?

The governor acknowledges 3000 deaths.

So Trump is ignoring the governor. And making up yet another conspiracy theory.

Do you guys ever wake up and just sigh at the latest batshit you're going to have to ape, the latest turd that Trump gave you to polish?
Maybe if the govenor did'nt let over a million bottles of water go bad, and did'nt let the food rot. There would'nt be all those deaths. But let your hatred for Trump kill thousands. You people should be shot.
Trump gave them the water through FEMA but the sorry ass 'Ricans couldn't even distribute what was provided to them.

Massive stockpile of bottled water found in Puerto Rico a year after Maria

Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport — nearly a year after the deadly storm, according to a report.

A photo showing the bottles in boxes and covered in a blue tarp on a runway in Ceiba was shared widely on social media Tuesday evening.

“Although you don’t believe it… almost a million boxes of water that were never delivered to the villages,” posted Abdiel Santana, a photographer working for a Puerto Rican state police agency who took the pictures. “Is there anyone who can explain this?”

FEMA acknowledged to CBS News on Wednesday that the bottles were brought inland in 2017 in the wake of the hurricane and that they were turned
"Trump gave them the water through FEMA but the sorry ass 'Ricans couldn't even distribute what was provided to them."

That tends to happen when all your shit is destroyed due to floods and lack of communications. FEMA should have delivered the food and water or at least provided the trucks and communications so locals could do it.

No Moon Bat. You are confused. The 'Ricans should have delivered the supplies themselves but they fucking corrupt union truckers went on strike. They had the means to do it but they were too sorry and corrupt to do it.

That is just the kind of sorry assholes they are.

I have been in over a dozen hurricanes in my life and I have never take anything from the government. It is called taking personal responsibility for your own security and well being. Something you stupid sorry ass Liberal Moon Bats know nothing about.
You've been watching too much of that fake briefbarf news. They didnt go on strike moron. If they did you would have a credible link to prove it.

Just like the credible links eagle1462010 has provided about the ACTUAL death toll resulting from the storm and the massive US response?
Did three thousand die when the hurricane hit? Why did they report only a few? Would ewe be interested in knowing the dates on all three thousand death certificates?
You want to change the rules now? You DO know that this is the way they always count national disaster deaths, right?

The Trump administration is changing the way they measure household income too. Moving the goal posts is pretty much Trumpy 101.
You can say that all you want, but people bringing more money now, than under Obama. Will call you out on your bullshit.
Trump gave them the water through FEMA but the sorry ass 'Ricans couldn't even distribute what was provided to them.

Massive stockpile of bottled water found in Puerto Rico a year after Maria

Hundreds of thousands of water bottles meant for victims of Hurricane Maria are still sitting at a Puerto Rico airport — nearly a year after the deadly storm, according to a report.

A photo showing the bottles in boxes and covered in a blue tarp on a runway in Ceiba was shared widely on social media Tuesday evening.

“Although you don’t believe it… almost a million boxes of water that were never delivered to the villages,” posted Abdiel Santana, a photographer working for a Puerto Rican state police agency who took the pictures. “Is there anyone who can explain this?”

FEMA acknowledged to CBS News on Wednesday that the bottles were brought inland in 2017 in the wake of the hurricane and that they were turned
"Trump gave them the water through FEMA but the sorry ass 'Ricans couldn't even distribute what was provided to them."

That tends to happen when all your shit is destroyed due to floods and lack of communications. FEMA should have delivered the food and water or at least provided the trucks and communications so locals could do it.

No Moon Bat. You are confused. The 'Ricans should have delivered the supplies themselves but they fucking corrupt union truckers went on strike. They had the means to do it but they were too sorry and corrupt to do it.

That is just the kind of sorry assholes they are.

I have been in over a dozen hurricanes in my life and I have never take anything from the government. It is called taking personal responsibility for your own security and well being. Something you stupid sorry ass Liberal Moon Bats know nothing about.
You've been watching too much of that fake briefbarf news. They didnt go on strike moron. If they did you would have a credible link to prove it.

