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Trump fan boys want you to believe everyone who questions Trump is a bad person somehow

Yeah Obama would never have accomplished anything if the world didn't pity him for being black. Good luck trying to continue pretending you're not a racist.
Remind us how he earned a Nobel Prize?
Because he wasn't Dubya. Not a good reason IMO, but understandable considering what a disaster Dubya was.
...and barry was not? ... :cuckoo: :lmao::fu:
Community organizers make really shitty presidents... in all 57 states and under sniperfire too.
^ :cuckoo:
Remember how everyone that was opposed to Obama was a racist? Remember how everyone opposed to Hillary just hated women?
How many times did you say that people only voted for Obama because he is black?
Half black... jack weed
Yeah you inbred rubes were running around saying "y'all only voted fer 'im because he's half-black"

I did not vote for Barry because he was not an Indian… and I thought he make a really shitty president. I was correct… :boohoo:
You're accusing me of suddenly caring that somebody is "inexperienced" or "unqualified,"

You evidently didn't care when you voted for the Kenyan Nightmare, so please, try to defend your point again. The first time lacked any basis in fact.

Better luck next time
Good grief, you bitter little snowflake. You'll be okay :itsok:

Stating apparent evidence equates, in your mind, to bitterness?

Good luck with that my uber-bitter friend.
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How many times did you say that people only voted for Obama because he is black?

Well seeing Hillary was wanting to carry on Obama agenda and she did not garner the minority vote like Obama did tell you him being non-white helped him a little...
There it is again

It is reality.

Why deny it?
Yeah Obama would never have accomplished anything if the world didn't pity him for being black. Good luck trying to continue pretending you're not a racist.

He accomplished nothing fool.

Obama accomplished in eleven months what Ronald Reagan should have, but could not in eight years: The Nobel Peace Prize.

The Norwegian fools handed the Nobel Peace to Obama for God only knows what misbegotten reason.

To their credit they later realized what blathering idiots they were.
The Norwegian fools handed the Nobel Peace to Obama for God only knows what misbegotten reason.

Because to them just not being Dubya was enough at the time. Despite the colossal disaster that Dubya was, and the countless thousands he got killed for nothing... Obama should not have accepted the prize.
and the countless thousands he got killed for nothing

Not to mention the unknown thousands that have been killed by ISIS because the Kenyan Nightmare failed to actively pursue a status of forces agreement with Iraq that allowed the birth of ISIS. Admittedly, Obama is indirectly responsible, but shares some blame nonetheless.

I do agree with you on one point however. Obama should have never accepted the Nobel Peace prize. He got it for prematurely pulling the troops out of Iraq because like most Progressives, he "lives in the moment". He didn't, or one instant, consider the consequences of leaving Iraq in a defensive vacuum. Allowing the assorted Sunni terrorist groups to coalesce into one large organization. ISIS.
and the countless thousands he got killed for nothing

Not to mention the unknown thousands that have been killed by ISIS because the Kenyan Nightmare failed to actively pursue a status of forces agreement with Iraq that allowed the birth of ISIS. Admittedly, Obama is indirectly responsible, but shares some blame nonetheless.

I do agree with you on one point however. Obama should have never accepted the Nobel Peace prize. He got it for prematurely pulling the troops out of Iraq because like most Progressives, he "lives in the moment". He didn't, or one instant, consider the consequences of leaving Iraq in a defensive vacuum. Allowing the assorted Sunni terrorist groups to coalesce into one large organization. ISIS.

Anything other than endless war and occupation is "prematurely pulling the troops out of Iraq" to you rubes. Pulling out was the best thing Obama did. The worst was continuing our involvement in the Middle East shitstorm.
and the countless thousands he got killed for nothing

Not to mention the unknown thousands that have been killed by ISIS because the Kenyan Nightmare failed to actively pursue a status of forces agreement with Iraq that allowed the birth of ISIS. Admittedly, Obama is indirectly responsible, but shares some blame nonetheless.

I do agree with you on one point however. Obama should have never accepted the Nobel Peace prize. He got it for prematurely pulling the troops out of Iraq because like most Progressives, he "lives in the moment". He didn't, or one instant, consider the consequences of leaving Iraq in a defensive vacuum. Allowing the assorted Sunni terrorist groups to coalesce into one large organization. ISIS.