Just like the credible links eagle1462010 has provided about the ACTUAL death toll resulting from the storm and the massive US response?

I saw the actual numbers that he posted.

How come these libtards always have to lie about everything? Is it an effect of the mental illness caused by Trump Derangement Syndrome or is it that being Liberal automatically makes them liars? Maybe both.
6 months in........

Six Months After Maria: Progress Made, Work Continues |

FEMA was there before and after the storm.................the entire gird was destroyed and Puerto Rico had not upgraded it for nearly 3 decades.

Most of the deaths they are claiming are due to electricity and lack of medical care and are primarily in the elderly............Patients who were sick or required major medical treatments regularily............

Only about 68 died during the actual storm..........

Massive relief was this is just BS during an election year...........Trying to do the same thing they did to Bush.

The filthy TDS suffering Moon Bats love their fake news, don't they? Fake news and lies are the only things the Liberals have.
Another report I saw.....have to find it again.....they used the normal mortality rate to inflate the numbers....anything in excess of the normal .....average mortality relief was called Hurricane deaths.....................Most were needing medical attention before the storm for many types of illness.......Diabetes, dialysis, elderly etc.....................One report exagerated it to 5000...........

Tis an election year.................they never miss a thing on how to try to cause outrage for votes.........disgusting politics............

FEMA had a massive force there before the storm........and a battlegroup there.........which came in right after the storm and began efforts......C130's flew in choppers to fly supplies.........LHD were flying their choppers night and day...............It is what it is ..........the Island got wasted.......and the Puerto Rican gov't were run by misfits.

These Moon Bats are bad about lying about Trump. It is a symptom of that mental illness known as TDS.
Then explain how this isn't a mental illness. Trump claims PR was a success, but blames Democrats for the disaster. You want to unpack that "mental illness" analogy for us?

Explain why you’re blaming Trump when there’s evidence he did what he could and the authorities in Puerto Rico didn’t take advantage of that help? I’m sure he thought some things were a success and some were failures. A category 4 hurricane with only 64 deaths isn’t bad. It could have been a lot worse but in your mind everything is Trump’s fault—fucking everything.
These Moon Bats are bad about lying about Trump. It is a symptom of that mental illness known as TDS.
Then explain how this isn't a mental illness. Trump claims PR was a success, but blames Democrats for the disaster. You want to unpack that "mental illness" analogy for us?
Trump had ALL the supplies needed in PR, seems millions of gallons of water were hid from the people by the DemonRATS government!. Seems to me you're the one mentally ill!
"Seems millions of gallons of water were hid"? "Seems" is worth teats on a male Gorilla. If That were the case, then how was it a success, as Trump claims? Trump can't have it both ways. That is what is so mental about his and your argument.
He had NO CONTROL over it when a fucking, corrupt DEMONRAT GOVERNMENT gets all the food and material needed AND asked for. And then REFUSES to give the material out....have you seen the huge airport runway covered with UNUSED 5 gallon jugs of water...of course you have!
Your explanation makes no sense. Are you saying that the Democrats controlled the whole relief operation? Wow, that's news to me. When were the Democrats all of a sudden in charge of the Hurricane relief effort? "The Democrats get all the food and material needed and asked for"? Lol! And why weren't the Republicans doing anything? I thought they were in charge? Boss, you make no sense at all. Get out of here with your stupid posts.

I think he’s talking about the Democratic Puerto Rican government.
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

Where are the bodies, how many died of natural causes, sounds like bullshit to me.

The head of FEMA explained that you could have an accidental death as a construction worker repairing damage by Maria and they counted it as a "hurricane related" death even though it happened 6 months after the hurricane.

That's how they came up with the inflated number.

And yet, no one contested the Bush failure and his numbers associated with Katrina. Why didn't the Right wine about that?

You folks are never consistent. You just go with the convenient narrative at the time, and you all are too obvious when you do it.

Here in New York, millions have died since Sandy.:113:

And anyway, by Monday, nobody is going to care about this.