Anything other than endless war and occupation is "prematurely pulling the troops out of Iraq" to you rubes. Pulling out was the best thing Obama did. The worst was continuing our involvement in the Middle East shitstorm.

We can agree to disagree on that.

A peacekeeping force was needed and what the Generals wanted. They tried to tell Obama that a force needed to stay to help protect and stabilize a fledgling, freely elected government.

As usual, the Kenyan Nightmare thought he knew better, and as a result, he screwed the pooch six ways to sundown.

As for staying in the Middle East, the area is a tumultuous disaster. An armed force needs to be there to help the governments evolve into something that can work with the rest of the world. The region is much like a violent criminal that needs reformed, so that when they are released they can become contributing members of society.

And as criminals, they need law enforcement (armed forces) to bring them to bare, and parole officers (peacekeeping troops) to assist them in staying on the straight and arrow, give them guidance, and to be the proverbial stick in case they erred.

The the problems arose, in my view, when Obama had difficulty gaining help from much of the rest world when they quickly figured that he wanted to "lead from behind". They wanted America to, as the Ranger motto says, "Lead the Way". And as everyone knows, to lead a race, lead a choir, or lead a war, one has to be in front.

Both Bush's were good at it, Obama was a dismal failure, and it's yet to be seen if Trump will have any success.

Trump, in my opinion, is returning to yesteryear in this. He has stated that if we are going to go to war, fight the thing to win. He is listening to his Generals and giving them their head to fight it as they see fit while he himself is not trying to micromanage it with ridiculous rules of engagements.
Trump fan boys want you to believe everyone who questions Trump is a bad person somehow
How is that different than when non-Liberals question the Gay Agenda?

How is that different than when non-Liberals question Illegal Alien advocates?

How is that different than when non-Liberals question favoring minorities over White Straight Christian America?

You (Liberals), yourselves, have created these toxic conditions, whereby The Opposition is silenced through derision and sarcasm.

Now, reapest though the whirlwind thou hast sown...

How is that different than when non-Liberals question the Gay Agenda?

Gay Advocacy is attempting to force the idea that LGBT people are more equal than others.

How is that different than when non-Liberals question Illegal Alien advocates?

You nailed it! "Illegal Alien advocates"... The key word here is Illegal", meaning that said aliens are Breaking!... The!... Law!...

If we start supporting the breaking of laws, the "Rule Of Law" goes down the drain, leading up to total Anarchy. That would end in a true "Purge" movie series style America.

What's next? Drunk Driving Advocates? How about Bank Robbing Advocates?

How is that different than when non-Liberals question favoring minorities over White Straight Christian America?

Simple answer. There shouldn't be any "favoring" (your words) of one class of people over any other. Explain why minorities should have a higher status than anybody else

From your question i wonder if you favor racism, The creation of classes among the citizens as in India, and extra privileges for those you deem worthy.

You should actually judge people as individuals, not by race, creed, color, sex, nationality, or sexual preference. Besides, doing otherwise is against the law. If it wasn't, bakers would be able to deny service to anyone for any reason.

I must assume from your comment that you hate privately what your party holds sacrosanct publicly, which is equal right for all. Problem appears to be you believe some people are more equal than others. On second thought, your whole party feels that way, but that's a topic for another time.

Additionally, you put absolutely no thought into your comment, or the wording thereof. In so doing you came up with 3 inane questions that you hoped were "gotcha" questions that were nothing more than certifiable evidence that you're a hack and alt-Left fool.

Better luck next time.
Remember the judge who was judging the Trump U case? And how he wasn't fair because he was Mexican? Then Jim Comey was suspect because he was left over from Obama? Or Spicer because he didn't lie harder? Or now Mueller because....they'll find a reason.

But what in the world is the common denominator? Trump.

Why would it be great for any POTUS to have the power to commit crimes AND fire anyone who questions them?

I know why it'll be good in other nations who don't really care about Democracy and stuff but these Trump bots are doing it all for Trump...not America, democracy, rule of law or any if the things they used to say was important. Why is Trump the special one to make people abandon what America is?

Lets take a look a some of Trumps conservative accomplishments in the last 6 months.