Well, Trump certainly doesn't care .. A+ The best response EVER .. TERRIFIC! -
You lack the empathy gene too. Sad
But, but, it's the Democrats fault. Fault for what? Because the Democrats blame Trump? If it was a success, there is nothing to blame the Democrats about? Trump is a schizophrenic, narcissist, wacko bird.
6 months in........

Six Months After Maria: Progress Made, Work Continues |

FEMA was there before and after the storm.................the entire gird was destroyed and Puerto Rico had not upgraded it for nearly 3 decades.

Most of the deaths they are claiming are due to electricity and lack of medical care and are primarily in the elderly............Patients who were sick or required major medical treatments regularily............

Only about 68 died during the actual storm..........

Massive relief was this is just BS during an election year...........Trying to do the same thing they did to Bush.

The filthy TDS suffering Moon Bats love their fake news, don't they? Fake news and lies are the only things the Liberals have.
Another report I saw.....have to find it again.....they used the normal mortality rate to inflate the numbers....anything in excess of the normal .....average mortality relief was called Hurricane deaths.....................Most were needing medical attention before the storm for many types of illness.......Diabetes, dialysis, elderly etc.....................One report exagerated it to 5000...........

Tis an election year.................they never miss a thing on how to try to cause outrage for votes.........disgusting politics............

FEMA had a massive force there before the storm........and a battlegroup there.........which came in right after the storm and began efforts......C130's flew in choppers to fly supplies.........LHD were flying their choppers night and day...............It is what it is ..........the Island got wasted.......and the Puerto Rican gov't were run by misfits.

These Moon Bats are bad about lying about Trump. It is a symptom of that mental illness known as TDS.
Then explain how this isn't a mental illness. Trump claims PR was a success, but blames Democrats for the disaster. You want to unpack that "mental illness" analogy for us?

Explain why you’re blaming Trump when there’s evidence he did what he could and the authorities in Puerto Rico didn’t take advantage of that help? I’m sure he thought some things were a success and some were failures.
Based on your claims, then why did Trump call it a complete success then? Because, according to you, it obviously wasn't right?
A category 4 hurricane with only 64 deaths isn’t bad. It could have been a lot worse but in your mind everything is Trump’s fault—fucking everything.
Even the death toll is wrong. It's obvious you do not work for FEMA, and Trump is as dumb as a toadstool, so let's get that reality out of the way.

And you do know that there are professionals who work in the field, who try and establish death counts based on their research right? And neither you or Trump participated in that research that we know about.

Do you need further explanation?
The filthy TDS suffering Moon Bats love their fake news, don't they? Fake news and lies are the only things the Liberals have.
Another report I saw.....have to find it again.....they used the normal mortality rate to inflate the numbers....anything in excess of the normal .....average mortality relief was called Hurricane deaths.....................Most were needing medical attention before the storm for many types of illness.......Diabetes, dialysis, elderly etc.....................One report exagerated it to 5000...........

Tis an election year.................they never miss a thing on how to try to cause outrage for votes.........disgusting politics............

FEMA had a massive force there before the storm........and a battlegroup there.........which came in right after the storm and began efforts......C130's flew in choppers to fly supplies.........LHD were flying their choppers night and day...............It is what it is ..........the Island got wasted.......and the Puerto Rican gov't were run by misfits.

These Moon Bats are bad about lying about Trump. It is a symptom of that mental illness known as TDS.
Then explain how this isn't a mental illness. Trump claims PR was a success, but blames Democrats for the disaster. You want to unpack that "mental illness" analogy for us?

Explain why you’re blaming Trump when there’s evidence he did what he could and the authorities in Puerto Rico didn’t take advantage of that help? I’m sure he thought some things were a success and some were failures.
Based on your claims, then why did Trump call it a complete success then? Because, according to you, it obviously wasn't right?
A category 4 hurricane with only 64 deaths isn’t bad. It could have been a lot worse but in your mind everything is Trump’s fault—fucking everything.
Even the death toll is wrong. It's obvious you do not work for FEMA, and Trump is as dumb as a toadstool, so let's get that reality out of the way.