1. Kept the bitch out of the White House
2. Great Supreme Court appointment
3. Killing regulations that stifle business
4. US beef being exported to China again helps reduce trade deficit
5. Straightening out the VA
6. Kicking the shit out of ISIS
7. Increasing US energy production
8. US coal going to China also helps reduce trade deficit
9. Going to export LPG to Europe hurts Russia/helps US
10. Illegal border crossings down around 70%
11. Immigration law being enforced again
12. Allowing the military to fight without micromanagement

What's not to like?

BTW Spicer left on his own, he wasn't forced out.

Remember the judge who was judging the Trump U case? And how he wasn't fair because he was Mexican? Then Jim Comey was suspect because he was left over from Obama? Or Spicer because he didn't lie harder? Or now Mueller because....they'll find a reason.

But what in the world is the common denominator? Trump.

Why would it be great for any POTUS to have the power to commit crimes AND fire anyone who questions them?

I know why it'll be good in other nations who don't really care about Democracy and stuff but these Trump bots are doing it all for Trump...not America, democracy, rule of law or any if the things they used to say was important. Why is Trump the special one to make people abandon what America is?
Kinda like questioning Obama made you a racist or doing the same to Hillary makes you misogynistic ?
Remember the judge who was judging the Trump U case? And how he wasn't fair because he was Mexican? Then Jim Comey was suspect because he was left over from Obama? Or Spicer because he didn't lie harder? Or now Mueller because....they'll find a reason.

But what in the world is the common denominator? Trump.

Why would it be great for any POTUS to have the power to commit crimes AND fire anyone who questions them?

I know why it'll be good in other nations who don't really care about Democracy and stuff but these Trump bots are doing it all for Trump...not America, democracy, rule of law or any if the things they used to say was important. Why is Trump the special one to make people abandon what America is?

Primarily because they have had a 20 year addiction to right wing talk show hosts. In 2015/2016 they turned off anyone and everyone that was talking any sense and only listened to those that were promoting Trump. Anyone that was negative on Trump it was either FAKE news or they were liberals, including well known news anchors on FOX NEWS.

EXAMPLE--I think the overwhelming majority of Trump supporters have been tuned into Sean Hannity. Last month FOX news was threatened with a law suit from the family of Seth Rich, a DNC staffer that Hannity fabricated a story over--stating he had wikileaks on his computer--(in an effort to support Trump's claim that Russia is just a "ruse" and to support his new found friend Wikileaks founder Julian Assange)--who he has been licking boots over.
Fox News staffers 'disgusted' at network's promotion of Seth Rich conspiracy theory

Julian Assange has been hole'd up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Bascially putting a target on every American soldier's back. Recently leaking 1000's of CIA documents informing terrorists on the tactics used to catch them. Recently, CIA chief Pompeo (Trump's pick) labeled Julian Assange a hostile enemy intelligence source of this nation-- that often works with Russia--but that didn't stop Sean Hannity.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

So this is the garbage they've been listening too.

Trump and his supporters love the guy.

Sara Palin even apologized to Assange--:badgrin:
Sarah Palin apologizes to Julian Assange, thanks him for ‘exposing the truth’

Here's what G.W Bush did.

This week, upon learning that Julian Assange had recently been invited to address the same summit, President Bush decided to cancel his appearance,” said Bush spokesman David Sherzer. “The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States.”
Former President G.W. Bush cancels speech over Assange invite – The Denver Post

So it's people who have insisted in living in a right wing media bubble--and have been able to watch the news they WANT to hear--in conspiracy central, aka right wing talk show hosts. Whom reguritate information and spoon feed it back to their audiences in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, stuffed full of have half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Here's a great article about this--long but very informative. 20 years of dumbing down Americans gave us Donald Trump.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

And another good article:
The GOP That Failed


They're all in full panic spin mode now., and they can come up with some of the craziest conspiracy stories right now. You can actually get a good laugh if you can stand listening to them for a few minutes. They were the ones that promoted, defended & sold Trump to their audiences. Trump goes down, so do they, and they know it.

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...From your question i wonder if you favor racism, The creation of classes among the citizens as in India, and extra privileges for those you deem worthy.
You can wonder all you like.

...You should actually judge people as individuals, not by race, creed, color, sex, nationality, or sexual preference. Besides, doing otherwise is against the law. If it wasn't, bakers would be able to deny service to anyone for any reason...
Golly-gosh gee-willickers... thanks, Mom.

...I must assume from your comment that you hate privately what your party holds sacrosanct publicly, which is equal right for all...
You can assume whatever you like, Princess, but that doesn't mean that you're right.

...Problem appears to be you believe some people are more equal than others...
Appears to be... assume... yadda, yadda, yadda... yap, yap, yap... blah, blah, blah... and all of it dead-wrong.

...On second thought, your whole party feels that way, but that's a topic for another time...
I have no party, and I doubt I'll be engaging very much with a presumptuous, pompous, obvious and clumsy provocateur such as yourself, over time.

...Additionally, you put absolutely no thought into your comment, or the wording thereof. In so doing you came up with 3 inane questions that you hoped were "gotcha" questions that were nothing more than certifiable evidence that you're a hack and alt-Left fool...
It's called a "drive-by comment" to make a salient point or counterpoint or two in the midst of a busy part of a day... folks hereabouts do that routinely.

...Better luck next time.
Au contraire...

I had great luck this time...

I uncovered a Pretend Intellectual whose mannerisms scream thinly-disguised Hyper-Liberal and clumsy advocate for Illegal Aliens and Fruit Loops.

Better luck next time, Junior...
Remember the judge who was judging the Trump U case? And how he wasn't fair because he was Mexican? Then Jim Comey was suspect because he was left over from Obama? Or Spicer because he didn't lie harder? Or now Mueller because....they'll find a reason.

But what in the world is the common denominator? Trump.

Why would it be great for any POTUS to have the power to commit crimes AND fire anyone who questions them?

I know why it'll be good in other nations who don't really care about Democracy and stuff but these Trump bots are doing it all for Trump...not America, democracy, rule of law or any if the things they used to say was important. Why is Trump the special one to make people abandon what America is?

The common denominator are shit-stain liberals abusing their power and doing everything they can to undermine the Trump Presidency.

Trump destroyed the Republican and Democrat establishments, they are in their death throes and are desperate to bring Trump down.
Remember how everyone that was opposed to Obama was a racist? Remember how everyone opposed to Hillary just hated women?
How many times did you say that people only voted for Obama because he is black?

They did.
And there it is

LOL okay so they film black people on video asking them why they voted for Obama and they said because he's black, sorry if you have difficulty with reality.
You say 70 million people voted for Obama for no other reason than that he's black, and are surprised to be called racist...

I am going to surprise you... People voted for Obama because the GOP had just destroyed the US Economy and took and still take no responsibility for it...

Obama then took the basket case of economy and shored it up with no help from the GOP...
Remember the judge who was judging the Trump U case? And how he wasn't fair because he was Mexican? Then Jim Comey was suspect because he was left over from Obama? Or Spicer because he didn't lie harder? Or now Mueller because....they'll find a reason.

But what in the world is the common denominator? Trump.

Why would it be great for any POTUS to have the power to commit crimes AND fire anyone who questions them?

I know why it'll be good in other nations who don't really care about Democracy and stuff but these Trump bots are doing it all for Trump...not America, democracy, rule of law or any if the things they used to say was important. Why is Trump the special one to make people abandon what America is?

Wrong: Pubbies consider lefties to be Americans with loony ideas. Lefties consider Pubbies to be evil at heart. Hence there is no appealing to lefties' good sense.

Remember the judge who was judging the Trump U case? And how he wasn't fair because he was Mexican? Then Jim Comey was suspect because he was left over from Obama? Or Spicer because he didn't lie harder? Or now Mueller because....they'll find a reason.

But what in the world is the common denominator? Trump.

Why would it be great for any POTUS to have the power to commit crimes AND fire anyone who questions them?

I know why it'll be good in other nations who don't really care about Democracy and stuff but these Trump bots are doing it all for Trump...not America, democracy, rule of law or any if the things they used to say was important. Why is Trump the special one to make people abandon what America is?
stop right there--you are so full of shit
not unfair---conflict of interests --which is used MANY times all over the US
Cases on Conflicts of Interest - Markkula Center for Applied Ethics

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