And you do know that there are professionals who work in the field, who try and establish death counts based on their research right? And neither you or Trump participated in that research that we know about.

Do you need further explanation?

“Complete success” was an exaggeration, so fucking sue him. I never said he was 100% honest 100% of the time.

And even if it’s so-called “experts” working out SUPPOSED death tolls, they are still estimates and the media has no business reporting it as truth.

FEMA’s website said 64 died from the storm and you are somehow denying that bc the jerk-off press is doing their damndest to inflate that number for their anti-Trump agenda.

Oh and you never answered my question.
Another report I saw.....have to find it again.....they used the normal mortality rate to inflate the numbers....anything in excess of the normal .....average mortality relief was called Hurricane deaths.....................Most were needing medical attention before the storm for many types of illness.......Diabetes, dialysis, elderly etc.....................One report exagerated it to 5000...........

Tis an election year.................they never miss a thing on how to try to cause outrage for votes.........disgusting politics............

FEMA had a massive force there before the storm........and a battlegroup there.........which came in right after the storm and began efforts......C130's flew in choppers to fly supplies.........LHD were flying their choppers night and day...............It is what it is ..........the Island got wasted.......and the Puerto Rican gov't were run by misfits.

These Moon Bats are bad about lying about Trump. It is a symptom of that mental illness known as TDS.
Then explain how this isn't a mental illness. Trump claims PR was a success, but blames Democrats for the disaster. You want to unpack that "mental illness" analogy for us?

Explain why you’re blaming Trump when there’s evidence he did what he could and the authorities in Puerto Rico didn’t take advantage of that help? I’m sure he thought some things were a success and some were failures.
Based on your claims, then why did Trump call it a complete success then? Because, according to you, it obviously wasn't right?
A category 4 hurricane with only 64 deaths isn’t bad. It could have been a lot worse but in your mind everything is Trump’s fault—fucking everything.
Even the death toll is wrong. It's obvious you do not work for FEMA, and Trump is as dumb as a toadstool, so let's get that reality out of the way.

And you do know that there are professionals who work in the field, who try and establish death counts based on their research right? And neither you nor Trump participated in that research that we know about?

Do you need further explanation?

“Complete success” was an exaggeration, so fucking sue him.
You can say that again with capital letters.
I never said he was 100% honest 100% of the time.
Then throw yourself a life preserver. Support a liar, and there's always a sinking ship around.

And even if it’s so-called “experts” working out SUPPOSED death tolls, they are still estimates and the media has no business reporting it as truth.
Don't mean to bust your bubble but those are official death counts.Puerto Rico's death toll from Hurricane Maria: How it climbed from 64 to 2,975 - CNN

FEMA’s website said 64 died from the storm and you are somehow denying that bc the jerk-off press is doing their damndest to inflate that number for their anti-Trump agenda.
You know, there's an idiot born every day. And there are many different types. There are those idiots who support dishonest people, and their sinking ships, and there are also, uninformed idiots who have zero understanding about how government works. The death toll during a storm of 64 and the death toll after, are one and the same. They are all lumped together for very obvious reasons. Those reasons being physical and environmental. What causes those two to change? Take a wild guess? Hence that is why the after birth of a storm and its fatalities are factored in. But only an uniformed idiot wouldn't know that.

Oh and you never answered my question.
Last edited:
If Obama had been president the number of deaths would still be at 64 but the anti-Trumpers will NEVER understand this.
Negative! Obama supporters aren't uninformed idiots. They understand that physical and environmental factors figure into the death toll for obvious reasons. Which is the whole point. This argument is an obvious one, where there can be only one answer. That is why, up until now, no one has ever contested Hurricane death numbers. It takes a lead clown and his subordinate Sheep to come up with idiotic arguments they can't defend.
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From wh
Remember when that filthy ass TDS suffering San Juan Mayor bitch was telling everybody that Trump wasn't doing anything when she was standing in a warehouse full of FEMA supplies?

Just this August over 10 containers filled of rotting food and medical supplies were found right in San Juan.

What a useless incompetent government in PR.

If the stories of her incompetence are true no wonder she’s pointing the finger at Trump—the press’s obsession with demonizing Trump is very convenient for her!
Stories? From who? Do you have a reputable source for her incompetency, or is this just the pot calling the kettle black?
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

More Fake News from the lying left. The death toll is 64. These fake news stories are sighting “studies” using “prediction models” based off surveys, not actual body counts. It’s a complete fabrication by the MSM and left wing lunatics.

The death toll stands at 64, period.

Fact Check: Trump is Right About Puerto Rico, Critics Manipulating Hurricane Maria Death 'Estimates' | Breitbart

Nope! The models are based on deaths during and after the storm, just like the rest of the storms before Maria.

Bullshit. No death tolls have ever been based off of bogus models based on surveys and statistics about the population from previous years. These “death tolls” of 1000, 2000, or even 3000 aren’t based on anyone actually dying. It’s pure bullshit and you leftwing lunatics are swallowing it whole.

The total death toll is official; Puerto Rico revises Hurricane Maria death toll to 2,975 after study - CNN

As always, Trump is wrong.
If Obama had been president the number of deaths would still be at 64 but the anti-Trumpers will NEVER understand this.
Negative! Obama supporters aren't uninformed idiots. They understand that physical and environmental factors figure into the death toll for obvious reasons. Which is the whole point. This argument is an obvious one, where there can be only one answer. That is why, up until now, no one has ever contested Hurricane death numbers. It takes a lead clown and his subordinate Sheep to come up with idiotic arguments they can't defend.

Game on. These death totals are "hurricane related". They moved the goal posts in the study.

6 months after the hurricane if a construction worker took a header off a roofing job and broke his neck and died, he is logged as a "hurricane related death".

4 months after the hurricane if a person ran into a tree that had fallen down after Maria, that person who died was logged as a "hurricane related death".

One of the ones that I really loved. 5 months after Maria the power goes out again.....electric grid shit IN PR for decades, but nonetheless.....traffic lights go out and there is a 4 way collision and people died....hehehehe .....hurricane related death.

Move those goal posts and jack that fucking death toll high.
It's a conspiracy theory - All like - DEEPY STATE-n-Stuff -
They are OUT TO GET HIM!!

"3000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit Puerto Rico. When I left the Island, AFTER the storm had hit, they had anywhere from 6 to 18 deaths. As time went by it did not go up by much. Then, a long time later, they started to report really large numbers, like 3000..."​

Trump falsely claims nearly 3,000 Americans in Puerto Rico 'did not die' - CNNPolitics

Gov. Ricardo Rosselló UN-FUCKING-LOADS No MAS on 2nd class citizenship!!

More Fake News from the lying left. The death toll is 64. These fake news stories are sighting “studies” using “prediction models” based off surveys, not actual body counts. It’s a complete fabrication by the MSM and left wing lunatics.

The death toll stands at 64, period.

Fact Check: Trump is Right About Puerto Rico, Critics Manipulating Hurricane Maria Death 'Estimates' | Breitbart

Nope! The models are based on deaths during and after the storm, just like the rest of the storms before Maria.

Bullshit. No death tolls have ever been based off of bogus models based on surveys and statistics about the population from previous years. These “death tolls” of 1000, 2000, or even 3000 aren’t based on anyone actually dying. It’s pure bullshit and you leftwing lunatics are swallowing it whole.

The total death toll is official; Puerto Rico revises Hurricane Maria death toll to 2,975 after study - CNN

As always, Trump is wrong.

You should read what you are fucking linking to. This study in particular and reported by CNN is in its first phase. Dean said so. Numbers can go up or go down. But the most important thing to recognize in the here and now is that they changed the methodology therefore the numbers are FUCKING FLUID.

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